Game Changers: What Leaders, Innovators and Mavericks Do to Win at Life. Dave Asprey
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Название: Game Changers: What Leaders, Innovators and Mavericks Do to Win at Life

Автор: Dave Asprey

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9780008318642


СКАЧАТЬ meta moments will eventually become a habit like any other.

      It’s exciting to know that your brain, your beliefs, and your reality are incredibly changeable. You decide who you are, and you can also choose your own truth. That is a powerful game changer.

      Action Items

       Chose one of the methods from this law to figure out which of your beliefs about yourself are actually true. Be extra suspicious about any belief that suggests you “should” be some way or do something, any belief that says you “have to” or “need to,” and any belief that paints people or the world in terms of good and bad. Write down the first three that come to mind:Belief 1: __________________________________________Belief 2: __________________________________________Belief 3: __________________________________________Meditate on things you believe to be true about yourself and the world around you. Do it either in the morning or at night.Journal about the things you believe to be true for a half hour once a week. Start today.Schedule a recurring monthly or weekly appointment with a coach or a therapist who can point out when you believe your own story.

       For one week, as you meditate or when you wake up, experiment with repeating and focusing on this phrase and actually summoning the feeling of gratitude: “I’m grateful that there is a conspiracy to make things happen the way they’re supposed to. The universe has my back.” You don’t have to believe it, but do your best to feel it—you’re tricking your nervous system.

       Build the habit of listening. The programming most of us have is to think about what we’re going to say next instead of listening to what the other person is saying. The story that drives this habit is one you learn as a child—that when adults are talking, no one will hear you unless you talk right away. The reality we live in now is that if you listen and then speak, everyone will hear you. Choose a friend or colleague who usually has something good to say and commit to consciously not planning what you’re going to say the next time you chat with them. You’ll be surprised by what you learn and what you do end up saying when you don’t plan ahead. Who is the person near you most worth listening to?

       Recommended Listening

       Vishen Lakhiani, “10 Laws & Four-Letter Words,” Bulletproof Radio, episode 309

       Robert Cooper, “Rewiring Your Brain & Creating New Habits,” Bulletproof Radio, episode 261

       Gabrielle Bernstein, “Detox Your Thoughts to Supercharge Your Life,” Bulletproof Radio, episode 455

       Recommended Reading

       Vishen Lakhiani, The Code of the Extraordinary Mind: 10 Unconventional Laws to Redefine Your Life and Succeed on Your Own Terms

       Robert K. Cooper, Get Out of Your Own Way: The 5 Keys to Surpassing Everyone’s Expectations

       Gabrielle Bernstein, The Universe Has Your Back: Transform Fear to Faith

      Law 5: A High IQ Doesn’t Make You Intelligent, but Learning Does

      Your IQ score measures your crystallized intelligence, the sum of your learning and experience. You can raise it, but it doesn’t matter as much as fluid memory, your ability to learn and synthesize new information. Most scientists still believe that fluid intelligence is fixed, but it’s not. So hack it. There are specific techniques to drastically increase your fluid memory that are waiting for you to use them. You can waste your time learning slowly or set yourself free by changing your brain and upgrading how you learn.

      Jim Kwik is a superhero. He is a widely recognized world expert in speed-reading, memory improvement, brain performance, and accelerated learning. He’s humble about it, but he’s trained countless Fortune 500 CEOs and dozens of A-list actors and actresses, including the cast of the X-Men movies. He actually trained Professor X! Jim often appears onstage doing speed-reading demonstrations and memorizing hundreds of people’s names. But he doesn’t do this to impress or show off. He does it to show what is possible not just for him but for anyone. When we have dinner, Jim memorizes the name of every restaurant employee who comes to the table because it makes people feel good when you refer to them by name.

      Jim was not born with these abilities. In fact, when he was in kindergarten, he had a very bad accident that resulted in brain trauma. He was left with learning challenges and poor focus, and he constantly struggled to keep up with his classmates. When Jim got to college, he was sick of always lagging behind. He wanted to start fresh and make his family proud, so he began working so hard that he neglected things such as sleeping, eating, exercising, and spending time with friends. Instead of fueling his performance, this left him passed out in the library from sheer exhaustion. He fell down a flight of stairs and hit his head again. When he woke up in the hospital two days later, he was down to 117 pounds, hooked up to a bunch of IVs, and deeply malnourished. He thought to himself, “There has to be a better way.”

      A moment later, a nurse came in with a mug of tea. The mug had a picture of Albert Einstein on it with the famous quote “The same level of thinking that’s created the problem won’t solve the problem.” The universe had Jim’s back that day, because the mug helped him realize he had always thought the problem was that he was a slow learner, so he had tried to solve the problem by spending all of his time learning. Now he asked himself if he could think about the problem differently: Instead of spending more time learning, could he find a way to learn faster?

      Jim thought back over his education. In school, his teachers had taught him what to learn, but he’d never taken a class on how to learn—on creativity, problem solving, or how to think, concentrate, read faster, and, most important, improve his memory. Socrates said, “Without remembering, there is no learning.” Jim realized that he could learn faster if he could remember more. So he began to study the mind and how it remembers to see if he could come up with shortcuts.

      The memory techniques that Jim developed worked immediately. He went from struggling in his courses to getting straight A’s, and he soon started using his techniques to help other people. He didn’t want anyone to suffer or struggle the way he had.

      One of Jim’s very first students more than two decades ago was a freshman who wanted to read thirty books in thirty days and was able to do so successfully using Jim’s techniques. He asked her why she wanted to do so and found out that her mother had been diagnosed with terminal cancer and was told she had sixty days to live. The books the student was reading were all about health, wellness, medicine, psychology, self-help, and spirituality—anything that she thought might be able to help save her mother’s life.

      Six months later, Jim got a call. At first he couldn’t even make out the voice on the other end. All he heard was crying. Finally, he realized it was the same young woman. She was crying tears of joy because her mother not only had survived but was starting to get better and really thrive. The doctors didn’t know how or why that had happened, but her mother attributed it to the great advice her daughter had gotten so quickly from all of those books.

      That was when Jim realized that his ideas could change lives and in some cases even save lives. Ever since, he’s been on a mission to help change the way people learn, help them fall in love with learning, and allow them to realize the genius they’re capable of. He focuses a lot of his work on reading, because reading is a fundamental way people learn. If an author possesses decades of experience and knowledge that he or she has put into a book and you can sit down and read that book in a day or two and directly download all of that information, that’s a powerful hack.

      Unlike traditional speed-reading, which is more about skimming and getting the gist СКАЧАТЬ