Blood Ties Book Two: Possession. Jennifer Armintrout
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Название: Blood Ties Book Two: Possession

Автор: Jennifer Armintrout

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Ужасы и Мистика


isbn: 9781408921548


СКАЧАТЬ way too loud in the quiet room, and Anne snorted in laughter.

      Behind the glass, a void of still redness surrounded a murky, suspended shape. It took me a moment to realize what the redness was.

      “Is that blood?”

      Anne joined me at the rail. “Yup. The Oracle can’t feed in the traditional sense anymore. She requires much more blood to support her tissues. Total immersion allows her to draw the blood in through her lungs and pores as well as her digestive system. The blood cycles through purifying and oxygenating filters continually, to provide optimal nourishment for her.”

      “So, you’ve got a giant heart-lung machine back there, pumping blood?” I squinted at the tank.

      Anne nodded and shrugged. “Pretty much.”

      As the lights grew brighter, the shape came into focus. A figure, nude and obviously female, floated in the blood. What appeared to be intravenous lines and electrode wires connected to her slender limbs and bald head. Her face was relaxed, eyes closed as if in sleep. She was perfect, except for the three pointed horns protruding from her skull.

      I thought back to Cyrus’s New Year’s party, and the creatures I’d seen there. “Is she part demon?”

      “No. The Oracle is pretty old, one of the oldest we know about. The horns are a natural consequence of the aging process. We get twisted when we age.” Anne held out her arm and pushed her plastic bracelets aside, revealing the faint beginning of what could only be described as a dew claw. She covered it again with a shrug. “She’s also the most psychically gifted vampire we know of.”

      “You’ve got that memorized like you work at the Smithsonian,” I said, leaning over the rail. “So, she’s sealed up in there, or what?”

      “Yup. She’s been held in various methods of containment since her capture in 1079, Common Era, and was given to the Movement in its first year of inception by King George the II in 1765.”

      “The Movement is that old?” I asked, my awe diverted for an instant from the Oracle. “I thought back then it was the Order of the Brethren?”

      Before Anne could answer, the blood in the tank surged, pounding the glass with a wave that created a thunderous echo.

      “Don’t worry about that,” Anne assured me. “She’s responding to your voice because you’re new.”

       Much in the way a big, scary dog is “just playing.”

      “She has a staff of round-the-clock caregivers who administer sedatives. That’s why she’s not all vamped out in the face area. The drugs they give her keep her in a light coma. It’s safer, and more conducive to her visions. And her specialists monitor her psychic readouts. We can accurately monitor major world events days in advance with the information she supplies us. You know, if she chooses to supply it.”

      It might have been a trick of the changing light, but I could have sworn the Oracle’s eyes opened.

      “Weird,” Anne whispered. “I’m gonna page them, let them know she’s awake.”

      So, it wasn’t just an eerie illusion. Neither, apparently, was the voice in my head. Carrie, it called softly. The chill tone paralyzed me. Carrie, he has come back.

      “Who has?” I asked out loud. But I knew. I knew in my heart who she meant. Two months of horrible nightmares flashed through my mind. No! I shouted back at the Oracle through my mind. Cyrus is dead. No matter what bizarre scenario you try and come up with, nothing can bring him back!

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