Courting Suspicion. Kimberly Dean
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Название: Courting Suspicion

Автор: Kimberly Dean

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9780008181055


СКАЧАТЬ of a bang as video of the couple in flagrante delicto?

      Her brow furrowed. Or was it because they hadn’t wanted to be traced or double-checked? Real reporters sought out multiple sources – or they used to when journalism was respectable.

      ‘We need to make a list of anybody who might have made that call.’ Morgan had been right about that.

      Rielle picked up her pen. She had her trusty memo pad at the ready. ‘Like who?’

      ‘Disgruntled clients, for one.’

      Sienna stopped in the middle of splitting orange slices. ‘We have those?’

      ‘Well … Widow Hawkins wasn’t happy when Dane left for his new job,’ Nina said.

      Sienna frowned. ‘I thought she liked Casey.’

      Rielle twiddled her pen. ‘He’s nice, but he’s no Dane.’

      Nina sighed right along with the other girls. No, Dane was in a class all his own. She’d hated losing him, but she’d do anything she could to help him in his new career – although why anyone with morals and decency would want to go into politics was beyond her.

      ‘That’s a good point, though,’ she said. ‘Contact Dane. Have him put an ear to the ground to see if anyone has a grudge against Senator Gunderson.’

      ‘The silver fox?’ Sienna lifted an eyebrow. ‘Say it isn’t so.’

      Rielle was still tapping her pen. ‘Not all our clients know about our exclusive contracts. That narrows down the list, doesn’t it?’

      ‘As long as everyone has toed the line and not spoken to others.’ Nina glanced at the television where a talking head was still silenced. That was her Achilles heel, the people aspect of confidentiality. Some people just couldn’t keep their mouths shut.

      ‘We’ve had a few clients who’ve requested special services that we’ve turned down,’ she said, thinking aloud. They’d been shots in the dark, really, by patrons who’d become infatuated with the escorts who’d spent time with them. She’d evaluated the requests and the individuals involved. When an escort didn’t express similar interest, she typically let the request go with a mild rebuke to the client. There had been a handful that she’d rejected outright without even asking.

      She ran a tight ship. There was more to be concerned about than money. She only put together exclusive contracts when all parties were onboard and she’d concluded the partnership would be safe and mutually satisfying.

      ‘Has anyone requested Genieve’s time and been turned down?’ Sienna asked.

      Rielle nodded. The woman had a memory like a computer chip. ‘She’s in high demand – even as just an escort.’

      And why not? Genieve was beautiful, smart and good-natured.

      Nina’s grip tightened on her mug when she thought about Josh catching the sultry redhead in the act. Had he watched the video?

      How had he reacted? Had he been aroused?

      ‘Put them on the list,’ she said tightly. ‘We’ll pare it down later.’

      Really, anyone with knowledge of Luxxor’s extracurricular activities should be on that list.

      Nina lifted her head slowly. That would include the two women sitting across from her.

      ‘Wait. What about both of you?’ she asked. Her office staff weren’t required to act as escorts. She’d never demand that of anyone, yet both of the women closest to her had met their significant others through Luxxor’s special pairings. ‘Have you put your own contracts under lock and key?’

      ‘I destroyed mine with Jason a while ago,’ Sienna said. A blush settled onto her fair skin. ‘We made a special night of it.’

      Nina could only imagine. That contract had been a major factor in the couple’s romance – both good and bad. Jason Sloan would be just as happy to destroy her as he would that piece of paper. She paused momentarily, but let the thought go. Sloan would never do that with Sienna working here. Besides, an anonymous phone call wasn’t his style.

      Sienna looked just as worried, but for a different reason. ‘Luxxor’s copy was destroyed, too, right?’

      Nina nodded. ‘There’s no evidence of it left.’

      Evidence. An image of Morgan popped back into her head. Sitting next to her, his shoulders a mile wide … leaning in until she could feel his heat … his hair mussed and his gaze too knowing …

      She turned away. ‘Rielle?’

      ‘Mine’s gone, too.’

      Sienna dropped an orange peel. ‘Erin framed hers and hung it on a wall in her house.’

      Nina’s head whipped around. ‘She did what?’

      ‘She thought it was a sign of her and Colton’s love.’ Sienna waved her hand. ‘Don’t worry. Colton talked her into getting rid of it.’

      ‘How?’ Nina demanded. Her nerves were too frayed to deal with something like this. Erin was sweet, but she’d thought Sienna’s best friend was smarter than that.

      Unless she’d been using it as leverage …

      ‘Did he get her a ring?’

      Sienna smiled. ‘A puppy. Joint ownership.’

      ‘Aww,’ Rielle said.

      ‘I think it will be a while before she goes down the marriage trail again.’

      Nina didn’t care what road they went down, as long as the paperwork that had initiated the woman’s relationship with the lawyer was handled. Nina could only imagine Colton King, the big DC lawyer, wanting that document gone as much as she did.

      Rielle perked up. ‘Maybe that’s the answer.’

      ‘What’s the answer?’ Sienna asked.

      ‘Nina should sign Detective Morgan to an exclusive contract with her. Then he couldn’t talk.’

      Nina’s jaw dropped, and an unladylike gasp escaped her.

      Sienna winced.

      ‘It was a joke.’ Rielle sat back in her chair. Her confidence really had risen since she’d been dating Darien. ‘But it’s not a bad idea. Think about it. He’s interested.’

      Nina felt her employees both staring at her, but the words just wouldn’t come.

      Her and the detective? In an exclusive contract?

      Her belly squeezed, and she pointed the toe of her stiletto hard. She was a madam. She took good care of her escorts, but she’d never gotten into the game herself. She’d never wanted to.

      But hadn’t she been dreaming about that very thing?

      ‘Oh, СКАЧАТЬ