Courting Innocence. Kimberly Dean
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Название: Courting Innocence

Автор: Kimberly Dean

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9780008148768


СКАЧАТЬ away before her best friend put the kibosh on what she was doing.

      Because Sienna would find out. Erin had no misconceptions about that.

      She scowled. She knew exactly how her friend would react. She’d say it was ‘too soon’ or that she was ‘on the rebound’. And the capper, ‘Why not let one of our friends set you up?’

      Why? Because she was tired of others taking care of her. She needed to take charge. Break the chains. Fly, be free.

      Yeah, all those things.

      She stopped in front of the office number she’d been given. Luxxor Limited was spelled out in gilded letters on a heavy oak door. She rubbed her lips together. This was it. She could turn away now or move on with her life.

       Fight or flight.

      She entered without hesitation. She wanted to be a fighter.

      The office was plush and sophisticated, decorated in burgundies and greys. It gave off a professional yet comfortable vibe. This wasn’t some sleazy set-up. Sienna wouldn’t work here if it was. So why was her friend so hush-hush about the place?

      ‘Hello, are you Erin?’ the woman behind the desk asked.

      Her friendliness took away any lingering doubts Erin might have had. ‘Yes, are you Rielle?’

      ‘I am.’ The pretty woman stood and rounded her desk to shake Erin’s hand. ‘You’re Sienna’s friend.’

      ‘And roommate. Well, until Jason convinces her to move in with him.’

      Rielle laughed. ‘We both know he won’t give up on that.’

      No, the man was like a bulldozer when he wanted something. ‘I just hope I’m not the one holding her back.’

      ‘Sienna makes her own decisions. It’s what makes those two so fun to watch.’

      ‘Yes, it is.’ Erin grinned. She liked this woman.

      ‘Can I get you anything? Something to drink? A snack? We have fresh fruit and power bars.’

      ‘I’m fine,’ Erin said, although she’d picked over her lunch. Too many thoughts had been bouncing around inside her head. How would Luxxor treat her? Would they understand what she wanted? How personal would the questions be? What kind of man would they set her up with?

      And what would he expect out of her?

      ‘Nina is looking forward to talking with you.’ Rielle picked up her phone. ‘I’ll let her know you’re here.’

      Erin took a seat. She was the only person in the waiting area, which she was thankful for. Discretion was important to her, too. If her family found out about her plans, they’d nip them in the bud before she’d even be able to try. They were so protective, it could be suffocating, and her broken engagement had made it even worse.

      But she wasn’t going to think about that today.

      Instead, she picked up the latest issue of Elle Décor and flipped through the pages. It wasn’t more than a minute before a graceful woman appeared from the suite of offices behind Rielle’s desk. She wore a colour-blocked top with a black pencil skirt and sky-high heels.

      ‘Hello, Erin. I’m Nina Lockwood.’ She held out her hand and took Erin’s in a firm grip. ‘Welcome to Luxxor.’

      ‘Thank you for having me.’ The company CEO was flawless, with ash-blonde hair that fell model-perfect. Yet it was the glint in her eyes that made Erin take notice. This was one smart cookie. She exuded self-confidence, but, even more than that, power.

      ‘Please, follow me to my office so we can talk.’

      Erin couldn’t help but copy the set of the woman’s chin and the way she walked as she followed in her wake. She’d grown up being taught manners and proper behaviour, but the way Nina held herself had nothing to do with seeking approval. She demanded respect.

      She also had good taste.

      Her office was impeccable. The blues and greys were sharp but soothing. And somehow personal. Erin started for the chair in front of the massive oak desk, but Nina directed her to the sofa and chair in a seating area off to the side.

      ‘Let’s be comfortable.’

      Erin relaxed into a cushy easy chair and crossed her legs. She’d dressed for the appointment in a simple cap-sleeved J. Crew dress. It felt appropriate for the professional and classy atmosphere of the office, yet she was sure she’d seen the older woman in a very different environment. ‘You’re the one who was with Sienna at the hockey game.’

      Nina nodded, but rolled her eyes. ‘I am. What a mess.’

      That was putting it lightly. Sienna’s old boyfriend had made a scene outside the owner’s box seats at a Capitals game, and Jason had introduced the man to his fist. Unfortunately, the whole thing had been caught on nearly a dozen television news cameras.

      ‘There’s still a detective poking around into that, trying to decide if charges are warranted.’ Nina touched the pulse on her throat. ‘Has he talked with you yet?’

      ‘No. I wasn’t there.’

      Nina dropped her hand and smoothed a throw pillow. ‘But you were there for Sienna when I took her home. I want to thank you for that. She needed someone to be with her.’

      ‘You got her out of there.’

      Nina smiled. ‘Well, then we both did our jobs as her friends.’

      Erin smiled. She liked Nina, too. A lot. She could see why Sienna wanted to work here.

      ‘Now, let’s talk about you,’ Nina said. ‘I have to admit, I was surprised when you called for an appointment. Did Sienna recommend you?’

      Erin gave a sheepish smile. ‘I found her business card, and Jason told me that Luxxor is a matchmaking company. I took things from there.’

      ‘Yes, matchmaking…’ Nina crossed her long legs. ‘About that…We offer a specific kind of service, and we cater to very high-end clientele.’

      ‘I understand.’ And Erin truly did. In DC, it didn’t always matter how much money you had – although it took a lot to even get you into the game. Almost more cachet came from connections and how far back they could be traced. If qualifications were needed, she had them. ‘My father is a well-known lobbyist, and my mother is very visible on the DC social scene. I grew up here.’

      ‘Foster…’ Nina’s brow furrowed. ‘Your father is Harmon Foster?’

      ‘And my mother is Marilyn, most notably from the Daughters of the American Colonists.’

      ‘They are movers and shakers.’

      Erin nodded. ‘So I’m told.’

      ‘You’re not into politics?’

      ‘Can’t СКАЧАТЬ