Coronation Day. Kay Brellend
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Название: Coronation Day

Автор: Kay Brellend

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература


isbn: 9780007481460


СКАЧАТЬ to reveal. ‘What is it you want to know about yer mum that I ain’t already told you?’ she asked levelly.

      ‘Well, that’s just it … nobody’s really told me anything much about her.’ Christopher made an effort not to sound as if he was blaming anyone. ‘Dad won’t tell me nuthin’. Bleedin’ hell, wanted me to think she was dead for years and years, didn’t he!’ He gestured in annoyance. ‘You know what he’s like. He just clams up and gets narky soon as I mention her.’

      ‘Well … that’s understandable. They’ve been divorced a very long time, y’know. Weren’t married fer long in the first place.’

      ‘Yeah, I know; but I don’t see why he won’t even talk about her,’ Christopher insisted, his voice rising. ‘Ain’t I allowed to know anything other than her name was Pamela Plummer and they was only married a very short time?’

      ‘’Course you are,’ Matilda soothed gruffly. ‘But it were all a long time ago now, Chris, and things get forgot. Yer dad probably can’t remember a lot of what went on. Crikey … you’re twenty-four. You was only a babe in arms when they broke up and yer dad took on looking after you.’

      ‘Have you forgot everything about her?’ Christopher asked.

      ‘No … like I told you before, she was a pretty young woman, I thought so anyhow,’ Matilda said carefully. ‘Quite small and blonde, were Pamela, so nothing like you in looks.’ She gave her tall, dark-haired nephew a fond smile. ‘You’re the spit of your dad and Uncle Rob.’

      ‘Is there a photo of her, d’you know?’

      ‘I’ve not seen one in years,’ Matilda replied truthfully. ‘But I saw a picture of them on their wedding day. I know yer dad gave it to Pam when they broke up. He didn’t want it.’

      That was a vital clue Christopher hadn’t known and he pounced on the information. ‘So me dad were the one wanted to split up?’

      ‘Don’t think it was just him,’ Matilda said gently. ‘As you know, yer mum ’n’ dad didn’t get on and both of ’em soon realised they’d made a mistake. They was too young, y’see. It just didn’t work out between them. It happens sometimes; people get caught up in the excitement of weddings ’n’ ferget that afterwards babies come along and it’s not all a lark but bloody hard work.’

      ‘So it was me that was the problem. When I come along …’

      ‘Don’t be daft!’ Matilda ejected quickly, cursing herself for phrasing things badly. ‘What I meant to say is: when money’s tight, and work’s tight, it puts pressures on people and …’

      ‘And they couldn’t be bothered to try and stick together, even though they had me …’

      ‘Now I didn’t say that, Chris!’ Matilda gave him a stern look. She felt she’d dug herself into a hole and must be careful how she climbed out.

      ‘And me mum never wanted to see me after that?’ Christopher asked earnestly. ‘Why not?’

      ‘I’m not saying she didn’t want to see you,’ Matilda answered slowly. ‘But I do know she went back home to live with her folks. Mr and Mrs Plummer moved away from round here shortly after the divorce came through. I think Pam went with them, and haven’t seen nuthin’ of her since. Could be she got herself hitched again.’

      ‘So I might have half-brothers or -sisters?’

      ‘S’pose you might …’ Matilda agreed.

      Christopher drew out his cigarette packet and Matilda pointed at them, glad of a reason to change the subject.

      ‘And you can do with cutting down on them coffin nails, ’n’ all, Christopher, or you’ll be going the same way as poor old King George.’

      She suddenly turned her head, frowning. The bang on the door was unexpected, but she was very glad of the distraction. She knew she’d have to say something to Stephen about Christopher’s renewed interest in his mother. She wasn’t too cowardly to get involved – in her time she’d upturned greater cans of worms within the family – but this truth was very personal and would be hurtful to Christopher. It was his father’s place – or his mother’s – to tell him the whole story about his past, not hers. The fact that Stevie avoided all mention of Pamela told Matilda he still harboured bitter memories about his brief marriage.

      ‘Go down and see who it is, will yer, Chris. Paid me rent so it can’t be Podge,’ she reassured him. Podge Peters had been collecting Mr Keane’s rents for decades. Only Podge wasn’t fat any more. He was a shadow of his former self now he had lung disease.

      Chris shoved himself up out of his chair, a soundless sigh in his throat, knowing the conversation about his mother was finished and he’d discovered very little that was new, or might help him find her.

      As Matilda heard him clattering down the stairs she shook her head sadly to herself.


      ‘Oh! Sorry! We were after Mrs Keiver.’

      Being confronted by a dapper young man, rather than Matilda, had disconcerted Shirley Coleman. The door had only been open a matter of seconds but already an odour of damp was assaulting her nostrils and behind him, in the hallway, was a disgusting glimpse of decay.

      ‘You’ve found her,’ Christopher replied. His eyes lingered on the younger of the two women, thinking she was worth a second look and not just because she appeared vaguely familiar. They seemed neat and well-spoken and Christopher knew if they were Jehovah’s witnesses, or rattling a tin for the Sally Army, they were in for a surprise.

      ‘You ain’t here to preach to her are you?’ The warning mingled with faint amusement in his tone as he propped an elbow on the doorframe and drew on his cigarette. ‘’Cos, if you are, I’d advise you to clear off while you can or she might pelt you with winkle shells. I’ve seen her do it.’

      He became aware that the pretty young woman had been staring at him while he’d been fondly reminiscing on his auntie’s method of dispersing unwanted do-gooders. He exhaled smoke, gazing right back, deepening the pink in her cold cheeks.

      ‘Who is it, Chris?’ Matilda yelled from the top of the stairs, bobbing to and fro for a glimpse of the callers. Her arthritis was playing her up and she didn’t fancy going down to find out.

      Invariably, when somebody came knocking on Matilda’s door, she’d shove up the front window and converse with visitors through it. Sometimes she even chucked down her rent money at Podge Peters if she didn’t feel inclined to make the effort to open up to him.

      A dawning realisation lifted Grace’s brow a moment after she heard Matilda bawl out the name. ‘You must be Christopher Wild,’ she garbled, wishing she hadn’t stared so obviously at him. She could tell he’d noticed her gawping. In common with her mother, as soon as he’d opened the door, she’d thought him a fine specimen of a man, with a wholesome appearance that seemed out of place in a slum. ‘You won’t remember me,’ she rushed on with a breathless smile. ‘Grace Coleman, and this is my mum, Shirley.’ She put a hand on her mother’s arm then abruptly stuck it out for him to shake.

      Christopher stopped lounging and dropped his СКАЧАТЬ