The Healing Remedies Sourcebook: Over 1,000 Natural Remedies to Prevent and Cure Common Ailments. C. Shealy Norman
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      Barberry has been in use as a healing herb for thousands of years. The Egyptians used it to prevent plagues—a testimony to its antibiotic properties.


       Barberry is a stimulant, a respiratory aid, and is antibiotic, antibacterial, and antifungal. It decreases heart rate, shrinks tumors, stimulates intestinal movement, and enlarges blood vessels.

      Part of Plant Used The berries, roots, and ground bark.

      Conditions Treated Skin infections, urinary tract infections, diarrhea, dysentery, cholera, arthritis, conjunctivitis, high blood pressure, throat infections, mouth ulcers, abnormal uterine bleeding.

      Form Taken Tea or infusion, gargle, eye wash, douche, compress, and powder.

      Used with Other Herbs? Garlic, ginger, saffron, wild sunflower.

      HOW TO USE

       Barberry can be used to treat a variety of symptoms in its decoction form. Drink up to one cup a day.

       For a compress to treat conjunctivitis, soak a clean cloth in the decoction (before you add any honey). Place over the eye.


       Barberry may stimuulate the uterus and should not be taken by pregnant women.

       Barberry is a very powerful herb, and should be used in small doses and under the supervision of a physician or alternative healthcare practitioner.

       If the dosage is too high, barberry can cause nausea, vomiting, hazardous drops in blood pressure, and dizziness.


       MUSTARD Rai

      Mustard is an annual plant cultivated as a spice all over the world. It has been used for centuries as a pungent condiment and healing herb by the Chinese, the Greeks, and the Ayurvedics.


       Antiseptic, warming, carminative, antibacterial, and antiviral. Mustard aids digestion and eases gastric distention. It is an emetic, rubefacient, and a laxative.

      Part of Plant Used The seed and pods.

      Conditions Treated For centuries, mustard plasters have been used to treat chest colds and coughs. Mustard is also beneficial for backache, joint pain, digestive upsets, hiccups, and as a laxative. Mustard eases constipation, minor aches and pains, and muscle stiffness.

      Form Taken As a spice or oil, in compresses and poultices.

      Used with Other Herbs? Aloe vera, ginger, garlic, and onion.

      HOW TO USE

       Mustard reduces pitta and kapha, and has a neutral effect on vátha.

       Mustard oil can be rectified with alcohol (1 part oil to 40 parts alcohol) and used as a lotion for joint pains, arthritis, and sluggish circulation.

       A mustard foot bath will clear blood congestion in the head, warm up cold feet, and lower a fever in the early stages of illness.


       Large amounts of mustard can cause irritation and inflammation. Do not let undiluted mustard oil come in contact with the skin.

       Do not use mustard plasters for more than 10–15 minutes at a time, or blistering and irritation can occur.


       CARAWAY Sushavi

      This perennial plant is found in the wild in North America, Europe, and Asia. Caraway is best known in Europe in the making of rye bread, where the addition of caraway seeds aids in the digestion of starch. It is also a favorite addition to laxative herbs, tempering their violent effects.


       Caraway is a pungent, heating/drying agent, known for its stimulant and carminative properties. As an antispasmodic, caraway will soothe the muscles in the digestive process. It can also relax uterine tissue and is therefore beneficial for menstrual cramps.

      Part of Plant Used The seed.

      Conditions Treated Caraway aids the digestive process, both internally and in external application. It soothes indigestion, gas, colic, flatulence, and accumulation of toxins and fluids. It is also beneficial as a scalp treatment. The oil can be used as an enema for intestinal parasites. A stomach massage with a very small amount of the oil will reduce flatulence. Caraway seeds can be added to any laxative to temper its strength and to soothe the colon.

      Form Taken Teas, as an oil for stomach massage, in an inhaler, and as a spice to aid the digestion of starches.

      Used with Other Herbs? Caraway blends well with dill, fennel, anise, basil, cardamom, and jasmine.

      HOW TO USE

       Caraway reduces vátha and kapha, and increases pitta. It clears kapha mucus buildup and soothes vátha emotion. Caraway increases pitta digestive fire.

       Eat a teaspoonful of the seeds to aid digestion, or make an infusion.

       Finely crush 9 teaspoonsful of seeds using a pestle and mortar.

       Place the seeds in a pot and add boiling water.

       Allow the infusion to stand for 20 minutes, then strain and drink as needed, up to 3 cups a day.


       CAYENNE PEPPER Merchi

      This fiery red pepper, used the world over in cooking, is known to many Westerners by its Caribbean name, cayenne. Ironically, only a tiny amount of the world’s red pepper supply comes from the Caribbean—India and Africa are the main producers.


       Cayenne pepper assists digestion by stimulating the flow of saliva and stomach secretions. It is analgesic and warming, increasing circulation. It has strong digestive, carminative, and emetic properties.

      Part of Plant Used The pod.

      Conditions Treated Cayenne alleviates colds, gastrointestinal and bowel problems, and is used as a digestive aid. Externally, cayenne treats arthritis and muscle soreness. Creams containing cayenne are frequently used in the treatment of shingles.

      Form Taken СКАЧАТЬ