Big Bang. Simon Singh
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Название: Big Bang

Автор: Simon Singh

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Прочая образовательная литература


isbn: 9780007375509


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      Figure 14 The diagram shows a highly exaggerated planetary orbit. The height of the ellipse is roughly 75% of its width, whereas for most planetary orbits in the Solar System this proportion is typically between 99% and 100%. Similarly, the focus occupied by the Sun is far off-centre, whereas it is only slightly off-centre for actual planetary orbits. The diagram demonstrates Kepler’s second law of planetary motion. He explained that the imaginary line joining a planet to the Sun (the radius vector) sweeps out equal areas in equal times, which is a consequence of a planet’s increase in speed as it approaches the Sun. The three shaded sectors all have equal areas. When the planet is closer to the Sun the radius vector is short, but this is compensated by its greater speed, which means that it covers more of the ellipse’s circumference in a fixed time. When the planet is far from the Sun the radius vector is much longer, but it has a slower speed so it covers a smaller section of the circumference in the same time.

      Kepler’s ellipses provided a complete and accurate vision of our Solar System. His conclusions were a triumph for science and the scientific method, the result of combining observation, theory and mathematics. He first published his breakthrough in 1609 in a huge treatise entitled Astronomia nova, which detailed eight years of meticulous work, including numerous lines of investigation that led only to dead ends. He asked the reader to bear with him: ‘If thou art bored with this wearisome method of calculation, take pity on me who had to go through with at least seventy repetitions of it, at a very great loss of time.’

      Kepler’s model of the Solar System was simple, elegant and undoubtedly accurate in terms of predicting the paths of the planets, yet almost nobody believed that it represented reality. The vast majority of philosophers, astronomers and Church leaders accepted that it was a good model for making calculations, but they were adamant that the Earth remained at the centre of the universe. Their preference for an Earth-centred universe was based largely on Kepler’s failure to address some of the issues in Table 2 (pp. 34—5), such as gravity – how can the Earth and the other planets be held in orbit around the Sun, when everything that we see around us is attracted to the Earth?

      Also, Kepler’s reliance on ellipses, which was contrary to the doctrine of circles, was considered laughable. The Dutch clergyman and astronomer David Fabricius had this to say in a letter to Kepler: ‘With your ellipse you abolish the circularity and uniformity of the motions, which appears to me increasingly absurd the more profoundly I think about it… If you could only preserve the perfect circular orbit, and justify your elliptic orbit by another little epicycle, it would be much better.’ But an ellipse cannot be built from circles and epicycles, so a compromise was impossible.

      Disappointed by the poor reception given to Astronomia nova, Kepler moved on and began to apply his skills elsewhere. He was forever curious about the world around him, and justified his relentless scientific explorations when he wrote: ‘We do not ask for what useful purpose the birds do sing, for song is their pleasure since they were created for singing. Similarly, we ought not to ask why the human mind troubles to fathom the secrets of the heavens… The diversity of the phenomena of Nature is so great, and the treasures hidden in the heavens so rich, precisely in order that the human mind shall never be lacking in fresh nourishment.’

      Beyond his research into elliptical planetary orbits, Kepler indulged in work of varying quality. He misguidedly revived the Pythagorean theory that the planets resonated with a ‘music of the spheres’. According to Kepler, the speed of each planet generated particular notes (e.g. doh, ray, me, fah, soh, lah and te). The Earth emitted the notes fah and me, which gave the Latin word fames, meaning ‘famine’, apparently indicating the true nature of our planet. A better use of his time was his authorship of Somnium, one of the precursors of the science fiction genre, recounting how a team of adventurers journey to the Moon. And a couple of years after Astronomia nova, Kepler wrote one of his most original research papers, ‘On the Six-Cornered Snowflake’, in which he pondered the symmetry of snowflakes and put forward an atomistic view of matter.

      ‘On the Six-Cornered Snowflake’ was dedicated to Kepler’s patron, Johannes Matthaeus Wackher von Wackenfels, who was also responsible for delivering to Kepler the most exciting news that he would ever receive: an account of a technological breakthrough that would transform astronomy in general and the status of the Sun-centred model in particular. The news was so astonishing that Kepler made a special note of Herr Wackher’s visit in March 1610: ‘I experienced a wonderful emotion while I listened to this curious tale. I felt moved in my deepest being.’

      Kepler had just heard for the first time about the telescope, which was being used by Galileo to explore the heavens and reveal completely new features of the night sky. Thanks to this new invention, Galileo would discover the evidence that would prove that Aristarchus, Copernicus and Kepler were all correct.


      Seeing Is Believing

      Born in Pisa on 15 February 1564, Galileo Galilei has often been referred to as the father of science, and indeed his claim to that title is founded on a staggeringly impressive track record. He may not have been the first to develop a scientific theory, or the first to conduct an experiment, or the first to observe nature, or even the first to prove the power of invention, but he was probably the first to excel at all of these, being a brilliant theorist, a master experimentalist, a meticulous observer and a skilled inventor.

      He demonstrated his multiple skills during his student years, when his mind wandered during a cathedral service and he noticed a swinging chandelier. He used his own pulse to measure the time of each swing and observed that the period for the back-and-forth cycle remained constant, even though the wide arc of the swing at the start of the service had faded to just a gentle sway by the end. Once home, he switched from observational to experimental mode and toyed with pendulums of different lengths and weights. He then used his experimental data to develop a theory that explained how the period of swing is independent of the angle of swing and of the weight of the bob, but depends only on the length of the pendulum. After pure research, Galileo switched into invention mode and collaborated on the development of the pulsilogia, a simple pendulum whose regular swinging allowed it to act as a timing device.

      In particular, the device could be used to measure a patient’s pulse rate, thereby reversing the roles in his original observation when he used his pulse to measure the period of the swinging lamp. He was studying to be a doctor at the time, but this was his one and only contribution to medicine. Subsequently he persuaded his father to allow him to abandon medicine and pursue a career in science.

      In addition to his undoubted intellect, Galileo’s success as a scientist would rely on his tremendous curiosity about the world and everything in it. He was well aware of his inquisitive nature and once exclaimed:‘When shall I cease from wondering?’

      This curiosity was coupled with a rebellious streak. He had no respect for authority, inasmuch as he did not accept that anything was true just because it had been stated by teachers, theologians or the ancient Greeks. For example, Aristotle used philosophy to deduce that heavy objects fall faster than light objects, but Galileo conducted an experiment to prove that Aristotle was wrong. He was even courageous enough to say that Aristotle, then the most acclaimed intellect in history,‘wrote the opposite of truth’.

      When Kepler first heard about Galileo’s use of the telescope to explore the heavens, he probably assumed that Galileo had invented the telescope. Indeed, many people today make the same assumption. In fact, it was Hans Lippershey, a Flemish spectacle-maker, who patented the telescope in October 1608. Within a few months of Lippershey’s breakthrough, Galileo noted that ‘a rumour came to our ears that a spyglass had been made by a certain Dutchman’, and he immediately set about building his own telescopes.

      Galileo’s СКАЧАТЬ