Played. Liz Fichera
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Название: Played

Автор: Liz Fichera

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Книги для детей: прочее


isbn: 9781472096227


СКАЧАТЬ like we snuggled all the time. Like we were best friends. And he’d said that I could be pretty. What kind of boy says something like that after insulting you a half-dozen times? None that I knew—not that I knew many.

      But Sam Tracy was indeed a strange boy. He wasn’t like my brother’s friends, and it wasn’t just because he was Gila or Native or Native American or whatever he called himself, either. He was just different from all the boys I knew. He didn’t say much, and when he did he didn’t waste time with too many words.

      We sat staring out at the rain for what seemed like an eternity, grateful for our little patch of dryness and the heat radiating from our bodies. Then my stomach grumbled.

      Weakening, I peeled back the wrapper to our only food source. I wasn’t ready to eat pinecones. “What some?” I pointed my granola bar at him.

      He shook his head. “Nah. You eat it.”

      “We can share.” I pulled back the paper and broke the bar in two.

      Sam lifted his hand. “Better not eat it all at once.”

      “Seriously?” My voice got higher. “You seriously think we’ll be here that long for it to matter?”

      He looked up at the tree, considering my question. “Maybe.”

      So I halved the half and stuffed the other half back in the wrapper. “For later,” I said.

      Sam took his piece and chewed it slowly, his lips making a perfect circle, which looked really strange on him.

      I did the same, trying to savor each morsel like he did. I closed my eyes and tasted the tiny bit of chocolate, a sliver of almond, a breath of dried cranberry and then crunchy honey and oats. It was probably the first time I had ever truly tasted a granola bar, despite inhaling at least two after every dance practice for the last two years. “Not bad,” I said when I allowed myself to swallow the last bite.

      “I would rather have had your macaroni and cheese.” There was a smile in Sam’s voice.

      “Beggars can’t be choosers.”

      “True,” he said.

      “Now for the water. Pretend it’s champagne.”

      “Have you ever tasted champagne?”

      “No,” I said, popping open the cap. “This is pretend.”

      “Then I’ll pretend it’s a chocolate shake.”

      “Yum. Even better.” I passed the bottle to Sam. “You first.”

      First he raised his hand, motioning for me to take it, but I insisted. “Just a sip,” he said, finally tipping the bottle to his lips. And a thimbleful was all he took. Barely enough for a bird. “Now, you.”

      I took the bottle and it took all my willpower to drink just a sip. I could have swallowed a gallon. “I guess if we get desperate we can suck the water off leaves, right?”

      “I hope we don’t have to.”

      Lightning flashed all around us and the mountain lit up like a birthday cake. A few seconds later, the sky cracked open even louder than before and I jumped. “This storm is freaky,” I said, my knees curling into Sam. “And it feels like it’s getting colder.” He pulled me closer.

      “We’ve got to do something to pass the time,” Sam said. “Or we’re really going to go nuts.”

      “Damn straight,” I said, almost leaping into his lap when the lightning cracked again.

      “See? You’re not as perfect as you think. You even curse.”

      “Who said I was perfect?”

      “No one needs to.”

      “You don’t really know me.”

      “I know enough.”

      “Humph,” I said, slightly taken aback. “Well, since you’ve got me all figured out, tell me something about you.” I paused, just as lightning filled the sky again, turning everything all silvery-gray. Like a camera flash. “Tell me something no one else knows.”

      “No,” Sam said quickly.

      “Why not?”

      “Because I don’t want to.”

      “What’s it matter? We’re not going anywhere for a while. You said so yourself. And besides that crazy elk, we’re the only ones out here.” Rain splattered above us, droplets bouncing from one branch to another, one pine needle to another. It was as if we sat below a giant fountain, each raindrop trying desperately to reach our hiding spot. “I’ll give you the rest of the granola bar if you do.” My eyebrows wiggled.

      “Forget it.”

      “You’re no fun.”

      “Wait. I thought I was complicated?”

      “Touché.” I sighed and looked away.

      I counted raindrops when the storm quieted for a few seconds. During one stretch, I almost reached one hundred. But the rain always returned to pound around us like an encore. The sky soon became so dark that we didn’t even get a sunset.

      Sam’s shoulders began to shiver. I hadn’t thought he ever got cold, but he was wearing only a T-shirt. At least I had a sweatshirt.

      This wasn’t good.

      “Okay,” I said, mostly to keep our minds off the growing cold and our grumbling stomachs. “If you won’t go first. I will.” I bit the inside of my lip to keep my teeth from chattering, because if they started again I wasn’t certain they’d stop.

      “What are you talking about now?”

      “I’m going to tell you something personal,” I said. “And you have to promise never to tell a soul. Can I trust you?” I looked up at him, just as the sky flashed another bolt of lightning, squiggly white lines stretching in every direction. “Promise?”

      Sam surprised me by nodding. Or maybe he was shivering again. Whatever it was, I decided to tell him. What if we never made it off this mountain? What if we froze together tonight in each other’s arms? What did I have to lose?

      I took a deep breath to steady myself and said, “I let my best friend use BOTOX on my forehead on Friday night. That’s why I’m wearing this stupid baseball cap.”

      Dead silence.

      Sam’s chest began to shake—but not from shivering. From laughter. It was the dry-heave, raspy kind, like he was having difficulty catching his breath. It started slowly and then built to a splitting crescendo.

      “Thanks,” I said, between his chest heaves. “Thanks a lot. Glad you find it hilarious.”

      His laughter turned into a coughing fit when he tried to speak. He raised his hand, begging me to wait. Sam’s laughter finally subsided until all we could hear were raindrops СКАЧАТЬ