Indiscretion. Charles Dubow
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Название: Indiscretion

Автор: Charles Dubow

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Зарубежные любовные романы


isbn: 9780007501328


СКАЧАТЬ runs in, lifting her legs awkwardly out of the foaming water, and dives into a breaker. The cold shocks her, but she kicks hard and comes out beyond the swells. As she treads water, tasting the salt on her lips, her body feels strong and clean. She starts swimming a breaststroke, but the current is stronger and pushes her back, and she realizes she isn’t making much headway. For a moment, she is anxious, concerned that she might not be able to get back to shore. Knowing that to fight the current would be to risk exhaustion, she swims parallel to the shore until she has escaped it. When she no longer feels its pull, she bodysurfs back to the beach, stumbling wearily out of the water.

      “You should be careful out there.”

      She turns to see a man of about forty standing beside her. He is good-looking and well-built, with sandy hair slowly turning gray. There is something recognizable about him. It is a face she has seen before.

      “There’s a powerful riptide there,” he says. “I was watching you when you went in, in case you got into trouble. But you looked like you could take care of yourself.”

      “Thank you. I wasn’t so sure for a moment.” She takes a deep breath and realizes her fear has passed. She smiles at him. He is an attractive man. “I didn’t realize this was a full-service beach. Are you lifeguards salaried or do you work on commission?”

      He laughs. “We work strictly for tips.”

      “Well, that’s too bad. As you can see I’m not carrying any money.”

      “You’d be amazed how many times we lifeguards hear that. Maybe I should go into a more lucrative line of work.”

      “Well, you could start a line of bikinis that come with pockets.”

      “That’s a great idea. I’ll bring it up at the next lifeguard convention.”

      “You should. I hate to think of all those starving lifeguards, saving all those people for nothing. It just doesn’t seem fair.”

      “Well, we don’t do it for the money but for the glory—and for the gratitude, of course.”

      “In that case, thanks again for almost saving me.”

      He makes a little bow. “It was almost my pleasure. Well, so long. Stay out of riptides.”

      He walks down the beach in the direction of the lagoon. She watches him get smaller and sees him join a group of people by some canoes. A chill runs through her. She shivers, wishing she had brought a towel. She has to head back anyway. It is getting late. Clive will be waiting.

      THAT NIGHT THEY ARE IN THE KITCHEN, READY TO GO OUT. “Where are we going?” Claire asks. She is wearing a simple white dress, low cut over her small breasts. Jodie appears serene. She has forgiven Clive.

      “There’s a party. Writer chap I know. Gorgeous wife.”

      “I want to go to nightclub,” pouts Irina, applying lipstick while staring at the mirror in her compact. “My friend say they are very good here. You take me, baby?” This to Derek, whom she towers over, caressing his thinning hair. He grunts in assent. “’Ere, what about a nightclub then?”

      “Things don’t really get going at the clubs until midnight,” answers Clive. “We’ll have plenty of time.”

      “What’s he written?” Claire asks.


      “Your writer friend. What’s he written? Would I have heard of it?”

      “You may have done. He wrote something that came out the other year. Won a big prize too, I think. I never got around to reading it.”

      “What’s his name?”

      “Winslow. Harry Winslow. Have you heard of him?”

      “Yes. He wrote The Death of a Privileged Ape. It won a National Book Award. I loved it.”

      “I didn’t like it.” It was Jodie. “You remember?” she says, turning to Larry. “I tried reading it in Anguilla? Bored the crap out of me.”

      “Yes, well, my taste in literature runs toward Dick Francis and Jackie Collins, I must say.” Lowbrow Clive to the rescue, but Claire doesn’t give up so easily.

      “How do you know him?”

      “Harry? He’s a lovely chap. Terribly funny. Wife’s smashing. Not sure how I know them. Just do. Met them at parties, I suppose. They have a house out here. Been in her family for years apparently, though I think that sort of thing means rather less here than in England.”

      “And after we go to nightclub, yes?” puts in Irina.

      “Absolutely. After we’ll go to a nightclub, and you and Derek can boogie until dawn.”

      THE HOUSE IS CHARMING. LIVED IN, LOVED. IT’S SMALL, TWO stories, the shingles brown with age, the trim white. Cars line the drive, some parked on the grass. A little boy, the son of the family, armed with a flashlight, helps direct them. Through the tall trees, an open field is barely visible in the twilight. The air smells of salt water, the sound of the ocean just audible. Claire wishes she could come back in the daylight. She can tell it would be marvelous.

      Inside is the detritus of generations. Family treasures cover the wainscoted walls. It is as though the contents of several larger houses were spilled into one. Old portraits and photographs of men with mustaches and high collars, women with straw boaters and chignons, captains of industry, forgotten cousins; paintings of prized, long-dead horses; posters; books everywhere, on shelves and stacked in piles on the floor; and model airplanes and Chinese porcelain foo dogs and old magazines and fishing rods and tennis racquets and beach umbrellas jammed in the corners. Overhead a dusty, oversize hurricane lamp bathes everything in a soft glow. Children’s toys, scratched tables and scuffed chairs and piles of canvas sneakers, moccasins, and rain boots. The whole place smells of years of mildew, the sea, and woodsmoke.

      Claire is the last one in. The noise of the party pours out from other rooms. Clive puts his hand behind her back and brings her up to introduce her to a man with sandy hair. He is shaking hands with the rest of their group.

      “It’s my lifeguard!” He is taller than she remembers. He wears an old blazer with a button missing and frayed cuffs. “Saved anyone tonight?”

      “Just a few. They were dying of thirst.”

      Claire giggles. “Clive, I met this man on the beach this afternoon. Apparently, I went swimming somewhere I shouldn’t have and could have drowned.”

      “You didn’t tell me.”

      “It was my good deed for the day, Clive,” the man says. “Good thing she’s a strong swimmer. I was afraid I was going to have to go in after her. Last year a teenage boy drowned there.”

      “So you’re Harry Winslow?” Now she knows why he looked so familiar.

      “I am. Who are you?” He smiles broadly. There is an old scar on his chin. His eyes are gray. A faint trace of wrinkles. He holds out his hand, the nails clean, the fingers tapered. Golden hairs curl around his thick brown wrist.

      His hand envelops hers as she introduces СКАЧАТЬ