The Knot. Jane Borodale
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Название: The Knot

Автор: Jane Borodale

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература


isbn: 9780007356485


СКАЧАТЬ A woman passing by grimaces at her companion.

      ‘Look at that, poor man, he is in pain,’ she says.

      ‘But they are used to being like that. Quite accustomed. I need to get a pigeon before we go back. Or two. Do you think we need two?’ She checks in her basket then looks down at the beggar. ‘It is different for them. They don’t know any better, just as well. They are like animals in that respect.’

      ‘It is a shame.’

      ‘One must pray for them,’ she says brightly. ‘There is nothing else anyone can do about it.’

      ‘Nothing,’ the other woman concurs, and they glide on towards the market and the pigeon stall. Henry feels the blood rushing in his ears. He has an urge to run after them and try to make them see how they are wrong, but instead goes swiftly to the beggar and on the same, furious impulse gives him the first coin that he fishes from his pouch, which is a half-sovereign, a great amount of money to give to any man in the street or otherwise, more than a skilled mason earns in a week. The beggar’s eyes widen, and even as he puts it into the outstretched bandaged, filthy hands Henry has a spasm of doubt, but it is too late.

      ‘Bless you, Master, it is a sign!’ The beggar mutters, rubbing the coin against his cracked lips. He jerks a finger at the sky, and to the west now a rainbow is stretched inkily over the whole of the town, so vivid with colour it almost fizzes in the sky. He must be right. Surely this must be a good omen.

      Fat drops of rain begin to spot the dry compacted earth of the thoroughfare as the sunshine fades. People jostle to take shelter under the porch, and when he turns about, the beggar has vanished.

      Half a sovereign.

      He had better not mention that to anyone, not Frances, not Dr Turner, he decides. But by the time he has arrived at the house, it is already weighing so heavily upon him that he must say something. The boy removes his horse to the livery and another poor man follows him up to the gate and pulls at his sleeve most insistently until he finds a coin to make him go away. He is more careful this time, makes sure it is a penny.

      Turner’s naughty little dog comes to greet him, yapping at his heels. Turner has trained it to jump up and remove the corner-caps of bishops at table. Turner hates ecclesiastical trappings; the pomp and ceremony of the high church. He also hates his bishop, which is making life difficult in Wells, but Turner has always prided himself on his ability to thrive on controversy.

      He rises from his desk to kiss Henry.

      ‘You’ve missed Peter,’ he says. ‘Oxford drew him back a day early, as he leaves very shortly for Heidelberg and has things to wrap up before his departure.’

      Henry Lyte is disappointed, everyone is going somewhere, it would seem, and he is sorry not to have the chance to say adieu to Peter. But it is always engaging to spend time in William Turner’s house. There is always something very obstructing to debate, some nuisance ignorant with a bad opinion holding his own torch wrongly.

      ‘People are so easily offended,’ William Turner complains, waving a letter. ‘Do they have no resistance of their own that my view can rake up theirs like ponds so hastily?’ Henry Lyte smiles. He has many a time had his own self raked over by Dr Turner, but he has learnt to live with it; there is too much to gain from being with him.

      Dr Turner peppers his speech rapidly with Latin and Greek, so that Henry, who is much more comfortable with French, has to concentrate hard to keep abreast of him. Often in Turner’s company he wishes he had paid closer attention to his studies whilst at Oxford. University is wasted on the young, he has decided, without strict guidance. He was too occupied with pacing between the taverns of the town in a long coat drinking malmsey until the small hours of the night and sleeping with doxies, though he did read every volume of Dioscorides, Matthiolus, Galen, Pliny that he could. A normal existence, anyway by all accounts. 1546, when he left and married Anys, daughter of John Kelloway of Cullumpton, was the year in which all that ground to a halt and his responsibilities seemed to begin, sharply.

      ‘Have you begun that work you crow so often about? Your opus de singulis?’ Dr Turner is a demanding man, who will not let a thing pass once mentioned.

      ‘You mean the translation of Rembert’s herbal? I have started it. It is quite slow to get going.’

      ‘I am waiting for the competition!’ His laughter is hoarse but not unkind. He considers Henry when the mirth has left him. ‘You will need to be very contained to write that book, young man. There will be times when you must shut your ears and eyes to anything outside the vessel of your undertaking. And once you are done, the dissatisfaction with it will pour in from all sides. Easier to find fault with a wheel already rolling than it is to build one up from raw timbers.’

      Dr Turner’s eye has a little more white about it than one might expect in a calmer man. He is old now, but they say he was once very handsome, like an ox in his prime.

      ‘I think it will take me a long time. It mentions eight hundred varieties of plant. Not only does it have to be translated accurately from the French, I shall need to seek out every single name in English, which part I believe shall be the hardest.’

      ‘There will be much scholarship in its making. You may achieve it.’

      ‘I don’t know, Doctor, I—’

      ‘You will need to be tenacious. But there is something of the limpet in you. Not a fast mover on your rock, but you cling on tight.’ Henry bridles, quick to sense criticism where perhaps none is intended.

      ‘Should I speed up, Doctor, how should I do that?’

      ‘Drink more hare’s piss.’ Dr Turner’s back is to him as he searches for a book he needs shortly for a service, then starts away down the corridor.

      ‘What kind of advice is that?’ Henry calls, aggrieved. His diminishing back looks square and spiky in its black church garb that doesn’t fit about the shoulders. He has no patience for a tailor fiddling about him, and it is clear his wife has but hasty measurements to pass on for an impossible task. Dr Turner is not a man who glides his way to anything. His sermons are punctuated with enraged jabs as though even the air itself between him and his congregation needed prodding into discipline. He is not a man with whom you’d dare to share a lukewarm half-thought unprepared, unless you felt like being torn into tiny pieces for the evening’s sport.

      ‘Come,’ he says, and beckons Henry Lyte to follow him downstairs. ‘There is something I must show you.’

      The doctor is showing signs of his age, and stumbles on the path out into the garden. This labour of his latter years has paid off in the shape of a most glorious plot to the south of his house, with a small orchard of the choicest variety of fruits, and a horseshoe of beds laid out to herbs and flowers in the final states of blooming, though most are tatty and seeded into heads or fruiting now. In a few days there will be frosts and all will be blackened, but for now these latter-end herbs still cling to their season.

      Dr Turner stops by a low wall and points into a browning, damp tangle of small climbing herbs that have colonized the stones over the summer and are dying back.

      ‘What do you see there, Henry? Does a thing strike you?’

      Henry Lyte gets down on his knees and obligingly blinks and peers. ‘Well, Doctor, I …’

      ‘No doubt you see remnants of pennyroyal, Pulegium, and mosses of various sorts and a little СКАЧАТЬ