Little Wolf’s Book of Badness. Ian Whybrow
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Название: Little Wolf’s Book of Badness

Автор: Ian Whybrow

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Природа и животные


isbn: 9780007458554


СКАЧАТЬ I said, “Stop, I am an animal!” She said, “What sort?”, so I told her and she ran off screaming, har har.

      Her shopping was quite tasty except for some white powdery stuff in a box. It made your tongue go bubbly…

      Yours spittily,

      Somewhere rocky

      near the road north of

      Crowfeet Crossroads

      Day 5

      I was glad to leave Roaring River. Feel a bit better after a good gargle in a stream, and all the nasty froth spat out at last.

      Got to Crowfeet Crossroads by noon. Nice houses here, but not as nice as our smelly cave. Did not see any people, only a post box to post this.

      I had a think today. Do you know what? Everybody else thinks I am bad, even if you think I am a Goodie-4-Paws. Remember when Mum was asleep that time and I nipped off her whiskers with the claw clippers? And what about when I glued Smellybreff’s tail to his high chair? So whyo Y do I have to make this stupid long journey?

      Just now I thought I heard Yeller calling me. It was only a train howling in the valley. I am going now up the steep and wiggly path through the Murky Mountains. It looks VERY dangerous. Hope you are satisfied.

      Farewell from

      Borderlands Market


      Day 6

      I had some big shocks today.

      You did not say about how cold it gets up in the mountains. You have to climb up and up above Crowfeet Crossroads. Sometimes you are up so high that nothing grows, not even trees. And the ice makes your feet slip. Two times I nearly skidded right over the edge of the path. It was terrible. When I peeped over, the houses down below looked small as sparrow nests.

      Then I got lost. I followed one thin path. It just went round and round and came back where I started. So I wrote TRICK PATH in big letters on a rock for the next traveller. And off I went fedduply.

      Just before dark I found the edge of Murkshire. I felt sleepy and wanted to lie down. My breath was in white clouds. Then I saw a deep dark tunnel going into a mountain wall and a sign above the entrance. It said:

      My fur started jumping up all along my back. But I did not want to stay in the open and freeze. So big breath and in I went, running, running. I shouted, “Can’t scare me. Yellow eyes are friends with the dark!” Then guess what! My words shouted back – only louder and growlier! I ran and ran with my puff hot in my throat. I had just enough puff to get to the end. It was the best feeling ever to be in the open, looking at the moon shining down. It was shining on the village of Borderlands Market.

      And that was how I got here. Just.

      Can’t keep awake. More tomorrow.

      Still Borderlands Market


      Day 7

      Guess who woke me up this morning? I will give you a clue. He has got sharp eyes, a pointy face, red bristly fur and a smell like pepper.

      I was all curled up under a small cart near a street light in the market square – zzzz – fast asleep. All of a suddenly, I felt hot breath in my ear and this voice saying, “My boy!”

      I jumped up and banged my head. I tried to run but strong paws held me down and then I yelled, “Oo-er, a fox!”

      The fox said, “Mister Twister is my name. You are camping under my stall.” I said, “Whoops, sorry, Mister Twister.” he said, “Do not worry yourself, my boy. There will be no charge. For now. But then, something tells me that you are a keen young chappie who is eager to assist me with my work today.”

      I did not know how to say no to him. More later.

      Yours stuckly,

      Borderlands Market

      Day 8 – Morning

      Yesterday I did work in the market for Mister Twister. He sells dizgizzes (cannot spell it). My job was putting on false beards, masks, sheep’s clothing, etc. and walking up and down saying, “Hey, guess what I am?” It was quite good fun dressing up, and loads of people stopped to buy things.

      A small mouse came up to me and he said, “I am lonely. Can you sell me something to help me make friends?” I said, “Yes, I can. Here are some tieon wings. Wear these and stand on your head. Then loads of bats will come and play with you.” And guess what? He bought 2 pairs!

      And my best thing was finding something for a stoat to wear to a fancy dress ball. I sold him half a coconut and told him to shave all his fur off. Then he could go as a tortoise! He was so pleased he said I could keep the change.

      I like being a market worker.

      Yours richly,

      Day 8 – Afternoon

      Mister Twister said I was a good worker and would I stay? I wanted to but I СКАЧАТЬ