Your Personal Horoscope 2010: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign. Joseph Polansky
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Название: Your Personal Horoscope 2010: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign

Автор: Joseph Polansky

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9780007330737


СКАЧАТЬ you worked hard and played hard–you managed to have some fun. This year it is not so easy. With career success comes more work and you will have to ‘carve’ out leisure time–even when you can’t seem to find any.

      Spirituality has not been a major interest for some time, but this year we see big changes–not only short term, but on a long-term level. Two powerful planets–Jupiter and Uranus–make brief visits to your spiritual 12th house and this will activate your spirituality in a very powerful way. You will not feel the full brunt of this in 2010 (unless you were born early in the sign of Taurus–April 20-22) but will start feeling it from 2011 onwards.

      With Jupiter moving into your 11th house this year, this is a year for friendships, for involvement with groups and organizations and group activities. A happy area of life. New and prominent friends are coming into your life. This was a happy and active area last year and the trend is continuing.

      Health was good last year and will get even better this year as Jupiter moves away from a stressful aspect to you. More on this later.

      In 2009 Pluto–a long-term planet–made a major move into your 9th house. This began a long-term interest in religion, philosophy and higher education. This trend continues in the year ahead. There is a detox–a purification–going on in your religious and philosophical beliefs. Two eclipses in your 9th house this year further reinforce what we say. Religious and philosophical beliefs–your view of the world and life–will get tested, and many deeply held beliefs will fall by the wayside.

      Pluto’s move into Capricorn in 2009 brought important changes in love attitudes–especially for singles. This is a long-term trend. Love is looked at from a more practical perspective–in a bottom-line kind of way–the way an experienced older person might look at it. This year Pluto will be camping out on an eclipse point (the lunar eclipse of June 26th) for many months–and this is going to test existing relationships. More on this later.

      Your most important interests in the year ahead will be children, fun and creativity (from April 8th to July 22nd), home and family (until June 7th), health and work (from January 1st to April 8th and from July 22nd to December 31st), foreign travel, religion, higher education, legal issues, career, friends, friendships, group activities and organizations, and spirituality (from May 28th to September 10th).

      Your paths of greatest fulfilment this year are religion, foreign travel, higher education and legal issues, friendships, groups activities and organizations (from January 18th to June 6th and from September 10th to December 31st).


      (Please note that this is an astrological perspective on health and not a medical one. In days gone by there was no difference; these perspectives were identical. But nowadays there can be quite a difference. For the medical perspective, please consult your doctor or health practitioner.)

      Except for Neptune, the major long-term planets (the slow-moving ones) are either making nice aspects to you or leaving you alone. A wonderful health signal. Energy and vitality should be high. Health should be good. Of course there will be periods in the year where health and energy are not up to their normal levels, but these periods will be temporary–caused by short-term transits–and are not trends for the year. When these stressful transits pass, your natural good health returns. (We will cover these short-term trends in the monthly reports.)

       Reflexology Try to massage the whole foot on a regular basis, but pay extra attention to the points highlighted on the chart. When you massage, be aware of ‘sore spots’, as these need special attention. It’s also a good idea to massage the ankles and top side (as well as the soles) of the feet.

      Saturn will be in and out of your 6th house of health this year (but mostly in). First off, this shows that health is important to you and that, for the most part, you are paying attention here–you are not ignoring health issues. Also it shows that you willingly take on daily disciplined health regimes. (Perhaps you are attributing your good health to these regimes, but your health would be good even without them.) Third, it shows that you are exploring the metaphysical aspects of health–the power of prayer, thinking right and a positive attitude. You get wonderful results from these kinds of therapies.

      You are, for the next 2 years, evolving a good philosophy of health and disease–a more accurate philosophy–and this will be a big help to you. This is too big a subject to discuss here–but you should study the metaphysical literature on this subject (books by Ernest Holmes, Emmet Fox, Joseph Murphy, Florence Shinn and Mary Baker Eddy, just to name a few.)

      Your health is good, but you can make it even better. This is done by paying special attention to the following parts of the body:

       neck and throat (neck massage is powerful for you, as much tension tends to collect there. Cranial sacral therapy would be good, too)

       kidneys and hips (hips should be regularly massaged)

       spine, knees, bones, gallbladder and overall skeletal alignment.

      Since these are your most vulnerable areas, problems–should they happen–would most likely begin there–so you can nip them in the bud by being more vigilant.

      Natrium sulphate is a wonderful homoeopathic remedy. The bull, swan and dove are healing power animals. Try to be around them if you feel under the weather.

      With Venus as your health planet you should always examine your love life, marriage and friendships if you feel under the weather. Disharmony in love tends to have a dramatic impact on physical health–the spiritual root cause of health problems. Restore the harmony in your love life and chances are that your health problem will dissolve–the energy supporting the problem will no longer be there. Even if you need the services of a health professional, healing will go proceed more quickly and easily.

      Venus, as our steady readers know, is a fast-moving planet. She moves through the entire horoscope in any given year. Thus there are many short-term health trends in your chart–these are discussed in the monthly reports.

      Home and Family

      Mars spends an unusual amount of time in your 4th house this year–over 5 months! (His normal transit is 1½ to 2 months in any given house.) This shows that there is much activity going on here.

      On the most basic level, this indicates extensive repairs or construction going on in the home. Some of you are probably building a new home from scratch. Many of you are investing in exercise and sports equipment and making the home as much a gym as a home. Many are buying guns or other defensive kinds of equipment for the home. You want to make it like a fortress–impregnable.

      These are all good things. But there are other issues involved here as well. It shows that tempers are flaring in the home. Perhaps there is much conflict between family members. Your challenge–and it will be daunting–is to keep the peace here.

      It would also seem wise to accident-proof and childproof the home during this period (January 1st to June 7th). Keep matches and lighters away from children. Be more aware of sharp objects, such as knives or razor blades, and make sure children can’t get near them. Are there nails sticking out of your rugs? Is that shelf too low or too sharp? Take an inventory. Be more mindful at home and more patient–for Mars can lead to accidents if one is not careful. Check your electrical wiring and see to it that it is in good order.