C. S. Lewis: A Biography. Walter Hooper
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Название: C. S. Lewis: A Biography

Автор: Walter Hooper

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Биографии и Мемуары


isbn: 9780007404476


СКАЧАТЬ into Mansfield Road out of Holywell’.107 ‘This place has surpassed my wildest dreams,’ he wrote to his father on 7 December, ‘I never saw anything so beautiful, especially on these frosty moonlight nights; though the Hall at Oriel, where we do the papers, is fearfully cold at about four o’clock in the afternoons. We have most of us tried with varying success to write in our gloves.’108

      Although now a Scholar of Univ., Lewis was not yet officially a member of Oxford University, as he had still to pass Responsions, the entrance examination. This included elementary mathematics as a compulsory subject, and at the end of January 1917 he returned to Bookham for another term to see if Kirkpatrick could instil a sufficient amount of ‘the low cunning of Algebra’ into him, mathematics being a subject that he seemed eternally incapable of mastering.

      Greeves was also planning stories (which he seems never to have written) and was discussing the charms of actual women who were the prototypes of his heroines; but Lewis was still more interested in

      The land where I shall never be,

      The love that I shall never see,

      This agnosticism was enshrined in a poem written in 1917 which ends:

       I think, if it be truth, as some have taught

       That these frail seeds of being are not caught

       And blown upon the cosmic winds in vain

       After our death, but bound in one again

       Somewhere, we know not how, they live and thrive

       Forever, and the proud gods will not give

      The comfortable doom of quiet sleep,

       Then doubt not but that from the starry deep

       And utmost spaces lit by suns unknown

      We should return again whence we were flown,

      Leaving the bauble of a sainted crown,