Friends and Rivals. Tilly Bagshawe
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Название: Friends and Rivals

Автор: Tilly Bagshawe

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Зарубежные любовные романы


isbn: 9780007341894


СКАЧАТЬ if she couldn’t let her hair down today, when could she? Jack would be so proud when he heard about her deal. Perhaps now he’d finally believe that she was capable of great things? She was determined to show him she was mature enough to make good decisions, and that all the time and effort and money he’d invested in her had been worth it. Only once he stopped seeing her as a problem, a burden, would he be able to see her as a woman. The woman. His woman.

      Coming to England had changed Kendall’s thinking about a lot of things. She’d agreed to move into Jack’s guesthouse because it meant being near him and seeing him every day, but she realized now that had been a mistake. She’d become too commonplace in Jack’s mind, too familiar, a part of the furniture. They needed some distance.

      Plus the trip itself had been far more enjoyable than Kendall had ever imagined. Her first gig, at the Apollo, had been a blast, and had received gratifyingly glowing reviews. Meanwhile, Ivan had put together a media tour that had her racing from rehearsals to TV studios to radio stations twenty-four seven, but he managed to make the gruelling days feel like fun. That was the thing with Ivan. With his sharp, caustic sense of humour, his flirting and his love of a good party – and of mischief-making in general, he was more like a naughty frat boy than a management company chaperone. Kendall loved Jack deeply and totally. But being with Ivan made her realize how dull her life in LA had become. Jack was still in mourning. He was depressed. It wasn’t until she got away that Kendall realized that his sadness was contagious.

      ‘Hey, kiddo! How’s it going over there? I hear you killed at the Apollo.’

      Kendall felt awash with happiness. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d heard such enthusiasm in Jack’s voice. Absence really had made his heart grow fonder.

      ‘Yeah, it was great,’ she gushed. ‘The Evening Shtandard said I sounded like Aretha Franklin.’

      Jack went silent. When he spoke again, all the warmth had drained from his voice. ‘Have you been drinking?’

      Kendall was about to deny it when a loud hiccup gave her away. She giggled. ‘Jusht a little bit. But I had a very good reason. You are talking to the new, frontline act for …’ She made a boom boom boom boom noise like a drum roll: ‘Fascination Records!’

      She waited for Jack to respond. He didn’t. Holding the handset away from her ear, Kendall looked at the swirling keypad curiously. Had she accidentally pressed mute?

      ‘Are you there?’ she said eventually. ‘I think I losht him,’ she called to Ivan.

      ‘I’m here.’ Jack’s voice was icy cold now. It began to dawn on Kendall that all was not well. ‘I sincerely hope you’re joking.’

      ‘Why would I joke about a thing like that?’ Kendall asked, defensively. ‘I thought you’d be pleased. Aren’t you going to ask me how much it’s for?’

      ‘No,’ said Jack. ‘Because whatever damn fool agreement you’ve made, you’re gonna unmake. You are under contract with Matador.’

      ‘Not any more I’m not.’ Kendall felt her anger rising. ‘Polydor are buying me out.’ Why could Jack never, ever give her the benefit of the doubt? He was against this deal before he even knew what it was.

      ‘I assume Ivan’s behind this. Is he with you?’

      ‘Ivan was kind enough to set up the meeting. But it was my—’

      ‘Is he with you?’ Jack interrupted tersely.

      ‘Yesh. We’re at the flat,’ said Kendall.

      ‘Put him on.’

      Ivan, who’d been hovering in the kitchen doorway listening to the conversation, smiled encouragingly at Kendall. ‘He’ll calm down,’ he reassured her in a stage whisper, before taking the handset. ‘Jack. It’s Ivan. How are you, mate? Your protégée here told you the good news? As of today, she’s officially Jester’s highest-paid client.’

      Jack exploded. ‘What the fuck are you playing at?’

      ‘I’m not playing at anything,’ Ivan said smoothly. ‘I’m doing my job. Getting the best deal possible for Jester’s clients.’

      ‘Kendall’s my client!’ Jack roared. ‘I sent her to you for a few weeks to do a handful of concerts. And you go and blow up her record deal?’

      ‘Don’t be so melodramatic,’ breezed Ivan. ‘Nothing’s been “blown up”. Matador are getting their money. Kendall’s moving on to bigger and better things, that’s all. It happens all the time. Besides, you were the one who wanted her to raise her profile over here.’

      ‘I didn’t want her to move to a British fucking label!’

      ‘Why not? They’ve got The Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus.’

      ‘Yeah, as side deals! Not as their primary label.’

      ‘Which is exactly why they wanted Kendall. She’ll be the first big US act they’ve signed exclusively, and they’ve paid handsomely for the privilege. It’s a forty-million-dollar deal, Jack. If you’d pull your head out of your arse for five minutes, you’d realize this is a good thing.’

      Ivan rolled his eyes at Kendall, who was looking increasingly tense and miserable on the couch. Whatever happened, he must not let Jack talk her out of this. This morning’s paperwork would take weeks or even months to finalize. If Kendall wasn’t committed, the whole thing would unravel, and any hopes Ivan had of making the move across to the pop market would be dead in the water.

      ‘You know, if you really cared about Kendall, you’d be happy for her,’ he said slyly. ‘Forgive me for saying so, but you seem mightily concerned about your own, personal interests here.’

      Jack started yelling so loudly that Ivan had to hold the phone away from his ear. As a result, Kendall heard everything.

      ‘Kendall’s a child,’ he roared. ‘She’s spoiled and short-sighted and completely emotionally immature.’

      Kendall blushed scarlet. Was that really what Jack thought of her?

      ‘She has no idea of the kind of risk she’s taking, walking away from a US record deal at such an early point in her career. She’s an addict, Ivan. She’s unstable and needy and she’s simply not ready for the kind of pressured environment you’re throwing her into.’

      Ivan responded, fixing his eyes on Kendall as he spoke.

      ‘I disagree. I’ve found the young lady to be smart, savvy and very much in control of her own career decisions. I made the introduction at Fascination. But it was Kendall herself who’s been driving this thing.’

      ‘Bullshit,’ said Jack, again loudly enough for Kendall to hear. ‘Kendall’s no more capable of driving a deal than she is of staying off the booze. I should know. I’ve been wiping the girl’s nose for the last two years. She’s a walking disaster.’

      Suddenly sober, Kendall got up and snatched the phone back from Ivan.

      ‘You listen to me, you smug asshole. You’re not my father, and you’re not my boss. You’re my manager. Which means that you work for me. I’m not going to be held СКАЧАТЬ