Yesterday’s Shadow. Jon Cleary
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Название: Yesterday’s Shadow

Автор: Jon Cleary

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9780007554140


СКАЧАТЬ people into mannikins as they turned corners into it. A day for a grey mood.

      He first went into the Incident Room, where Gail Lee and Sheryl Dallen had finished the display board. There was not much: a few photos, names, diagrams. There would have been less if the coverage had been of only a single murder.

      ‘Not much, is there?’

      ‘Did you get anything new from the Ambassador?’ asked Gail Lee.

      ‘Just that Mrs Pavane has a murky past. No,’ he said as both women raised their eyebrows. ‘Nothing dirty. It’s just that even Mr Pavane can’t tell us much about his wife before he married her.’

      Then he looked at the photo of the dead Boris Jones. Even in death there was a look of cruelty in the broad Slav face; or was that his own imagination, a desire, too late, to protect Delia? ‘What would you say of a bloke like that?’

      ‘A bastard,’ said Sheryl. ‘But some women would find him attractive.’

      ‘Mrs Jones must have. How is she?’

      ‘A bit edgy,’ said Sheryl, ‘but nothing much. She’s more worried about her kids than about what she’s done.’

      ‘Her lawyer turned up yet?’

      ‘Mrs Quantock’s brought in a solicitor from out their way, Balmain. She and Mrs Jones have been arguing about who’ll pay – evidently Mrs Jones has got nothing. It looks like it might be a Legal Aid job.’

      Legal Aid did its best but it could never afford the talent that could turn a no-win case into an acquittal. ‘Righto, I’d better see her. You come with me, Gail.’

      ‘Do we keep both murders on the one board?’ asked Sheryl.

      ‘I hope not.’ He would like the Jones murder dropped off the board altogether. ‘We’ll see what she has to tell us.’

      ‘Not us,’ said Gail. ‘You.’

      ‘Don’t remind me.’ He looked at both of them. ‘You know I’d rather walk right away from this?’

      ‘Of course,’ said Sheryl and he saw at once that their support was genuine. And it was more acceptable because they were women. This was not blokey mateship.

      He took Gail into the interview room with him. He was annoyed but not surprised when he saw Mrs Quantock sitting to one side of Delia and the woman solicitor. Rosie Quantock sensed his annoyance for she said at once, ‘I’m here for Delia to lean on.’

      ‘That’s okay, Mrs Quantock, but don’t interrupt when I’m questioning Delia.’ He sat down, looked at the solicitor across the table. ‘G’day, Pam. Are you taking Delia’s case or are you here just for now? I understand she has asked for Legal Aid.’

      ‘I’m here for the whole term.’ Pamela Morrow was an old foe, but a friendly one. She and Malone had met years ago when she had been a law student leading demonstrations against this, that and everything and he had been a new police recruit trying to handle gently a woman trying to kick him in the balls. She was a short dumpling of a woman with red hair cut in a bob with bangs and with bright blue eyes that, he knew, could be as challenging as Rosie Quantock’s. ‘I’m on the board of the Women’s Protection League. We’re taking Mrs Jones’ case. Right through from now to acquittal.’

      He grinned. ‘You haven’t changed, Pam.’ Only then did he look at Delia. ‘Pam and I are old mates.’

      ‘Old Home Week,’ said Delia and smiled as if she were here on no more than a traffic charge. He caught a glimpse of the girl he had once been in love with. She had been a pretty girl rather than beautiful; chocolate-boxy, his mother had called her. Prettiness, he knew, faded quicker than beauty; but the years had been too cruel to her. ‘We’re not going to be any trouble, Scobie.’

      ‘Tell us what happened.’ Not me: us. He had to keep Gail in the frame to protect himself.

      ‘Tell him everything,’ said Rosie Quantock. ‘How he’s been belting you for years –’

      Malone looked at Pam Morrow, who looked at Rosie Quantock. ‘Please –’

      ‘Sorry,’ said Rosie, but you knew it was just an empty word. ‘But she’s gotta tell him everything –’

      ‘I will,’ said Delia, hands folded together on the table, steady as two interlocked rocks. She nodded at the recorder: ‘Is that on?’

      ‘Yes,’ said Gail. ‘Everything you say –’

      ‘I know.’ The composure was so complete; Malone had to admire her. ‘Well – where do I begin?’

      ‘At the beginning,’ said Malone, knowing he was making a concession.

      ‘Well, Boris and I have been married fourteen years. He’s from Leningrad – or what do they call it now?’

      ‘St Petersburg,’ said Gail.

      Delia didn’t look at her; her gaze was solely on Malone. ‘Yes, there. He was a merchant seaman – he came to Australia twice on a ship. I met him, I liked him, he liked me –’ She stopped for just a moment, her gaze still focused on Malone; then she went on, ‘The third trip he jumped ship and stayed on.’

      ‘He was an illegal immigrant?’ asked Malone.

      ‘I guess so. They never came looking for him – he got papers, I dunno how. We were happy –’ She stopped again. She’s making points, Malone thought; but ignored them, just looked back at her. She went on again, ‘I had the children and then things started to go wrong –’

      ‘I’ll say they did,’ said Rosie Quantock. ‘Ten bloody years –’

      ‘Mrs Quantock,’ said Pam Morrow warningly.


      Delia continued: ‘He wouldn’t let Melissa near the house – she was my daughter from my first husband.’ Again the look; again he made no comment. ‘Then the – the belting started. I ran away, twice, with the children. But he came after me each time –’

      ‘Why did you go back to him?’ asked Gail.

      Delia shrugged. ‘Ask any battered wife why –’ For a moment she looked at Gail; then she turned her gaze back to Malone. For the first time there was a plea in her voice: ‘That’s what I’ve been, Scobie. A battered wife.’

      He wanted to reach across and press her hand, but refrained. ‘Go on. Tell us about last night. Did you go in to the hotel with the intention of killing him?’

      ‘That’s a leading question,’ snapped Pam Morrow. ‘Try another one, Inspector –’

      ‘No, it’s all right,’ said Delia. ‘Yes. I took the children to my mother’s, told her I was going in to tell Boris I was leaving him for good. I wanted him dead, but I don’t think I intended killing him.’

      ‘Where did you get the knife?’ Malone was wishing he were out of here.