dancergirl. Carol Tanzman M.
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Название: dancergirl

Автор: Carol Tanzman M.

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9781408957332


СКАЧАТЬ Diggity. Time: 1:08.

       My finger has a will of its own. It hits Play. Wearing only a tank top and a pair of old Hello Kittypanties, I dance around the bedroom as if I haven’t got a care in the world. After the initial brain freeze, I realize the footage was shot two nights ago. That’s when I started the solo. I’d taken off my jeans, but hadn’t bothered to put on tights.

       The only other thing I know for sure is that it’s been edited. Most of the footage is from the end after I went crazy, but the beginning section came from when I first started choreographing.

       My face burns hot as a chili pepper. I tap a key and the video cuts off midleap. How the hell did that get taped?

       I glance around the room. Besides the bed on the far wall and my desk, there’s not much cluttering up the space. The chair I’m sitting in, the bookcase in the corner. There’s no camera on any of the shelves. I check the closet. Nothing but clothes.

       That’s when I feel it. Back of the neck prickle. Goose bumps across the skin.

       I whirl. A bloodcurdling scream fills the air.

       Sitting on the fire escape, on the other side of the windowpane, is a tiny camera. The lens points straight at me!

       For a moment, time stops. There’s nobody on the fire escape. Just the camera. It stares at me, I stare at it. Then several things happen at once.

       The camera jerks upward. My cell rings but I ignore it. Rushing to the window, I lift the sash and stick my head out. The Minicam is attached to a snakelike cable. I watch in disbelief as the camera rises and then disappears over the building’s cornice.

       Nobody’s on the roof, at least no one that I can see.

       I remember the phone. The call I missed was from Jacy.

       I hit his number and he answers on the first ring. “You okay? I thought I heard you yell.”

       I eyeball the floor as if I could see directly into his bedroom. “You can’t believe what just happened!”

       “Be up in two minutes.”

       With a click, he’s gone.

       The doorbell’s chime makes me jump even though I expect it. Jacy goes directly to the living room, turning on every light that he passes. The burst of electricity comforts but immediately the vibe turns awkward. Neither of us knows how to begin after not talking all these weeks. But with a quick flick of the WiHi handshake, the moment passes.

       “Did the video make you scream?” he asks.

       “Who sent you the link?”

       He looks uncomfortable. “No one. I was checking to see how many views the others were up to. I don’t see why you’re so freaked. If you let Charlie shoot it, what did you expect?”

       “I didn’t—”

       “You didn’t think he’d put it out on the internet?” Jacy interrupts.

       “I didn’t let him shoot this one.” Miserable, I fold onto the couch and tell him what’s been going on.

       “Let me get this straight. Charlie wanted to shoot more stuff, you said no, so he goes up to the roof Wednesday night, drops a camera and shoots through your window. Takes a day and half to edit and then, after he uploads the finished piece, decides to do it again tonight.” Jacy shakes his head. “What an asshole.”

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