The Deathless. Peter Newman
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Название: The Deathless

Автор: Peter Newman

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9780008229009


СКАЧАТЬ her conscious mind fully understood what she was about to do.

      She reached out to his raised hand and plucked the needle from it. His reaction was swift, one fist lashing out on instinct. Pari barely managed to get her arms in the way in time. The force of the blow slammed into her, bruising forearms, and she tripped on the other woman’s leg, stumbling back to the far wall for support. Before she could recover her breath the assassin was leaping after her, one hand raised, index and middle fingers locked together ready to strike.

      His movements suggested that his hand-to-hand training was excellent, at least as good as one could be in a single lifetime. In a younger body, she would have dealt with him easily, now most of her efforts were going into staying upright.

      As if he sensed her fatigue, the assassin lunged forward but Pari, still leaning against the wall, showed him her empty hands before giving her best smile and flicking a look to his throat.

      The gesture made him pause. His eyes widened as his fingers touched the side of his neck and the needle protruding from it.

      He just had time to look at her in understanding before something seemed to switch off inside, and he collapsed to the floor.

      Pari pushed herself upright and moved to the side of the crib, rubbing her arm. It turned out that the baby had woken after all, his eyes staring up at her, two black pools in the grey.

      ‘Well,’ she said, picking him up. ‘You’re a very calm fellow, aren’t you?’

      The baby didn’t reply, watching her with intensity. The woman by Pari’s feet however, was another matter. ‘I know that voice … Pari? Lady Pari Tanzanite, is that you?’ At her nod, the woman became haughty. ‘I demand that you tell me what is going on this instant! Who was that man? Why was he trying to kill my Satyendra? And what are you doing here?’

      Pari peered down at the woman, unflustered. Satyendra did the same. She saw a delicate face, the kind that smiles too rarely and was not built to handle tears. ‘All good questions …’ she paused to allow the woman to introduce herself.


      ‘Can it be? Little Chandni, all grown up and an Honoured Mother! I never would have recognized you. Who is in charge here?’

      ‘I am,’ she replied, standing up and regaining something of her dignity. ‘Lord Rochant entrusted me to oversee the castle in his absence.’

      ‘My, my, it has been too long, my dear.’

      ‘You haven’t answered my questions.’

      ‘True,’ replied Pari, ‘and you haven’t thanked me for saving you and your baby either.’

      ‘I … thank you,’ said Chandni, then again more calmly, earnest. ‘Thank you.’

      ‘Much better. As to who the man is, I’m not sure yet. But he’s already killed at least twice tonight.’

      Chandni took a fortifying breath. ‘Who?’

      ‘One was a girl, younger than you, the other her guardian.’

      ‘No!’ Her hands flew to her mouth. ‘It must be Dhruti. But why?’

      ‘She was a descendant of Lord Rochant.’

      ‘She was,’ Chandni’s eyes widened. ‘Like Satyendra!’

      ‘Yes –’ she replied, giving the baby a squeeze ‘– like Satyendra. How many more blood descendants are there in the castle?’

      ‘I …’

      ‘Come on, Chandni, think!’

      ‘Well, two. There’s Satyendra’s father, Mohit, and Kareem. But Kareem was chosen, he’s in the Rebirthing Chamber now.’

      ‘Show me Mohit’s room.’

      A minute later they stood at Mohit’s bedside. There had been no guard to protect him and the needle in his neck was still quivering. Like the girl beforehand, Mohit’s death had been swift and, she hoped, painless.

      ‘He’s only just died. You know what this means?’ Pari asked, pointing at the needle.

      Chandni covered her mouth and gasped behind her hand, ‘Poor Mohit. Quickly, turn Satyendra away.’

      ‘It means there’s a second killer, maybe more. The castle isn’t safe.’ She passed Satyendra back into Chandni’s arms. ‘You have to leave.’


      ‘Right now. Don’t stop to pack, take Satyendra and go, use the tunnel.’

      ‘What tunnel?’

      ‘I’ll show you. It’ll take you to the main doors.’ Pari took off one of her earrings. ‘I have a man outside, his name is Varg. Give him this,’ she said, and placed the earring into Chandni’s hand, ‘tell him I sent you. Tell him to get you as far away from here as he can.’ She kissed the baby’s forehead. ‘Keep Satyendra close. If things go badly, he might be Rochant’s last hope. I’ll come for you when it’s safe.’

      ‘Wait, where are you going?’

      ‘To the Rebirthing Chamber. Someone is trying to erase Rochant’s line, and I intend to stop them.’

      Vasin’s mother stood before him. Wonderfully impossible. Though her body had been weathered and scarred, aged by time and sorrow, it didn’t matter. She was here! As purposeful as ever. Just the sight of her made him feel safer, as if things could begin making sense again. And yet, her very presence meant that the world did not make sense, and would not again.

      ‘They may take my title, strip me of my crystal skin, sever my link to the immortal, bury me with lies and hatred –’ she reached up to his face and he could not decide whether to move forward or back ‘– but I will always be your mother, I will always be yours, and you mine.’

      She was also a traitor, accused and found guilty of selling out their people to the Wild. Treating with demons was a terrible crime in itself, but for a Deathless it was a thousand times worse, a betrayal of their most sacred duty. Such a thing could not stand, especially not in House Sapphire where it had happened before.

      But this was his mother, alive and fierce. He’d never entirely believed she was guilty. Never forgiven himself for not doing more to defend her when he’d had the chance.

      ‘Forgive me, Mother. I’m happy to see you, thrilled. I never thought … I mean … I thought you were …’ He couldn’t finish the sentence. There was a chance he was dreaming and if that was the case he didn’t want it to end.

      Nidra gestured to the looming trees. ‘This is a kind of death. A slow and terrible kind.’ She gave him a bitter smile. ‘I intend to outrun it.’

      ‘But how did you survive? Where have you been living?’ He looked down at the smoking torch. ‘How did you become one of Sagan’s tributes? I don’t understand.’

      ‘I’ve spent lifetimes studying the Wild. I’m not afraid of it like my brother is. A hunter is more than weapons and armour. That knowledge СКАЧАТЬ