Richard and Judy Bookclub - 3 Bestsellers in 1: The American Boy, The Savage Garden, The Righteous Men. Andrew Taylor
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СКАЧАТЬ the contents. It was no longer in his pocket, but I thought it might have fallen on the ground.”

      “I wish I had seen it, ma’am – but I did not.”

      Mrs Frant gave me a wan smile. “It doesn’t signify, truly. It is merely that I had a foolish fondness for it, and for the memories attached to it. But I must not detain you – you must rest.”

      We wished each other goodnight. Once again she moved away, and once again she paused and turned back.

      “Pray – pray be careful, Mr Shield,” she murmured. “Especially in your dealings with Mr Carswall.”

      A moment later, I was alone on the landing with my headache and the smell of her scent. I had no reason to be happy, but I was.

       Chapter 29

      London may be the greatest city the world has ever known, but it is also a cluster of villages – flung together by the currents of history and geography, but each retaining its individual character. Even in newly built neighbourhoods, the pattern reasserts itself: mankind is drawn to the village and fears the metropolis.

      I learned from the street directory that Lambert-place was in the network of streets west of the Tottenham Court-road, at no great distance from either Margaret-street or the Rookeries of St Giles. I walked there through the fog. A low, blood-red sun struggled in vain to dispel the murk but its feeble rays succeeded only in producing wild and singular effects of light. I was not perfectly recovered from the events of yesterday, and at times it seemed to me that I was wandering through a phantasmagoria rather than a city of bricks and mortar. My spirits had not yet emerged from the shadow of the attack in Queen-street, and I was painfully alert to the slightest circumstance that might betoken danger.

      As I drew nearer my destination, the nature of the neighbourhood, of this accidental village, became apparent to me. Gentlemen lived in and around Margaret-street, and necessarily gave the vicinity its character. In the Rookeries were the worst examples of vice and poverty the capital could offer, and these left an indelible stamp upon the parish of St Giles. But the little district around Lambert-place was different again – quiet and respectable, given over to small tradesmen and artisans.

      The street itself was a cul-de-sac containing twelve small houses and the entrance to a mews serving two larger streets running parallel to it. I knocked at the door of number 9. It was opened by a tired little woman with two children clinging to her skirts and a third in her arms. I inquired for my friend Mr Poe. The woman shook her head, and the baby began to cry. I described my friend as a well-set-up man perhaps with his face muffled against the toothache.

      “Why didn’t you say so before?” she demanded. “It’s Mr Longstaff you want.” She turned her head and called over her shoulder: “Matilda!”

      She stood back to allow me to enter. As I did so, a door opened at the back of the hall and an old woman emerged.

      “There’s a gent here for Mr Longstaff.” The younger woman towed her children towards the stairs. “And I’ll be obliged if you would remind him about the last week’s rent, Matilda. I can’t pay the butcher with hot air and promises for ever.”

      “I’ll speak to him.” The old woman looked up at me and her cracked voice rose to a polite whimper. “You’re fortunate, sir – it happens that Mr Longstaff is quite at leisure at present. Pray step this way.”

      I followed her into a small room overlooking the yard at the back of the house. In front of the window was a high-backed elbow chair in which was sitting a man who seemed even smaller than the woman who had ushered me in. The chair was fixed to the floor with iron brackets.

      Its occupant sprang to his feet as I entered, and I saw he was very much younger than the woman. He was short and broad-shouldered, with a crooked back and one leg shorter than the other. He gave a lopsided impression, like a man walking across a steep slope.

      “Well, sir, whatever you desire for your teeth, you’ll find it here,” he said in a rush. “The cauterising of nerves, fillings, simple extractions performed with such skill and rapidity they are almost painless. Transplanting, though, is my speciality, sir – a practice endorsed by Mr Hunter, under whom I studied as a young man. I use only teeth from living sources, sir, those from corpses never take, though lesser practitioners will attempt to fob you off with them. Should you wish it, I can manufacture for you a complete set of false teeth that may be worn for years together, and are an ornament to the mouth, and greatly assist clarity of speech. I have made them from mother-of-pearl, silver and even enamelled copper in my time, sir. But I recommend walrus or human teeth, they discolour less than the others.”

      As the torrent of words was tumbling out, Mr Longstaff approached very close to me. With a trembling hand, he put on a pair of spectacles with lenses as thick as penny pieces and looked fixedly at my lips.

      “Pray open your mouth, sir.”

      “I do not at present require treatment,” I said. “I am come to ask after a friend of mine whom I believe you may have treated the other day.”

      “The gentleman with the extraction,” the old woman said loudly, and so immediately that I suspected they had had no other patients within the last few days. “You remember.”

      “He did not give you a name, I suppose?” I asked. “I am not fully persuaded that it was my friend.”

      “Not that I recall.”

      “Then what did he look like, sir – you will have seen his face.”

      “I look in their mouths, sir, not at their faces; but his was not a pretty sight.”

      I swung round to the old woman. “And you, madam? Did you remark his appearance?”

      She burst out laughing, exposing a fine set of false teeth, made of what might have been ivory. “Bless you, sir, there’s not much I see clearly nowadays.” She lifted her face to mine and the light from the window fell in full upon it. All at once, her meaning burst upon me. The eyes exhibited a singularly blurred and unfocused appearance, as different from healthy eyes as a stagnant pond is from running water.

      I turned from one to the other, my frustration mounting. “Pray, can you tell me what his voice was like?”

      The man shrugged but the woman nodded vigorously. “A deep voice. There might have been a brogue in it. Later he sounded more like a West End gentleman. But I don’t know: all the time he was most indistinct.”

      “Indeed, Mother, that was on account of the toothache.” The dentist snickered. “Afterwards, he had no time for talking and too much blood in his mouth to speak at all.”

      “He couldn’t get away fast enough,” the dentist’s mother confided. “They’re often like that. Bless you, sir, they’re so terrified we have to strap them into that chair. And when we unstrap them, they’re away like a startled rabbit.”

      “If you know where he lodges, you could take his bag,” the dentist said.

      “His bag, sir?”

      “He had several with him. But he was in such a hurry to depart that he left a satchel behind.”

      “Sobbing, СКАЧАТЬ