Hidden Sin: Part 1 of 3: When the past comes back to haunt you. Julie Shaw
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Название: Hidden Sin: Part 1 of 3: When the past comes back to haunt you

Автор: Julie Shaw

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Биографии и Мемуары


isbn: 9780008228521


СКАЧАТЬ heard of,’ Paula said. ‘Anyway, he looks more like an off-duty solicitor than a drug dealer. Well, maybe not a solicitor. Not with the dreadlocks. But someone in the business, definitely. You remember that bloke, don’t you? The one who –’

      ‘Wish away, Paulz.’ Matt said. ‘Anyway, who’s to say he isn’t both? It’s been known.’ He laughed. ‘Did he try and slip you anything, Joey? Anyway, here’s Dan,’ he added, as the bass player ambled over. ‘Christ, man, get a move on!’

      ‘And he’s staying for the second half by the looks of it,’ Joey said, looking back across to the bar. The man Mo – former drug dealer, record scout, solicitor, whatever – caught his eye, lifted a tumbler and smiled.

      Joey raised a drumstick and smiled back. He couldn’t help it.

       Chapter 2

      Brian peered out of the front-room window and cursed his brother-in-law. Yes, on the whole, Nicky was a sound bloke these days, and he’d be the first to leap to his aid in a fight, but he couldn’t seem to quash the constant hum of anxiety when he was in any way left in charge of Joey. He might be Joey’s kin – biologically, he was, where Brian wasn’t, which sort of rankled – but he wasn’t a dad and he didn’t understand. He just wasn’t reliable enough.

      He turned back to where Christine, curled in an ‘S’ at the far end of the sofa, was apparently engrossed in her new Jackie Collins novel. How could she remain so unconcerned? ‘I swear, Chris,’ he said irritably, ‘if your Nick’s forgotten to pick our Joey up, I’ll fucking swing for him, I really will! I warned him not to go on the piss if he was driving, and now it’s –’

      ‘Not even that late,’ Christine said, tenting her open book on the sofa. ‘Stop worrying. He said he would and he will. Have a little faith, love,’ she added. ‘They’ll get here.’

      ‘Since when was gone midnight “not that late”?’ Brian huffed.

      ‘Since for ever,’ Christine said. ‘Bri, he’s almost eighteen. You can’t keep him wrapped in cotton wool for ever. Think about it. They’ve been playing. They’ve got a lot of gear to sort out. If anything it’ll be our Joey holding Nicky up. All excited. All that adrenaline. And it’s not like they’re going to just unplug their amps and bugger off, is it? There’ll be the pub to empty out, the clearing up, the loading up … And they’ll probably have stopped to have a drink with the landlord and everything – you know how it goes. Love, they’ll be here.’ She picked up her book again, the conversation apparently over, and Brian continued his vigil at the front-room window.

      That was the main problem. That he did know how it was. Not as someone in a band – he never was, never had it in him – but he certainly knew all about pubs. Not to mention lock-ins, and the sort of people who hung around for lock-ins. And how being in a band meant spending a lot of time in pubs, with exactly the sort of people that he used to be. And what about the lad’s window round in the morning?

      ‘Fucking poncing about in a band,’ he muttered. ‘I really don’t like the idea. He’s a grafter, that lad, not some pie-in-the-sky wannabe with ridiculous ideas. He should be home in bed.’ He waggled a finger in Christine’s general direction. ‘He’s going to be too tired to get up for the windows tomorrow, just you wait.’

      Christine gave him a look that he’d come to know well. Because Christine, who he’d been with since Joey was still a toddler, knew him so well – so uncomfortably well. She knew exactly why he was so hard on poor Joey; it was simply because he was terrified. He’d completely wasted his own youth – in a booze- and heroin-filled oblivion, much of it alongside her brother – and couldn’t even begin to contemplate the prospect of that kind of life for his son. Worse than that, they’d even lost him for a bit – well, Christine had, anyway – to social services, when he was just a baby. And he’d been complicit. Involved. A central part of the problem. Had even stood, albeit off his face, and watched the social taking Joey away – he could recall his frightened screams like it was yesterday. And Christine howling like she was dying. Because it was almost like she had been. It had been a long wretched road to get him back again.

      But you know what’s going to happen, Bri? For God’s sake! Can’t you see it? You’re going to be the one that drives him to it! Christine’s words, spoken in anger after one of their interminable ‘differences of opinion’ about Joey – what he could and couldn’t do, where he could and couldn’t go – were never far from Brian’s mind. Because a part of him knew she was right. But if he didn’t look out for him, who fucking would?

      He lowered the heavy green curtain and managed a conciliatory smile in the face of her tutting. ‘Stop fretting, love,’ she told him. ‘Joey knows where his bread’s buttered. He won’t give up the windows. He knows that would be mad. It’s doing that round that’s enabled him to buy the bloody crap he needs in the first place.’

      Which wasn’t exactly why Brian had passed his window round on to Joey. It was supposed to be his living – a proper, stable, decent living. Not just a stopgap till he ‘made it’ as a bloody pop star! No, it wasn’t charity – Brian had been only too happy to accept a job at Beechwood Brushes, not least so he could drop Chris off at work, and bring her home again – but he’d done so with the intention of giving his son a future. One he was constantly anxious that Joey might at any moment throw away.

      Brian glanced out again, sensing a light in the street. Finally. ‘Oh, thank fuck for that! They’re back,’ he said, feeling the tension drain from him. Sometimes he felt like he was going on eighty rather than forty. ‘And judging by the way your Nicky’s parking that bleeding van, he is pissed. For definite, the knobhead.’

      ‘Come away from that bloody window, Bri,’ Christine snapped. ‘The frigging neighbours’ll be wondering what’s going on. Honestly! Nowt like drawing attention to us, is there?’

      Though there was little chance of avoiding it, given the way Nicky was sauntering up the path – not to mention the way he was singing at the top of his voice, despite Joey’s fruitless attempts to shut him up.

      ‘The kid did good!’ Nicky bellowed, once they’d both clattered in, slinging his keys on to the coffee table where they immediately overshot and skittered down to the rug. Joey rolled his eyes as he followed him into the front room.

      ‘Er, what about the stuff?’ he said, sounding plaintive, and looking hopefully at Brian. ‘No way am I leaving it all out there to get nicked.’

      ‘Patience, lad,’ Nicky said. ‘All in good time. At least give me a chance to have a fucking slash!’ Upon which he burped loudly and flung himself down on the sofa, giving Christine just enough time to save her book from being crushed.

      Brian shook his head but decided not to say anything. He and Joey could deal with the kit between them once Nicky had gone to bed. He knew how anxious Joey would be at the prospect of Nicky dropping something precious like his snare drum or something. He also looked happy, and Brian didn’t want to spoil that.

      ‘So you had a good night, son?’ he asked, as Joey sloughed off his denim jacket. ‘You must be buzzing, mate. Did you get plenty of claps and all that?’

      Joey’s caramel-coloured eyes shone with pride. ‘It was mint, Dad! I swear the punters loved us. Really loved us.’ He was pacing in front of the gas fire. ‘And I swear down, Paula’s brilliant. I mean, really, really СКАЧАТЬ