Evening Hours. Mary Baxter Lynn
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Название: Evening Hours

Автор: Mary Baxter Lynn

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Зарубежные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472046468


СКАЧАТЬ have to be strong.”

      Edgar took a heaving gulp. “I know.”

      The doctor stood. Edgar followed suit, their eyes locking once again.

      “I’ll be back later to check on you both,” Wainright said. “Kaylee will sleep for most of the remainder of the day, so don’t get worried.”


      Edgar blew out a harsh breath. “And when she wakes up, I—” He couldn’t go on. His vocal cords constricted, shutting off further words.

      “When she wakes up, you will have to tell her the truth, but only if she asks.”

      Edgar nodded. “Knowing her, she’ll ask.”

      “Then you level with her.”

      Edgar nodded again, feeling his throat constrict even more. Once he was alone, he straightened his shoulders and walked back into Kaylee’s room. For the longest time he stood beside her bed while wave after wave of anger, pain and remorse swept through him.

      He finally got control of his emotions and sat beside her. Yet the words were so hard to come by. Reaching for her hand, he whispered, “No matter what happens, I’ll never let you down again.”

      Suddenly his heart leaped. She had squeezed his hand. God had not deserted him. He had been given a second chance and he would make the most of it.


      Sixteen years later

      Man, did he ever have a great tush.

      The way he swaggered when he walked merely accentuated it, and the white shirt, boots and tight jeans added style.

      She figured he was an uninvited guest, as no one else at the party was dressed so casually. No one she knew would dare. This man was either a country bumpkin who didn’t know any better or he had so much self-confidence he didn’t give a rip.

      If she were placing a bet, she’d opt for the latter. He seemed to be totally at ease with himself and his surroundings.

      For a moment Kaylee Benton was held utterly captive by this stranger’s rear—a first for her. Oh, she’d admired men’s looks and physique, but never had she been blatantly fascinated by a specific body part.

      Suddenly realizing where her mind was and what she was doing, Kaylee was about to look away, when his gaze locked with hers.

      She had seen movies and read books where two people met and eyes held across a room—but never had such a thing happened to her. Swallowing, she jerked her head around. Her cheeks and body suddenly stung.

      Thankfully she realized that she was alone. At least she could regain her composure without an explanation. Taking several slow, deliberate breaths, she still found it hard not to sneak another peek at the man with the great tush.

      “Stop it,” she muttered to herself just as her insides settled back to normal. This was so out of character for her. It was bizarre behavior.

      Dismissing the entire episode from her mind, Kaylee concentrated on the party around her. It was given in her honor at The Garden Room of the luxury hotel in the heart of down-town Houston. The room was abuzz with the sound of voices, laughter and music, and redolent with the smell of flowers flowing from the glassed-in section out onto the patio.

      Kaylee certainly wasn’t immune. She took great pleasure in the fragrances that encircled her, inhaling the scent from time to time. The shindig had been in full swing two hours and this was the first moment she hadn’t been surrounded by people.

      She loved being the center of attention. Being named Woman of the Year was an honor as intoxicating as the strong floral scent. Yet she was grateful for the respite. It wouldn’t last long, she knew, since one of her models had just gone to refill her glass of wine.

      She was used to having people constantly being in her face, especially beautiful people like those who now milled about. After all, she made her living off beauty. She had successfully launched a modeling agency several years ago, an accomplishment that hadn’t been easy, especially since her idea had come under attack from the beginning. Her critics had told her she was crazy to think that an agency such as she envisioned would ever get off the ground in Houston, Texas. New York City, yes. Houston, no.

      Thank goodness she hadn’t listened to the naysayers. If she had, she’d probably be an embittered young woman chasing a dream that could never be.

      Kaylee’s gaze strayed to the cane that lay on the floor beside her. Even after all these years, her heart still constricted with pain when she saw it. She quickly reminded herself that even though she would never walk the walk, she had proved she could talk the talk. Her business was booming, a fact that the chamber of commerce had recognized. The ache in her heart eased.

      “Hey, where’s your devoted audience?”

      Kaylee looked on as her friend and assistant, Sandy Nelson, plopped down in the chair next to her, a smile creasing her face right along with a devilish twinkle in her blue eyes. She was a tall, busty woman with, as Sandy described it, a widening ass and a mop of curly black hair that capped her head like a crown.

      Kaylee adored her and knew the feeling was mutual. They made an awesome team. Without Sandy, Kaylee’s career wouldn’t be nearly as successful as it was today, because Sandy had an eye for who could enter the highly competitive world of modeling and survive, a gift that she, Kaylee, lacked.

      “Barbie is getting me a refill,” she said, breaking the momentary silence.


      “You’re probably enjoying the peace and quiet. You’ve been covered up all evening. I know how squirrelly that makes you sometimes.”

      Kaylee quirked an eyebrow and smiled. “It’s scary how well you know me.”

      “Not to worry.” Sandy grinned as she reached over and touched Kaylee on the arm. “Your secrets are safe with me.”

      “I know.” Suddenly a lump appeared in Kaylee’s throat and she didn’t know why.

      As if she sensed the poignancy of the moment, Sandy switched the subject. “This is some blowout, my friend.”

      Kaylee acknowledged her statement with a grin. “That it is. I still can’t believe it’s happening to me…to us.”

      “Whoa, there’s no us to it. Tonight is all about you and your successful career. Just wallow in it up to your tonsils.”

      Kaylee smiled with a sigh. “You know that’s hard for me to do.”

      “Get over it. Being in the spotlight for one evening is hardly lethal.”

      Kaylee laughed. “What would I do without you to keep me on the straight and narrow?”

      Sandy laughed with her, then cocked her head sideways, a light appearing in her eyes.

      “What?” Kaylee asked.

      “You look great tonight. Actually, СКАЧАТЬ