An American Girl in Italy: HarperImpulse Contemporary Romance. Aubrie Dionne
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СКАЧАТЬ glanced around nervously, as if she’d rather sit anywhere but there. Michelangelo adjusted his collar, feeling slightly offended. He’d offered to help her with her bags twice and lifted her colossal boulder of luggage to the shelf, and this is how she treated him! Usually women enjoyed his company.

      He stated the obvious, trying not to sound annoyed. ‘It is the only seat left.’

      ‘Oh, right.’ Carly slipped into the window seat and adjusted her flowery skirt.

      Resisting the urge to glance over the way the light fabric fell around her legs, he took the seat next to her. The bus merged with traffic and turned onto Roma Fiumicino, the main highway that led into Rome. Sunswept green fields spread before them.

      Remembering he was supposed to be describing the landmarks, Michelangelo brought out a crumpled note from his pocket. Holding it in the palm of his hand, where no one would see, he turned on the intercom. ‘I’d like to welcome all the members of the Easthampton Civic Symphony. Per Ms. Maxhammer’s request, I’ll be announcing important landmarks along the way.’

      He checked the note. ‘To your left is Lago Traiano, an artificial lake built by Imperatore Traiano in 98—117 B.C. and used as a port in the time of Imperial Rome.’

      Turning off the intercom, Michelangelo glanced longingly at the circle of pines. He’d taken the guided tour on a horse-drawn carriage with his father as a young boy. If only he was still here, he’d think of a way to save the vineyard.

      He turned his attention back to Carly. Scrolling down a list of e-mails on her cell, she didn’t even look up to see the lake, which sent a dagger of pain through his gut. Stupid American, can’t even appreciate the Italian countryside. Would she stay on that thing the whole time and miss all the views?

      Michelangelo sat beside her once again and tried an attempt at conversation.

      ‘Is this your first time in Italy?’

      Carly nodded as she checked off the boxes beside the e-mails and deleted a bunch. ‘First and last.’

      Wow, he’d not heard that before. No visitor he’d ever met didn’t want to come back. What was with her? Want stirred in his gut as he looked her up and down.

      ‘Is that so? I’ll have to change that.’ The words slipped out of his mouth as more of a challenge than a remark. Did he just hit on her? What was getting into him?

      Carly dropped her phone and glanced at him with a mix of surprise and dismay, and maybe—if he didn’t imagine it—a hint of desire. She shifted a little further away, pressing her side against the window. ‘Excuse me?’

      Michelangelo’s friends said he was smoother than gelato. He could work his way out of this. He shrugged. ‘Everyone falls in love with Italy. Once you’re here, you’ll always remember it.’

      ‘Besides music, I haven’t fallen in love with anything in my entire life.’ Carly twirled a strand of silky hair behind her ear. ‘Good luck.’

      Michelangelo took that as a challenge. Whether to make her fall in love with Italy, or with him, he wasn’t sure.

      Chapter Two

       Diva’s Choice

      Carly hoped Michelangelo couldn’t see her heart beating like a metronome on vivace. She read the next e-mail, trying to focus and ignore how the hottie tour guide may have just hit on her.

      Honestly, she must have read him completely wrongly, because they’d had about the worst introduction she could think of, and she’d watched a whole ton of romantic comedies in her day with Melody; While You Were Sleeping, Groundhog Day, Pretty Woman, How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days. She could go on and on—they’d even come up with their own top-fifty list.

      Wait a sec. Didn’t they all have rough starts?

      Michelangelo leaned over and his eyes glanced down as if reading over her shoulder.

      Sighing, she shut the screen off. She’d have to wait until they reached the hotel if she wanted any form of privacy.

      ‘How long is this trip?’ Her tone came out more annoyed than she would have liked. All the unread e-mails, the conversation with Dino, and her embarrassing introduction to Michelangelo had raised her anxiety to momentous levels. Thank the hotel gods for mini bars.

      ‘It will take us about thirty minutes to reach the center of Rome, where the Villa Borghese is located.’

       Great. Thirty minutes of spine-cringing awkwardness.

      She turned to the window. Lush hills spread before her in blankets of emerald, accented by pointed, dark shrubs and patches of red and white wildflowers. An old farmhouse made with bleached stucco and red-orange tiled roofs claimed the side of a hill. Italy really was gorgeous.

      Her phone vibrated with another new message.

      Too bad she couldn’t appreciate it.

      Michelangelo gestured to her phone. ‘You’re a wanted woman.’

      ‘Right now I am. Give it two weeks, and we’ll see if they still call.’ Carly tucked her cell in the front pocket of her purse, wishing she could control her mouth. Why was she spouting her problems to this man?

      Michelangelo pouted his thick, velvety lips, a look which came across as sultry and alluring. ‘You’ve got some fickle friends.’

      She forced herself to stop staring at his lips and focused on his two-tone, blue-amber eyes. ‘It’s the nature of the bizz I’m afraid.’

      ‘Sounds as risky as owning a vineyard.’

      Oh yeah, right. Wandering through the vineyard and taste-testing great wines. Like he could really compare all the competition, the hours spent practicing, the expensive instruments, and the twenty-four-seven gig schedule? She crossed her arms and turned toward him. ‘What do you mean?’

      ‘The crop yield all depends on weather, pests, and the quality of the vines. One late frost, swarm of aphids, or disease can mean thousands lost. And that’s just the beginning. Even if you have a good yield, you have to protect against bacteria, make sure the tanks are all sanitized, and check the bottling line systems and drainage systems. There’s always something that needs fixing or replacing.’ For a moment he looked older than his years—which couldn’t be any more than hers.

      Carly tried to lighten the mood. ‘No wandering through the vines drinking Chardonnay?’

      Michelangelo laughed and looked at her as if he wished there was, just so they could do it together. ‘More like being knee-deep in grape must or crawling into the tanks to sanitize them.’

      Carly batted her eyelashes. ‘How romantic.’

      ‘You’re telling me.’ Michelangelo grinned.
