Not a Fairy Tale. Romy Sommer
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Название: Not a Fairy Tale

Автор: Romy Sommer

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Сказки


isbn: 9780007594641


СКАЧАТЬ further?”

      “How about I let you know?” He loaded fresh strawberries, yogurt, and a generous handful of granola into the blender and switched it on, its roar drowning out any chance of further conversation. Finally taking the hint, Jules closed her magazine and hopped down from her stool. “I’ll see you on the flip side.”

      The kitchen door had barely closed behind her when Nina emerged from the guest bedroom. Not a coincidence, he was sure.

      The sweatpants were gone, replaced by tailored trousers and a white frilly blouse that dipped dangerously low between her breasts. He swallowed and forced his gaze higher. She’d done her hair and make-up too. She was back to being Nina the Movie Star again, not the vulnerable woman he’d walked on the beach in the dark with last night.

      She slung her bag over her shoulder. “Thank you for helping me out last night. I really appreciate it.”

      At least she hadn’t forgotten to thank him.

      She shifted awkwardly, as if there was something more she wanted to say, and cleared her throat. “About what I asked you last night…I don’t want you to feel pressurized. You can say no.”

      Had she overheard his conversation with Jules? He was man enough that he didn’t want a beautiful woman to see him as weak or feel pity for him. He kept his expression neutral and nodded.

      “But will you consider it? If you change your mind, here’s my private number.” She held out a piece of paper with a phone number scrawled on it and he took it silently.

      “Goodbye then,” she said and headed for the door.

      “Meet me at 25 Degrees at 12 tomorrow.”

      She paused mid-stride.

      “It’s a day later than we intended, but it’s as good a place to start as any. No promises yet. I need to see what you’re capable of before I agree to anything,” he said.

      The smile she threw him was almost enough to knock him off his feet. A man could definitely get used to being looked at like that.

      “And wear comfortable clothes; clothes you don’t mind getting dirty in.”

      Then she was gone, leaving nothing but the soft scent of her perfume in the air.

       Chapter Four

      Dom choked on his draft beer as he caught sight of Nina at last. She couldn’t have shouted ‘celebrity who doesn’t want to be recognized’ any louder. The oversized designer sunglasses and headscarf were enough to make anyone look twice, especially here in Tinseltown.

      She hovered in the door of the restaurant, nervously scanning the room before she spotted him in one of the back booths and made a beeline for him.

      She slid into the seat across from him, her back to the rest of the restaurant, and undid the headscarf. Her long, sleek dark hair tumbled loose.

      “Hi.” The coquettish smile she sent him was enough to make up for the 15 minutes she’d kept him waiting.

      The waitress who brought their menus was clearly well trained. She pretended not to recognize Nina.

      “I’ll have the Number One burger with extra fries,” he said, handing her back the menu.

      Nina’s face took on a pinched look for a moment, then she placed her order. “I’ll have a Pellegrino and the chopped vegetable salad.”

      The waitress met Dom’s eye. He grinned. He agreed. He’d had such high hopes Nina wasn’t going to be just like every other image-obsessed actress. She’d even passed the cream test.

      This was a test his sisters had devised years ago. They deliberately offered a woman a beverage she usually didn’t drink – in a town like LA where every woman was on a diet, cream and sugar were the obvious choices. If the woman caused a fuss, she was written off as high-maintenance. If she accepted the cup and was polite enough to sip, his sisters considered her a keeper.

      It was a good test. He’d even used it a few times himself. No one even semi-famous had passed the test before Nina.

      “Those aren’t exactly the kind of comfortable clothes I had in mind,” he commented, eyeing the pretty blouse and short skirt she wore.

      She shrugged. “What if someone sees me here and takes pictures? Wendy has my bag in the car with a change of clothes.”

      “You’ve left your PA waiting outside?” he asked.

      “Of course not! She’s running an errand for me and she’ll be back soon.”

      Their food arrived quickly. As he dug into the burger, Nina averted her gaze, but she couldn’t disguise the hungry look she cast his fries.

      “Go on,” he said with a quick grin. “You know you want to. Besides, you’re going to need to start bulking up. I’m going to make you work off those calories very quickly.”

      Her grin as she leaned forward to steal a single fry off his plate was less movie star and more the Nina he remembered. And her satisfied sigh as she savored the fry was the most sensual thing he’d seen in years.

      “Aren’t you…?”

      Nina smiled and nodded at the two young women who approached their table.

      “Could we have our picture taken with you?” the bolder of the women asked.

      Dom took the phone handed to him and snapped a few pictures of them posing with Nina, attempting to look as cozy as best friends. By the time the women finally removed themselves, his burger was cold. And Nina had stopped casting lustful glances at his fries. She turned back to him with a half smile. “And that is why I don’t leave home in sweatpants. So when do we start my training?”

      “As soon as we’ve eaten and I’m sure you’re not going to pass out from lack of sustenance I’m going to put you through some paces to test your fitness and agility.”

      “I have a personal trainer and I work out every day in the gym at my complex. And I used to be a cheerleader in school.” Her smile oozed confidence, but she sounded defensive.

      “Sweetheart, that has to have been at least ten years ago. No offence, but I need to know what I’m working with now. And just because you push weights with some gym bunny in an expensive health club does not make you fit.”

      He scanned her body, or at least what was visible above the tabletop. She was in good shape and clearly worked out, but she didn’t have the build of an athlete. For what he’d require from her, she needed core body strength, not legs that would look good blown up on a movie theatre screen.

      “I won’t be as easy on you as your trainer,” Dom warned. “I’ll expect a hundred per cent commitment from you. I’m going to make you work and I don’t want to hear any complaints.”

      She smiled, full of genuine confidence now. “I won’t complain.”

      Several СКАЧАТЬ