The Sons of Adam. Harry Bingham
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Название: The Sons of Adam

Автор: Harry Bingham

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Триллеры


isbn: 9780007383986


СКАЧАТЬ his bedroom window, climbed quickly across the kitchen roofs, slid down a drainpipe and ran across the lawns and fields to Jack Creeley’s cottage. Once there, he tossed a pebble up at Tom’s window, saw it open, then scrambled quickly up the branching wisteria and tumbled in over the sill.

      The room was lit by a single paraffin-wax candle. Tom was sitting on the bed with a boy’s magazine open in front of him. He nodded hello. Alan grinned back: the smile of a would-be peacemaker.

      ‘Well?’ said Tom.

      Alan was momentarily confused. He didn’t know what Tom meant by his ‘Well?’ and he was taken aback by the loss of their normal invisible communication.

      ‘What do you mean?’ he said stupidly. ‘Well, what?’

      ‘You know. I mean I s’pose you’ve come to say sorry.’


      ‘You heard.’

      Alan was temporarily blank with astonishment. He knew perfectly well how remorseless his twin could be: remorseless and even cruel. But he’d never expected to feel the edge of it himself. Alan’s head jerked back.



      ‘As a matter of fact, I came to see if you were sorry yet. Obviously not.’

      Alan was still sitting on the ledge of the window and he swung his legs out of it again onto the wisteria branch. But he didn’t drop away out of sight. He hung there, half in, half out of the room, waiting for Tom to say something that would let him come back in. But he was disappointed.

      ‘No,’ said Tom. ‘Obviously not.’

      Alan shrugged. The shrug was meant to be a defiant, couldn’t-care-less affair, but the candle’s light was enough to show that his mouth and eyes obviously cared very much indeed.

      ‘Well then,’ said Alan, still hanging in the window.

      ‘Well then.’

      The two boys stared at each other a few seconds longer. Eventually Tom looked away, back at his magazine. Alan found a lower hold for his feet, wriggled once, then dropped away out of sight.

      Alan went straight home, but not to bed.

      He climbed up onto the kitchen roof and lay there on his back, looking up at the starlight overhead. He was angry with Tom. As angry as he’d ever been. The two boys quarrelled often enough, but always made up quickly. When they fought, as they often did, their rules were simple.

      Never submit.

      Never give up.

      While Tom was a little stronger, Alan had a longer reach. While Tom could be surprisingly fierce, Alan’s pride and determination always kept him in the fight to the very end. And then, when the fight was over, it was over. The two boys were the best of friends. They could be at each other’s throats one minute and walk away, calmly chatting, the next.

      But this was different and Alan knew it. For two and a half hours, he lay on his back watching the stars wheel and turn. He went over everything in his mind. On the one hand, there was Tom’s temper and recklessness, and his stubborn refusal to compromise. On the other hand, there was Guy’s unkindness and Sir Adam’s unfairness. By the end of his long vigil, he’d made up his mind. It was he, Alan, who was going to have to do the impossible. It was he who was going to have to make things right.

      Having made up his mind, he went to bed.

      In the morning, after breakfast he spoke to Sir Adam.

      ‘Father, I want to ask you something.’


      ‘I think you should give Tom the concession. Properly. You did give it to him before, you know. I know you didn’t exactly say so, but everyone knew what you meant.’

      Sir Adam sighed and bent down so that his face was on a level with his son’s.

      ‘But see here, Alan,’ Sir Adam said, ‘just suppose the thing turns out to be worth a fortune. It could be worth as much as Whitcombe House and all its land. It’s not that I don’t think that Tommy’s worth that. Of course he is. But there’s you and Guy to consider. How would you feel if Tommy was as rich as Mr D’Arcy and you were stuck with your very little patch in Marlborough?’

      ‘I shouldn’t care.’

      ‘Not now, maybe, but perhaps you would. These things do matter more as you grow, you know.’

      ‘Then give it to us.’ It was an idea of genius – the idea that had come to him last night on the tiles of the kitchen roof.


      ‘If that’s what you’re so worried about, then give the concession to me and Tom. Both of us. Only then you have to share the Marlborough place between us too. Then we’d be exactly the same, whatever happens.’

      ‘But …’

      Sir Adam swallowed his protests. In the much more likely event that the concession was worthless, he’d be halving the property he’d set aside for his own blood-son. But, however much he felt this, he knew better than to argue the point with a passionate Alan.

      ‘Because we are the same, aren’t we, Father? Exactly the same.’

      Of course you are, only –’

      ‘Well, there you go. Simple! Can I go and tell him now?’

      ‘It isn’t that simple. Your mother and I –’

      ‘Oh, don’t worry about her. I’ll go and talk to her.’

      Alan ran off to his mother and argued the case with her. Although she said little, Alan quite correctly sensed that she was on his side.

      ‘I’ll talk it over with your papa,’ she promised.

      She was as good as her word. That morning she spent an hour or two in patient argument with her husband. Sir Adam’s sticking point remained the likelihood that he’d be disinheriting Alan. Sir Adam was prosperous enough, but he certainly wasn’t vastly well off. Alan’s portion was never going to have been large and Sir Adam was anxious not to cut it in half. But Pamela was determined. She had some money of her own that had lain dormant with a City bank for many years. When she looked again at how much she had, it was much more than she’d believed. She insisted on adding her own money to Alan’s portion, but on condition that Sir Adam did as his son wanted.

      And in the end he agreed.

      By the end of that day, when lessons were finished, Sir Adam called Alan into his library.

      ‘Well, my boy, I’ve news for you.’


      ‘I’ve made certain arrangements, the upshot of which is that СКАЧАТЬ