Understanding Dreams: What they are and how to interpret them. Nerys Dee
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Название: Understanding Dreams: What they are and how to interpret them

Автор: Nerys Dee

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9780007388394


СКАЧАТЬ and symbols will, on occasions, also be found in your dreams. Signs act as signposts indicating which direction you should take in life, whereas symbols offer glimpses of both the inner, personal world and the collective, outer dimension. In these lie apparent answers to the mysteries of life.

      movement and travel

      Few dreams depict still-life scenes. Most have action in one form or another. Travelling, for example, denotes your way through life – your destinational path. The way you do this in a dream reveals a great deal about the effort you are putting into your life, whether you are ‘taking a ride’ at the expense of someone else, or in control of your own driving force. Walking and running tells you self-generated effort will help you to achieve your aim, whereas travelling on a crowded bus or train warns that you are being carried along with the rest of humanity and it is time to ‘get off the bandwagon’ and stand more on your own feet.

      Bus stops and railway stations are resting places but one does not want to stay there too long. Such a discovery is a sign pointing out that you must make up your mind where you are going in life. Missing a train or bus is a common occurrence in a dream too, clearly warning you not to miss an opportunity when it turns up.

      colours and conversations

      Most dreams are in colour but, like a dream itself, this fades leaving only the impression in black and white. If colour does not play a significant part, that is, if it does not have a specific message to impart, it is not registered. Dreams, among other things, are economical. Sometimes the colour of a dream is linked with its atmosphere, mood or feeling. An over-all grey scene relates to a grey or dull situation. Sunshine, on the other hand, offers a message of hope on the horizon. Individual colours in your dream should be noted because the seven colours of the rainbow – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet – each have a special dream-meaning, similar to that of waking awareness.

      Conversations in your dream can themselves be colourfully symbolic and may include puns, sentences which at first appear to be nonsense, rhymes, keywords, numbers and apparently meaningless letters. Many words have double meanings so conversations may be in code, but since it is the dreamer who concocts them, the clue to their solution is also somewhere, within the dreamer.



      relates to physical energy: in its positive form it offers an improvement in health; in its negative form it suggests antagonism – the proverbial red rag to a bull.


      is a friendly colour associated with social activity and cheerfulness. Depending on the circumstances this colour is either telling you to cheer up, or pointing out that you need to.


      is the colour of sunshine and relates to intellectual matters. It is a clear colour, so seeing this in your dream tells you to think with your head – your intellect – to solve a problem.


      means peace and relaxation. You either need more of this or you can expect it in the future, if this colour predominates.


      is the colour for protection. This, ties in with the blue sky which protects the earth from harmful radiation. Seeing blue in a dream may, therefore, indicate that you need to protect yourself in some way or, conversely, you are feeling ‘blue’.


      symbolises intuitive and instinctive qualities so this colour encourages you to allow your heart, the seat of inner feeling, to rule for a while.


      the colour nearest to heaven, symbolises spiritual aspirations and religious beliefs.

      previous associations

      Events from the previous day often reappear in dreams as an action replay. A television programme from the night before may be used by your dreaming mind to convey a personal situation, or some past experience might be conjured up to draw attention to a particular problem, hope or aim that needs special understanding, so look for the link between past happenings and the present dream. These will reflect certain likenesses providing valuable information which, when piecing together all the component parts noted in your Dream Diary, goes to make up the dream as a whole.

      Having recorded all the different aspects relating to a dream you will have transformed the scene and action into words, which serves as a permanent reminder. Later in the day, if not immediately convenient, write out your dream in detail. Do not, however, delay for too long, as time will tend to rob you of valuable details and evidence.

dream 1 day and date: Wednesday, 6th june 1990
time: between 6.00am and 7.30am
number: 37
feeling/atmosphere: perplexing
theme: lost in unknown territory
movement/travel: driving car
objects, signs etc: car, roads, trees, map
colours/conversations: dark – no colours, no conversation
previous association: none recalled

      the dream – ‘lost’

      I was driving a car, not mine, down twisting lanes, and did not seem to know where it was leading. It was getting dark and no one was around to ask if I was on the right road. The map was open but I did not look at it. On waking I felt quite frightened. This feeling stayed with me most of the day. It was difficult to relate to a personal fear.