Courting Danger. Kimberly Dean
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Название: Courting Danger

Автор: Kimberly Dean

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9780008148805


СКАЧАТЬ followed her out of the car and offered his arm. She took it and fell in step with his long strides. She noticed the change in him immediately. Outside the car, that coiled energy about him came back to life. He stood taller, and his head swivelled as he took in his surroundings. Secret Service agents looked sharp in their tuxedos as they held their posts. Paparazzi stood in a designated area with their long-range lenses. The whir of cameras was constant, along with the occasional flash, and his steps quickened.

      It was dusk now, with the sun rapidly setting. The spotlights on the White House had been lit, and the sandstone practically glowed.

      It made Rielle gape. The illusion made her visit seem even more magical.

      The political paparazzi must have thought so, too, because cameras were flashing all around them. Her date turned his back on them easily. ‘Just a few more steps, and we’ll be out of their range,’ he promised.

      She nodded. She didn’t like being in the limelight. Trying not to be obvious, she used him as a shield so she wouldn’t be in many of the shots.

      Luxxor lived in the shadows, and she preferred to keep her anonymity too.

      He swept his arm around her and tucked her closer against his side, sheltering her. He subtly presented his back to the cameras and blocked their views until they made it to the reception area. Up so close, she could feel how strong he was. How muscled and lean.

      Not like the accountants she knew at all.

      Flustered, she pulled away to take off her coat. The staff helped check it, and they were guided to the reception desk. The welcome was warm, but there was a seriousness about it. The country’s leader lived within these walls. Rielle was relieved to see that her name had made it onto their guestlist, right next to Melvin Summers.

      Melvin. Mel. Why was his name so difficult for her?

      His hand lighted on the small of her back as they walked into the Entrance Hall. She’d seen pictures in books and movies, but it was so much more impressive in person. Waiters were milling around with appetisers and drinks. Her date nabbed glasses of champagne for both of them, then directed her towards a long, winding queue of people.

      ‘We’ll want to get into the receiving line before it gets any longer.’

      ‘This is the receiving line?’ It wound about the edge of the room and disappeared into the next.

      ‘Unfortunately, yes.’

      She was already about to meet the President? But she didn’t know what to do or what to say.

      ‘How does it work?’ She took a sip of her drink. This was happening way too quickly. She wasn’t like him, impulsive and brash. She liked to have her days planned out. She liked to be prepared. ‘Are we supposed to say something first? Do we wait for her to talk?’

      ‘There’s a protocol. Just copy what everyone else does. It will be old hat by the time we make it to the front of the line. We’ll say a few words, take a photo and it will be over before you know it.’

      Everyone else.

      Rielle looked around the imposing room, with its décor that dated back to the country’s roots. Mel was evaluating the scene, too, but his focus was more on the people. They were just as impressive. All the men wore tuxedos and the women were exquisite in beautiful gowns.

      Thank goodness for Nina’s closet.

      They were getting stares in return. Her date naturally drew women’s attention, and men seemed to steer away from him. In a room of power players, he was an alpha. Job title didn’t matter.

      And she was with him.

      His hand still touched her low on the back, and her skirt swayed around his legs. They looked like they were together.

      It made her feel funny inside. She wasn’t an escort, but she wasn’t truly a date. How far would she be expected to go?

      ‘Are we allowed to shake her hand?’ she asked. ‘Do you want me to step out of the picture?’

      His head swivelled back around to her. ‘What?’

      ‘It’s a picture of you and the President. You won’t want that to include a total stranger.’

      His brow furrowed. ‘Yes, you can shake their hands, and yes, you’re going to be in the damn picture.’

      Her tongue touched the back of her lips. OK…

      ‘You said there will be a meal. Who will be at our table? What will we talk about? I don’t know much about Sweden.’

      ‘Rielle, relax.’ Goosebumps popped up on her neck. His lips had nearly brushed her ear, he was so close.

      ‘But everyone else here is prepared for this. Look at them.’

      ‘I don’t want to look at them. I’m looking at you.’

      She blew out a breath. ‘I want to make sure everything goes well for you tonight.’

      He resumed his protective spot next to her, placing himself between her and the crowd. ‘It’s already gone way better than I’d thought it would. I found you, a smart, beautiful woman who can make sure I stay on my toes. My only problem is that you’re so wound up. Take a deep breath. Enjoy. You don’t need to do any more than that.’

      ‘I just can’t believe I’m here.’

      ‘You have just as much right to be here as anyone.’

      But she still wasn’t convinced that Security wasn’t going to identify her as an interloper and drag her off.

      He rubbed her back in a small circle. ‘So tell me this. Was coming out with me tonight worth the risk?’

      There was no sign of a smile on his lips, but she caught the glint in his eye. That was what finally made her tension let go.

      Which was a warning in and of itself.

      ‘Ask me again later,’ she said.

      She had a feeling that the riskiest part of tonight was him.

      As long as the line was, it moved much too quickly as they neared their hosts. Then it became a blur. Rielle didn’t remember what she said or if she remembered to smile. There was the flash of a camera, and it was over.

      She nearly floated on air as she took Mel’s arm again. ‘The Princess of Sweden said she liked my dress,’ she murmured in amazement.

      ‘I like your dress.’

      She blushed. The look he gave her said he liked it in a whole different way than the Swedish royal. ‘Thank you.’

      They followed the trail of guests to dinner. The State Dining Room was in the southwest corner of the White House on the first floor, and it was just as impressive as the Entry Hall. Rielle barely blinked as she tried to take everything in and store it in her memory. The dining room was large and filled with circular dinner tables covered in snow-white tablecloths. The place settings were exquisite, with large plates СКАЧАТЬ