Backwoods. Jill Sorenson
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Название: Backwoods

Автор: Jill Sorenson

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474000345


СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      “Neither did we,” Abby said.

      “A mountain lion can scream like that,” Brooke said.

      Nathan nodded. “They’re drawn to the smell of blood.”

      Abby glanced around the woods, studying the dark shadows as if a big cat might spring from the depths at any moment. “Let’s get out of here.”


      THE TRIP AROUND the lake took a lot longer than the swim across.

      As the sun dipped lower on the horizon, the temperature dropped into the 70s. Comfortable for hiking, if they weren’t wet, half-naked and barefoot. Nathan’s shorts were soaked. He’d have suggested swimming back, but they were all cold, and Leo was still pale. Nathan didn’t want him to throw up again.

      The sight of the hanging deer brought back old memories. Nathan had hunted with his father in the woods of Wisconsin, where he’d grown up. He hadn’t enjoyed the sport. He’d always felt a little queasy, pulling the trigger. Dressing the kill was no picnic, either. He’d never complained, of course. His dad would have cuffed him for whining or showing weakness.

      He felt disloyal for remembering his father that way, as if being strict was a crime. Maybe it was, in California. Now Conrad Strom was dead and gone. Former military, he’d been tough as nails, unaffectionate and slow to praise. A parent from another era. But there was nothing wrong with a man wanting his son to be strong.

      Was there?

      Nathan owed a lot of his success in baseball to his stern Midwestern upbringing. If his dad hadn’t pushed so hard, Nathan wouldn’t have achieved half as much. He’d been drafted into the minor league right out of high school. His father had encouraged him to reach for the stars. Whenever Nathan tried to do the same for Leo, it backfired.

      This whole situation was a mess. One minute he was palling around with Leo and getting cozy with Abby. The next, he was creeping through the woods with a club, searching for a screaming girl.

      Maybe he’d needed an interruption. His comments to Abby had been too suggestive. After a few minutes in her company, he’d forgotten his vow to keep his distance. She was just so...beautiful. Her curves made his mouth water and his palms itch. In his defense, he hadn’t gotten laid in a really long time.

      It was more than that, though. They had great sexual chemistry, but he liked her personality. She had depth. If she’d been vapid or conceited or shrill, his urge to fuck her would have faded already. Instead, it kept growing with every smile he coaxed from her, every laugh that escaped her lips.


      She seemed interested, too. He assumed she was single. Her signals weren’t so obvious that he knew he could score with her. With some women, he could tell right away. Others were more of a challenge. Abby was the type he’d have to work for.

      But never mind that. He wasn’t here to put the moves on Abby. His main priority was bonding with Leo. He wanted to be a better father. When this trip was over and they were back in San Diego, he could call Abby. Unless he kept making a jerk of himself and ruining his chances, which was possible.

      Anyway, he had other things to worry about. Lawbreaking hunters and strange sounds and gutted animals. Nathan held the tree branch in a firm grip, just in case. He didn’t want to tangle with a hungry mountain lion.

      When they reached the other side of the lake, he drew in a sharp breath. Their backpacks had been tampered with. Zippers and pockets were gaping open. A few stray items were strewn across the sand.

      “Son of a bitch,” he said, tightening his grip on the club. They’d been robbed! “Check to see what’s missing.”

      While Nathan stood watch, the others searched the packs.

      “My cell phone’s gone,” Brooke reported.

      Abby’s eyes widened with dismay.

      “At least it’s my backup, so there’s no information to hack.”

      “Why would they steal a phone they can’t use?” Abby asked.

      “They can wipe it and sell it,” Leo said.

      Nathan narrowed his gaze at the trees along the trail. Those long-haired creeps had drawn them away from their belongings to rob them. He didn’t know who or what had made the screaming sound. This was some sneaky, sinister shit.

      “My stuff is all here,” Abby said. “I didn’t bring any money.”

      “I did,” Nathan said. “It was in the side pocket.”

      She reached into the zippered pouch of his pack and pulled out an empty clip. The wad of cash was gone.

      “Fuck,” he muttered, raking a hand through his hair.

      “How much was it?” she asked.

      “Three hundred.”

      Leo snorted at Nathan’s stupidity. “There goes our fancy dinner at that four-star restaurant down the trail.”

      Nathan didn’t bother to respond. He always carried cash for emergencies, and it was a trifling amount. When they were done looking for missing items, Brooke reorganized the backpacks and they put on their discarded clothes.

      “What should we do?” Abby asked.

      “We have to make camp,” Brooke said. “It will be dark soon.”

      Abby studied the trail, her lips trembling. It went without saying that this situation freaked her out.

      “They’re gone,” Nathan said.

      “What if they come back?”

      “They won’t. We don’t have anything left to steal.”

      This logic didn’t appear to convince her.

      Nathan tried again. “Fresh venison is worth more than my cash and Brooke’s phone. In this weather, they have to get it to cold storage right away.”

      “How do you know?”

      “I’ve hunted before. Meat has to be kept at forty degrees. The nightly lows have been in the fifties.”

      Abby exchanged a nervous glance with Brooke. “They might have a cooler.”

      “No. Ice is too heavy to hike in, and it won’t last a day out here. The lake isn’t cold enough, either.”

      She blinked a few times, close to tears. “I want to go to the cabin.”

      “Mom,” Brooke said in warning tone.

      Leo stayed silent, as if he had no opinion either way.

      “Three young women have disappeared in this area,” Abby said in a rush. “One right here at the lake.”

      “She drowned,” Brooke said.