Madame Picasso. Anne Girard
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Название: Madame Picasso

Автор: Anne Girard

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература


isbn: 9781472099969


СКАЧАТЬ to sound kittenish. She felt a strange new barrier between them and she did not like it.

      “All right. But don’t give me a hard time when I want to bring the leftovers back for Frika.”

      “Sometimes I think you love that dog more than you love me.”

      “Dios mío, Fernande, I am still here, aren’t I?”

       Chapter 3

      “I can’t do it! I won’t!”

      She heard her own voice first, when she remembered what had happened the last time before she left home, and the memory of the scene was quickly vivid again in her mind.

      Eva’s parents did not react to her protest. Her mother stood silently at the stove stirring the iron pot full of beet soup. Her father sat across from her at the small kitchen table, his elbows heavy on the table and his meaty hand clenched around a half-full mug of wine. He was always so irritable when he drank that sour-smelling cheap wine but no one dared to tell him.

      “Kochany Tata,” Eva pressed, hoping that the tender term of endearment would soften him. Yet she knew there was a note of something more harsh in her voice that she could not contain. It was something he would hear because he knew her so well.

      The scent of pork, ginger and sour wine was bitingly strong with the tension.

      “And what is wrong with Monsieur Fix?” her father asked. He was hunched over and looking up from his glass with glazed, heavy-lidded eyes, as though life itself had gotten as burdensome for him as it had for her mother. He was not yet forty. “You’re too good for the man, are you?”

      “I don’t love him, Tata.”

      “Opf, love!” he grumbled, batting a hand in the air. “It has all been settled with his family. A girl like you should have a husband, a house full of children and a secure life here near your parents.”

      She cringed as though he had pronounced a death sentence on her. A girl like you. What he meant was a plain sprite of a girl, still unmarried at the age of twenty-three, still untested by men, relationships and the world. How she should respond so as not to ignite his anger, Eva did not know because she was not desperate for marriage. The only desperation she felt was to make something of her life. Her mother continued stirring the soup.

      “I won’t marry him, even if he is the only man in the world who ever wants me.”

      “You will.”

      “You don’t understand me, Papa! That life would kill me, I know it would!”

      “He is the first serious offer you’ve had. By God, you will marry him.”

      “I’m a grown woman! You ask too much.”

      “You will always be my child, Eva Céleste Gouel—you do as you are told, and there is nothing more to understand,” her mother declared, finally breaking her silence as she tossed down the wooden spoon and it clattered onto the tile floor.

      “No! I tell you, I won’t!”

      Suddenly her father slapped her and the force of the blow to her cheek turned her head. She felt the sting of surprise, since her father had never in her life struck her before. Her parents loved her. They had always loved her. As she turned slowly back to face her father, she tasted the trickle of blood from a crack in her lip. “You are our daughter, you owe us for that, and by God in His heaven, you will be Monsieur Fix’s wife, if it kills you!”

      Finally her mother spoke. There were tears shining in her eyes. “Eva, please. He is stable enough not to abandon you if you fall ill again. That pneumonia last winter nearly took you. You have always had a weak constitution, your lungs especially. Something bad will happen to you if you go off where we cannot protect you. Something awful, I know it!”

      “Eva? Are you listening to me?”

      The memory still had the power to claim her. It slipped like a phantom back into the corner of her mind as she gradually heard Sylvette’s voice again. The room they shared was dark so Sylvette could not see the tears in her eyes. The sound of crickets flooded the room through the open window as she realized Sylvette had been telling her a story she had not heard.

      “Were you thinking again about what happened with your parents?” Sylvette carefully asked.

      “It’s just a vivid memory that comes to me at nighttime, that’s all. I’m fine.”

      “Do you want to talk about it?”

      “That won’t help.” She felt the tears fall and then dry on her cheeks. She did not bother to wipe them away. There was a quiet stillness between them after that for a time.

      The small room they shared was lit by a moonbeam. Both girls lay on their backs looking up at the ceiling, and Eva could hear Sylvette’s rhythmic breathing. It was soothing, she thought, and the assurance of it calmed her. She looked across the little wooden dresser with porcelain knobs that separated their two beds. A moment later, Sylvette tried to lighten the mood between them.

      “Did you see Mistinguett’s face when you said that you were going to mend her drawers?” Sylvette asked, beginning to chuckle. The sound reminded Eva of the tinkle of bells.

      Eva felt herself smile and then they both laughed.

      “She hates me.” Eva groaned.

      “She hates all women who are a threat to her.”

      “I’m not at all beautiful, or talented like her, so I should be no threat.”

      “But you do have a certain quality. People can feel it. And men look at you differently than they do a woman like her. You are sweet and innocent. They want to protect you.”

      “I’m not so innocent. Certainly not all that sweet.”

      Sylvette giggled. “Oh, believe me, yes, you are!”

      Images of how she had left home crept back into her mind. Her defiance with her family haunted her. A week after the argument with her parents, Eva had summoned the courage to buy a Métro ticket to Paris, and she did not even tell her parents she was going. She was too terrified that they would change her mind.

      Her parents were not terrible people. She knew her mother had struggled to find a way out of the poverty she had known in Warsaw, and she dreamed of marrying and having a child in the peaceful suburbs of France. But Eva did not share the same dream. Eva had dried her tears as she’d stepped onto the Métro car in her only pair of button shoes. She knew how badly she was hurting her parents, but she had craved excitement. And the powerful hope for something more than she could find at home.



      “What happened to the seamstress before me?”

      “Mistinguett didn’t like her,” Sylvette answered after another small silence.

      “She is so awfully intimidating.”

      “I СКАЧАТЬ