Kook. Chris Vick
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Название: Kook

Автор: Chris Vick

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Детская проза


isbn: 9780008158330


СКАЧАТЬ and faster. No need to turn now; I just pointed the board and shot like an arrow, true and fast into the heart of the wave as it jacked up. As it closed, it covered my head. I tried to dive into the wall, to come out the other side. But it ate me. It beat me sideways, churned me over. Walloped me. When I stood, I was in waist-deep water, dizzy and breathless as a kid who’s just got off a rollercoaster. I held the board steady and pointed it through two walls, each one pulling me backwards, then stepped forward, threw myself on to the board and paddled like crazy.

      I’d ridden a proper wave. Not a lump of white trash, not a two-foot wall, but a proper, over-your-head, make-your-knees-tremble, green, clean wave.

      I only had one thing on my mind. More. Now.

      Every five minutes or so, another set came in. Curving walls of turquoise crystal. How long would it last? Who knew? When you have a great sesh, you milk the fun out of it till your muscles turn to jelly. After I came off one, I raced out to get another, then sat outside, scanning the horizon, twitching like a landed fish, hungry – no, desperate – for the next one. I surfed long after the juice had been squeezed out of me. But when I really had nothing left, I still wasn’t done. I caned it till I was stumbling on each wave, falling and floundering every time I tried to get one more.

      It was late now, the sun was getting up. I wasn’t going to school that day. I’d missed that bus. And I’d have to make up some bullshit for Mum, like a flat tyre on my bike or something. I didn’t even worry about it. Detail. I’d sort it out later. I knew it was worth it. Because I’d never had it like this. In the weeks I’d been surfing, I’d never even seen it like this.

      One more, I thought, and kept thinking, after every wave. Just one more. Then, when I’d got it, one more again, over and over. There was no ‘last wave’, no ‘done’, no ‘over’. It went on and on and on, till I was so drained I could barely paddle.

      At the end, when I had to finally admit it was time to go, I sat as far out as I could and just waited for the killer wave to end on, even though I was so knackered I knew I’d struggle to even stand on the thing.

      When it came, it was way bigger and meaner than any wave that day. But I wasn’t going to let it go. I couldn’t tell which way it was breaking, so reckoned I’d go straight and see what happened, then turn. I paddled with all the energy I had left. The board rode up, lurched forward, fast. I was looking down a cliff of water. There was no shoulder, either side. There was only one thing going to happen – getting nailed. I didn’t even try to stand. I pushed the board away, put my arms over my head and went down.

      It battered me into the water like it was concrete, sending a shock through my body. It got a grip on me and then spun me over, wanting me to know what a sap I’d been for even trying to ride it. It didn’t let go till I’d been turned over and over so hard I didn’t know which way was up. I tried to swim up, but another one hit before I got near the surface. When I did make the surface, I got a good lungful of air, tried to reach out for the board, but as my fingers brushed against it, I got hit by another wave. This one held me down longer. When it let me go, the wave and the board stayed glued together like they were mates in this Sam-battering routine, dragging me backwards and under.

      I began to get scared. Fear rose up in me like sick. I tried counting, holding on. But I couldn’t make myself do it. I was too afraid. A small voice in my head was telling me I didn’t have enough juice left to cope. The waves were getting stronger and bigger, and I was getting weaker. By the second. And the sea was going at me like it was personal.

      I flailed about, swimming, not knowing if I was even going up.

      I hit the surface.

      “Please! Please!” I shouted. I didn’t know who to, and anyway, they weren’t listening. I got hit again, went deeper, again. I couldn’t seem to stay above the surface for more than a second or two. Half of me didn’t accept the sesh had gone from great to pear-shaped in a heartbeat. But the other half of me knew I was beginning to drown.

      Bang. Another wave. I hit the bottom. Got rolled along it.

      But then…

      I got to the surface. Pushing my feet downwards, they connected with sand. A whole set had washed me in. I was standing in waist-to-chest-deep water. I almost cried with relief.

      There was no way I was going back out so I waded in. Another one got me, knocked me over, but I gave in to it, grateful for every bit further it took me towards the beach.

      I had a hold of the board, and half body-boarded in, gripping it, and letting it drag me to the shore.

      Right up to two pairs of wetsuited legs.

      “Hello, Kook,” said Jade. “Shouldn’t you be at school?”

      I stood up, staggering and reeling. Just great, I thought. Total humiliation.

      Skip was with her. “All right, Sam?” he said. “We been over at Gwynsand. It was getting big, so we came here. My choice; Jade wanted to stay. Good job we did. You’re really keen to kill yourself, aren’t you?”

      “You saw me?” I said.

      “I did. Jade didn’t. She was way behind me.”


      Jade’s eyes were twinkling, and the side of her mouth was curling into a smile. She looked pleased, but also like she was trying not to laugh.

      “Aaaaw, Kook. You’re a surfer! Why didn’t you say? You could have come with. Loads of times. Might have been safer. Did you learn much today?”

      I nodded. The sea had taught me a lesson all right. “There’s only one teacher,” I said.

      “Go on, Skip,” said Jade. “I’ll catch you up.”

      Skip hesitated, looking at me and Jade oddly, almost suspiciously.

      “Go on!” said Jade. He shrugged, and headed into the water. Jade was frowning; she was curious.

      “How come you never said you were learning?” she said.

      “Oh. I wanted to get okay at it before I told you.”

      “I already knew. We all did. Never trust Rag with a secret. Skip saw you surf. He said you did okay out there.” She pointed at the waves. “How come you want to surf?”

      I looked at the sea, at the sand, anywhere but at her.

      “Let’s go,” I said, picking up my board. Jade put a hand on the rail, and pushed it down.

      “No way, Kelly Slater. You just got screwed. That’s a serious wave.”

      “The website said a couple of feet.”

      “The wave period’s super long. It increases the size and power… a lot.”

      “I’ve got a lot to learn.”

      “We’ll teach you.”


      “Sure. You’ll only kill yourself otherwise. This Saturday, when it’s small. Big G’s around too.”

      She СКАЧАТЬ