The Accidental Bride. Christina Skye
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Название: The Accidental Bride

Автор: Christina Skye

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472009913


СКАЧАТЬ sounding tired. “She never has. This is all so terrible, Grace. I just wish I could be there with you. When can she leave?”

      “Probably a week. But I’m staying here, so don’t worry. Meanwhile, we’re making a plan. Tomorrow I’ll talk to her cardiologist and then I’m going to get another opinion. But you need to rest, too, Caro. You sound exhausted.” Since Grace’s departure, all the Harbor House repair work had fallen on Caro. Grace hated leaving her friend in the lurch this way. “I’m fine. Things have been intense here, that’s all.”

      “It’s that new contractor, isn’t it? Fire him, will you? You’re too kindhearted by a mile.”

      “But he has three kids and a new baby on the way. And his mother used to work at the animal shelter. I can’t just—”

      “You can and you damned well better, Caro. If you don’t, then I will. Now go get some sleep. The Harbor House will survive. I’ll text you as soon as I know more about Jilly. We’ll make this work out right. We always do, remember?”

      “I remember.” Caro gave a sleepy yawn. “Talk to you tomorrow.”

      “Count on it.” Grace frowned. As soon as she broke the connection, her optimism faded.

      She wanted to be positive for Jilly. She wanted to believe in a sunny world full of possibilities. But how did you argue with X-rays and heart enzyme tests?

      “STOP FIDGETING. READ one of those magazines.”

      Jilly punched at her pillow. “I tried. They’re boring.”

      “Then read that thriller I left you.”

      “It’s stupid. Nobody does ridiculous things like that.” Jilly scowled. “I was rooting for the villain by page ten.”

      “Jilly, I give up. You have to rest. The doctor told you that, remember?”

      “I’m trying. It’s just not easy.” Jilly shifted restlessly. “Can’t you find me a good magazine? Cook’s Illustrated would be perfect. Or maybe Gourmet—

      “The doctor said no cooking. No more work obsession. You are supposed to relax.”

      Jilly blew out an irritated breath. “How can I relax? My salsa line will be dead if I don’t get back to work. And my wholesale produce contact said—”

      “Talk to the hand.” Glaring, Grace waved her hand in front of Jilly.


      “Rest. Otherwise I’ll bang you with that meat mallet I found in your purse.”

      “Don’t knock the mallet, pal. I lock up really late at night and the parking lot is empty. That thing makes a great defensive weapon.”

      Grace jumped as her cell phone chimed, forgotten in her pocket. It took her a moment to clear her tangled thoughts. “I’ll take this outside.”

      “Sure. Go right ahead. I’ll just sit here and let my brain rot slowly.”

      Grace shook her head as she walked outside. But when she glanced at her phone, she felt the instant wave of joy … and then the crushing worry.

      It was Noah.

      She scanned his text quickly.

      Called Caro. Got an update. How’s the Salsa Diva doing?

      Grace cradled the phone. Noah still caused a flutter at her chest, even after all these months. She hoped that would never go away.

      Not so good. Waiting for more tests. It looks like her heart. She’s upset and so am I. I only wish that …

      Grace left the sentence hanging and hit the send button. What was there to add? There were still too many questions to predict what would happen next.

      Noah would understand. He had read her feelings almost from the first moment they had met. He was smart and decent and also the sexiest man she knew.

      But sexy and decent didn’t help when his job kept him tied up 24/7. Lately Grace woke up at night in a cold sweat, seeing dark images of explosive death and shattered limbs. Though few people could be told, Noah was a bomb disposal expert and he was the very best. Because of his experience and thoroughness he had cheated death again and again.

      Given how important his job was, Noah couldn’t turn and walk away. No matter the risk.

      And because Grace knew how much the job meant to him, she wouldn’t ask him to. While they were perfect together, perfect equals and amazing lovers, a distance had begun to creep between them.

      Grace had a suspicion that one day she’d wake up and find the distance too great to cross, and she’d lose the only man she could ever love.

      Her phone chimed, and Grace answered breathlessly.

      “Hey, gorgeous. How are you holding up?”

      “I’ve been better.”

      “I’m really sorry. Any updates? Have you seen her medical reports yet?”

      “A few. There are more to be done.” Grace watched more lightning play over the mountains beyond the hospital window. “It looks like heart problems.”

      “She’s awfully young for that, isn’t she?”

      “They found a malformed valve. They told Jilly it was just a matter of time.”

      “So they caught it early. That’s something.” Noah took a deep breath. “Tell me how you are doing.”

      “I’m … managing. But Jilly’s not exactly in her best mood right now. She lives to work but her doctor says all that has to change. And seriously, Noah, I don’t know if she can.”

      “Everyone can change. All it takes is motivation and commitment.”

      “You really believe that?” If so, where did that leave them? Nothing had changed Noah. His job was still a jealous lover, and any day he could walk out of his apartment and not come back.

      “I do believe people can change. Grace, about my transfer … I’m working it out. In fact—”

      Grace heard muffled voices and then the angry cry of a siren. “Noah, are you okay? Is anything wrong?”

      “Everything’s fine, honey. I’m just finishing up some loose ends.”

      “Truly? You … wouldn’t lie to me? Never lie,” Grace whispered fiercely. “I can handle anything but that.”

      “No, all the heavy lifting is done. We’re just waiting for the folks from Homeland to arrive so we can sign off.” His voice was calm and reassuring. “I wish I had more time to talk.” There was no hint of nerves or impatience.

      But Grace wasn’t reassured. “Be careful. And if you manage to change your schedule, I guarantee you some amazing Chinese dumplings and a cable car with a view of the bay.” Grace refused СКАЧАТЬ