What Rhymes with Bastard?. Linda Robertson
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Название: What Rhymes with Bastard?

Автор: Linda Robertson

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9780007282968


СКАЧАТЬ boy who lived next door to my nan.

      Given the intensity of my same-sex friendships, my mum would occasionally make enquiries about lesbian activities: ‘But what do they do, Linda? Do they use a carrot?’

      To help me cope, I told myself that I could never have a boyfriend because there was something wrong with me, and that was absolutely fine because if I didn’t find one by the time I was twenty-five I would kill myself, and then I couldn’t be alone for ever, just three more years, max.

      October 1994. I was about to start my final year at university and I was still a goddamned virgin. Sighing, I booked myself into a house full of strangers because there was a gigantic room available, and, as it turned out, four of them were cute: four under one roof! There was the tall guy with the stoop – I liked him because he’d been to art college and didn’t wear shoes, and all my friends thought he was a ridiculous, pretentious twat. Then there was the really good-looking tall one with the bowl cut, and the massive tall one with the Yorkshire accent, and the sweet scientist in the room opposite. I couldn’t cope with all the pressure so I hid in my room and took to peeing in a cup.

      Jack – the tall one with the stoop – was intrigued by my air of mystery. One day, he took a phone message for me and then a rare proactive step: he crossed my threshold. I was thrilled – he was in my room! I put the kettle on to boil, and so began his primitive courtship ritual:

      1 coming down the stairs and entering my room;

      2 sitting in a chair reading a book;

      3 not leaving unless explicitly told to.3

      He wasn’t much of a talker. One night I gave up hope of conversation and – kind of wishing he’d leave and kind of wishing he wouldn’t – fell into an exasperated, self-conscious sleep while he sat in my chair, quietly reading The English Auden. When I woke up

      the next morning, the scene was exactly as I’d left it, except he was three-quarters of the way through the great red tome. A few nights later, he sat in the same chair and began to read Heart of Darkness aloud. I was half bored, half charmed and half asleep to boot. Throughout the night I drifted in and out of consciousness (in retrospect a great way to soak up this delirious tale). Once he’d finished reading, he asked if he could curl up on my bed. I nodded. This went on for several nights, until eventually he plucked up courage to ask to sleep next to me. The weight of his arm round me kept me as wide awake as if it had been a cattle prod. A quiet, trembling joy was bubbling up within me and it was all I could do to keep the lid on. Afterwards when my lumbering suitor was around, I came over all jittery and busied myself with constructing elaborate toasted sandwiches.

      He couldn’t work out what was going on. ‘Excuse me,’ he asked, ‘but do you have a boyfriend?’

      Adrenalin rushed through me – was I going to be sick? Here was the gigantic, earth-smashing moment I’d been waiting for: at last, something was going to happen! ‘Um, no,’ I replied, looking intently at my knee.

      ‘Right.’ He nodded.

      Sharing a fondness for playgrounds, we’d go on moonlit walks in search of swings. Our favourite park not only had an on-site chip shop but a slide with a wooden Wendy house at the top. We’d climb up and shelter from the rain, chips steaming in our laps. He’d give me ‘blowbacks’ from his joints, bringing his lips perilously close to mine and stunning me into silence for moments at a time. I wasn’t into drugs, except on prescription, but it seemed the friendly thing to do. Maybe I’d learn to like them.

      Finally he asked if he could kiss me.

      Here was the man I would love for ever. And yet I was furious if he was still there when I woke up in daylight because I didn’t like being looked at. I thought he would notice my face and realize he’d made a mistake. But the days went by and he continued to reappear. He often came to my bed after using drugs, going to sleep at dawn and refusing to budge until well into the afternoon. The college cleaner would come in at eleven a. m and roll Jack on to the floor where he’d lie, snoring, then crawl back between clean sheets. I did my best to keep our relationship a secret, but in such circumstances it wasn’t possible.

      I had a boyfriend. I had a fucking boyfriend! He was adorable, strange and polite, and delighted to have me, too. He laughed at my jokes and looked after me when I was ill. I’d set my alarm in the middle of the night so I could wake up and think, There he is. This is my boyfriend. He’s in bed with me. With me!

      The sex had novelty value, but that didn’t last – we were always the same people, doing the same things in the same place. A few times Jack struggled to make things more interesting, but he was fighting a losing battle: I didn’t want anal, I liked lying down – and I wanted my home comforts, too. After a couple of scratchy incidents in North Wales and the New Forest, I vetoed outdoor sex.

      Heavy Petting

      You made me give you a blow-job in a field.I didn’t really want to but to ave a fuss, I kneeled.You wanted me to finish you ithout using my handsI had to scrunch my lips up tight just like a rubber band.


      As I laboured on I felt my knees get damp.Fifteen minutes into it my cheeks began to cramp. You cried out, ‘My God! Don’t stop! I’m nearly there!’ I knew the worst was coming when you grabbed hold of my hair.

      OH! Heavy petting in the great outdoors, Caterpillars, ladybirds and dandelion spores, Cold and wet, no privacy, Doesn’t sound like fun to me!


      You made me fuck you in among the trees, I didn’t really want to but you kept on saying, ‘Please’, Lying on a prickly patch alive with ants, I was cold and petulant without my pants.


      It was over quickly but then, oh, my cries When I saw that I’d attracted half a dozen flies. Leaping up, I grabbed my clothes and drove back home, And that’s where I’ve had sex since then; preferably alone .


      OH! Heavy petting in the great outdoors, Caterpillars, ladybirds and dandelion spores, Cold and wet, no privacy, Doesn’t seem like fun to me!

      Hmmm, sex. I quite liked it when it was going on, but I’d always need a drink to get remotely worked up, which insulted Jack and СКАЧАТЬ