Hold: An Observer New Face of Fiction 2018. Michael Donkor
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СКАЧАТЬ they call it?’

      ‘No. Not really. Same as last time, we don’t really talk to one another so there is no need for that. Only a few days she has used this Be so far. That’s the time she has said the most. So I’m hoping and hopeful.’

      ‘Her tongue still not opening? And you been there these two weeks? Kai! Not only me with a problems then.’

      ‘Problems? Like what?’

      ‘Only usual. Normal. Same.’

      ‘How you mean? Spit it out, Mary. Or “Mare”. Mare has good feel about it?’

      Mary breathed a serious whoosh down the receiver.

      ‘For the whole life I have to have only small small conversations with you and then I scrape up the bird poos on the veranda, and then a hundred years will be done and I will have Uncle’s grey hair on my head. Is it? I’m to only spend my days pushing that annoying glass cloth on all the glasses for so many hours to be sure when Aunty comes to check everything is correct. And you remember how the cloth itches my hands. And how long it take to get them white watermarks out. It make me even hate water, knowing how much time I spend on all those glasses, even though I have to drink it or else you would die.’ Mary kissed her teeth. ‘Is like I’m only waiting for Aunty to smile on me and tell me I can stop that one now to then do another job on the list. How can I do that forever? Is like a robot without dreams.’

      Belinda twisted the anglepoise lamp on the side table away, its glare unwanted. ‘Don’t forget, Mary: we are lucky to have found ourselves in that house.’

      ‘Lucky? I don’t feel that at all. Opposite.’

      ‘Yes, it can be a tough task sometimes –’

      ‘Sometimes? Is all times. Every day I’m sitting here in the kitchen with my crossed legs on the floor, trying –’

      ‘You have to imagine. That’s how I told myself.’

      ‘Imagine what?’

      ‘Imagine that you are the kind of girl that can cope with it, even if you are not. Even, imagine you are the type that enjoys it all. If you cannot do it as Mary, be someone else when you work, eh? Wa te?’ Mary hummed. ‘You tell me, eh, tell me now, let’s play – what is the girl who doesn’t mind fishing in the plugholes for the hairs? Let us give –’

      ‘She a mad girl; you can have that for free.’

      ‘Let us give her name and age and story. Come on, Mary. At least try. Close your eyes.’

      ‘OK. Only so you are happy.’

      ‘Hey, mini-madam! I can see they are still open.’

      ‘A witch! My sister is an oversea witch.’

      ‘Close them!’

      ‘I am.’

      ‘Good girl.’

      ‘Now, can she have any name I like to choose?’

      ‘Go ahead.’

      ‘Errrrrrm. I like for her to be Cynthia. Obviously is far too white for me, but I always think that it sounds how an angel would breathe.’

      ‘That’s very grand and for a princess. OK. OK, Cynthia. And how old is Cynthia?’

      ‘Thirteen. The beginning of grown-ups.’

      ‘Excellent … you doing well.’

      ‘I thank you.’

      ‘And … tell me, what is Cynthia’s favourite task to do around the house? What is the one when she wake up, she’s most looking forward to?’

      ‘Is a hard one, but … maybe she really enjoys to grind the pepper for Kontomire. She mash it in the mortar very well to give it the most delicious taste.’


      ‘And also, the onion part also. She thinks is amazing and magic that from only slicing them, it waters your eyes as much as that, as though you really have something to cry about even if you’re feeling in a normal or even a fine fine mood.’

      ‘And here I put something else about Cynthia – if, if you don’t mind me adding also?’

      ‘I suppose I will let you.’

      ‘She has no fears. So when she has to climb on the step ladder to get to the dirty ceiling corners or to wipe the fans, even though inside she is trembling a little, she can still do it. And another one of her favourites is cleaning the glasses.’

      ‘Why would any human being on earth choose that one?’

      ‘She, she loves how the glasses all look when they lined up on the shelves. She calls it perfect: with the light … She sees them and she thinks of heaven, like her angel name. And, yes, the cloth can hurt her fingers a bit sometimes. But the tingle tingle is good. It means that she’s not a lazy person, like all the old men from her village who are drinking on the road and then crying for their wife to get their food for the evening when the bottle is empty. She’s a doing person –’

      ‘Adjei! We have left Cynthia homeless and without a hometown! That’s very bad of us. We call her Fante, for that nice yellow-yellowy skin. Maybe she is from some small place by Takoradi.’

      ‘Main point is Cynthia likes the hard work. It gives her a pride, to, to feel as though she is doing something not nothing.’

      ‘Is she pretty?’

      ‘Very. Miss World 2002.’

      ‘She has very nice white teeth, all neat, and a nice dress with all patterns on the arms that was very expensive to sew.’


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