Collected Letters Volume Three: Narnia, Cambridge and Joy 1950–1963. Walter Hooper
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СКАЧАТЬ to Lily, Janie, and any others of my old friends you meet; and kindest regards to those good Samaritans, your neighbours and relations, who gave us drinks that Sunday morning.

       Can you forsee any end to this winter?

      Yours ever,



      Magdalen College,

      Oxford. 17/iii/53

      My dear Bles

      I’m a bit better, thanks. At least, the smell is.


      C. S. Lewis



      Magdalen College

      Oxford Mart, xvii MCMLIII

      Dilectissime Pater

      Gavisus sum, ut semper, de epistola tua. Res mira est et corrobora-tio fidei duas animas loco, natione, lingua, oboedentiâ, aetate diversas sic in dulcem familiaritatem adductas esse; adeo ordo spirituum ordinem materialem superat. Reddit faciliorem illam necessariam doctrinam, nos arctissime conjungi et cum peccatore Adamo et cum justo lesu quamquam (secundum carnem, tempus et locum) tam diversi ab ambobus viximus. Haec unitas totius humani generis extat: utinam extaret praestantior illa unio de quo scribis. Nullum diem sine oratione pro illo opiato fine praetereo. Quae dicis de praesenti statu hominum vera sunt: immo deterior est quam dicis. Non enim Christi modo legem sed etiam legem Naturae Paganis cognitam neglegunt. Nunc enim non erubescunt de adulterio, proditione, perjurio, furto, ceterisque flagitiis quae non dico Christianos doctores, sed ipsi pagani et barbari reprobav-erunt. Falluntur qui dicunt ‘Mundus iterum Paganus fit.’ Utinam fieret! Re vera in statum multo pejorem cadimus. Homo post-Christianus non similis homini prae-Christiano. Tantum distant ut vidua a virgine: nihil commune est nisi absentia sponsi: sed magna differentia intra absentiam sponsi venturi et sponsi amissi! Adhuc laboro in libro de oratione. De hac quaestione quam tibi subjeci, omnes theologos interrogo: adhuc frustra.

      Oremus semper pro invicem, mi pater. Vale,

      C. S. Lewis


      Magdalen College

      Oxford 17 March 1953

      My dearest Father

      I was delighted, as always, by your letter.

      It is a wonderful thing and a strengthening of faith that two souls differing from each other in place, nationality, language, obedience and age should have been thus led into a delightful friendship; so far does the order of spiritual beings transcend the material order.

      It makes easier that necessary doctrine that we are most closely joined together alike with the sinner Adam and with the lust One, Jesus, even though as to body, time and place we have lived so differently from both. This unity of the whole human race exists: would that there existed that nobler union of which you write. No day do I let pass without my praying for that longed-for consummation.

      What you say about the present state of mankind is true: indeed, it is even worse than you say.

      They err who say ‘the world is turning pagan again’. Would that it were! The truth is that we are falling into a much worse state.

      I am still working on my book on Prayer.

      About this question which I submitted to you, I am asking all theologians: so far in vain.

      Let us ever pray for each other, my Father.


      C. S. Lewis



      Magdalen College,

      Oxford. 20/3/53

      My dear Bles


      C. S. Lewis



      Magdalen College

      Oxford 20/3/53

      Dear Nell

      I am indeed sorry to hear about your Mother. In a way you were most fortunate to have СКАЧАТЬ