Elizabeth and Mary: Cousins, Rivals, Queens. Jane Dunn
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Название: Elizabeth and Mary: Cousins, Rivals, Queens

Автор: Jane Dunn

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Биографии и Мемуары


isbn: 9780007369553


СКАЧАТЬ 12 FEB Lady Jane Grey executed (aged 16) 18 MAR Elizabeth in Tower 11 APR Sir Thomas Wyatt executed 19 MAY Elizabeth released from Tower and goes to Woodstock 25 JULY Mary I marries Philip II of Spain 16 OCT Bishops Ridley and Latimer burnt at stake at Oxford 30 NOV Philip Sidney born 1555 18 OCT Elizabeth goes to Hatfield 25 OCT Holy Roman Emperor Charles V hands on his imperial position to brother Ferdinand, and sovereignty of the Low Countries to son Philip II 1556 21 MAR Archbishop Thomas Cranmer burnt at stake 1557 7 JULY Mary I declares war on France to support Philip II 1558 5 JAN Calais lost to the French 24 APR Mary Queen of Scots marries Francois, Dauphin of France 21 SEPT Charles V dies 17 NOV Mary I dies (aged 42); Elizabeth I succeeds to the throne Henri II declares Mary Queen of Scots Queen of England and Ireland 1559 15 JAN Elizabeth I crowned Queen of England and Ireland 2 APRIL Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis between England and France 2 MAY John Knox returns to Scotland 8 MAY Elizabeth’s Acts of Supremacy and Uniformity passed, implementing the Elizabethan religious settlement 10 MAY Scottish Lords of Congregation rebel against Mary of Guise’s regency 20 JUNE Henri II seriously injured in jousting tournament 22 JUNE Elizabeth’s prayer book issued 10 JULY Henri II dies; Francois II becomes King of France and Mary his queen, 18 SEPT Francois II crowned; he and Mary claim they are King and Queen of England and Ireland too 21 OCT Mary of Guise deposed for allowing French to fortify Leith 18 DEC Elizabeth sends aid to Scottish rebel lords 1560 27 FEB Treaty of Berwick MAR Tumult of Amboise, failed coup d’état against Guise domination and French persecution of Protestants 11 JUN Mary of Guise dies (aged 44) 6 JUL Treaty of Edinburgh between Scotland and England, Mary’s claims on English throne nullified, but Mary refuses to sign treaty 11 AUG Scottish Parliament establishes the reformed Protestant religion in Scotland 8 SEPT Lady Dudley (Amy Robsart), Lord Robert’s wife, found dead 5 DEC Francis Bacon born 1561 22 JAN Francois II dies (aged 15) Mary becomes dowager queen of France; Charles IX King of France, Catherine de Medici as regent 14 AUG Mary leaves France 19 AUG Mary Queen of Scots returns to Scotland (aged 18) 1562 1 MAR Massacre of Protestants at Vassy, instigated by Duc de Guise, beginning of French wars of religion 26 MAY Shane O’Neill leads a rebellion in Ireland OCT Elizabeth seriously ill with smallpox 28 OCT Mary victorious over Earl of Huntly and his men at Corrichie 1563 22 FEB Pierre de Chastelard executed 24 FEB François, Duc de Guise, assassinated (aged 44) JUNE Mary’s first Parliament 27 JUL Havre surrendered to French 1564 6 FEB Christopher Marlowe born 23 APRIL Reputed birthday of William Shakespeare 25 JULY Maximilian I succeeds as Holy Roman Emperor, as King of Austria, Bohemia and Hungary on death of Ferdinand I. Rest of Hapsburg dominions to Archduke Charles 29 SEPT Lord Robert Dudley created Earl of Leicester 1565 29 JULY Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley, enters Scotland FEB СКАЧАТЬ