The Faithful Tribe: An Intimate Portrait of the Loyal Institutions. Ruth Edwards Dudley
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СКАЧАТЬ I am told that some local Orangemen who are members of the DUP were annoyed at this remark. I am sorry to have hurt their feelings, but I record what I hear.

      Even when operating ceasefires, loyalist and republican paramilitaries have traditionally kept control of their ghettos by kneecapping or beating half to death with iron bars or baseball bats studded with nails the disobedient or those classified as ‘anti-social’; shopkeepers are brought to heel by vandalizing or setting fire to their property.


       What Members of the Irish Loyal Institutions Do

      The Orangeman is a man of truth,

      Who scorns all fraud and art; And rear’d in truth, from his early youth, He has shrin’d it in his heart; For it proves to him a mighty shield Against every foeman’s dart; And his life he’d yield, on the blood-stain’d field, Ere with that bright gem he’d part.

      The Orangeman is a man of might,

      But trusts not in fleshly arm; He dares to fight for freedom and right, And he knows no vain alarm. But strong in truth, in virtue bold, He fears no earthly harm; For his heart’s stronghold, like his sires of old, Is in virtue’s potent charm.

      The Orangeman is СКАЧАТЬ