Cooper and Fry Crime Fiction Series Books 1-3: Black Dog, Dancing With the Virgins, Blood on the Tongue. Stephen Booth
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СКАЧАТЬ do we have to do this now, Charlie?’

      ‘While I’ve been lying there,’ she said, ‘I’ve been thinking. You’re not completely unconscious, you know, when you’re sedated. Your mind keeps working. And without any distractions, you seem to see things more clearly. All the memories came back to me. All the memories of Laura.’

      She walked to the cabinet, and her groping fingers found the empty frame again among the photographs.

      ‘When will they let us have the photo of her back?’

      ‘I’ll ask,’ said Graham.

      ‘I need to get back whatever I can of her.’

      ‘I understand.’

      Charlotte turned towards him, tears glittering in her eyes, anger twisting her mouth into an ugly shape.

      ‘I blame you, you know, Graham. Do you realize that? When I think about … everything. All this. I’ve lost my little girl, and now they’re taking away my memories of her. How could you let it happen?’

      Graham moved to put his arms round her when he saw the tears, but she pushed him away roughly.

      ‘Keep away from me. How can you think about it at a time like this? You’re an animal.’

      ‘I wasn’t, Charlie. I wasn’t.’

      ‘Laura told me everything,’ she insisted desperately. ‘She didn’t keep secrets from me.’

      The phone was ringing. Graham moved to answer, then changed his mind and left it. The answering machine switched in. It would be another client, anxiously wondering what was happening. When would Graham be back in operation? When could they expect him to be at their beck and call again? He didn’t resent them. Their businesses had to go on, even if Vernon’s didn’t. Graham thought for a moment of passing everything on to Andrew Milner, letting him take all the responsibility permanently. But he dismissed the thought as soon as it came. He would be back in harness soon enough – surely it wouldn’t take the police too long to sort things out, to come up with someone they could charge. As long as he could stop Daniel from stirring up trouble.

      ‘We have to hold together somehow, Charlie. Will you talk to Daniel?’

      She raised her head, dabbing at her eyes. They both listened for the sounds of their son, heavy-footed on the stairs, getting ready to go out. But she answered with another question.

      ‘There isn’t anything that I don’t know, is there, Graham?’

      ‘What do you mean?’

      ‘About Laura. I need to know exactly what happened, and why. Are there things that you’re keeping from me?’

      Graham saw that something important depended on his answer. Should he tell the truth, or was it a lie that his wife wanted to hear? He thought of the sort of information that Tailby and his team might already be collecting – details that could shatter even Charlotte’s illusions about their daughter. The direction of Tailby’s questions about Lee Sherratt, and even about Daniel, had made that possibility clear. And who would Charlotte blame for that? She said she no longer trusted him. But what she thought of him might mean the difference now between holding together and everything falling apart. The truth or a lie? A crucial decision, but to hesitate would be fatal.

      ‘They haven’t told me anything,’ he said.

      Charlotte finished drying her eyes, pushed back her hair and stubbed out her cigarette in the nearest ashtray among a pile of old stubs.

      ‘I’ll catch Danny now, shall I?’

      ‘Good girl,’ said Graham.


      Cooper tapped Fry on the shoulder as the meeting broke up. ‘Are you in a rush to get home?’

      ‘Well … no.’

      ‘I wondered if you fancied a game of squash. I could do with a game to wind down, and you said you were into sport.’

      Fry considered for a moment. Ben Cooper was not her ideal choice of a companion, for squash or anything else. On the other hand, it would be vastly preferable to another early night in front of the wobbly old TV with her own thoughts. Besides, she was confident she could beat him. That thought made her mind up for her.

      ‘Can we get a game at short notice?’ she asked.

      ‘I can,’ said Cooper, grinning. ‘Just let me make one phone call. We’ll get a court at the rugby club on a Tuesday night, no problem.’

      ‘Fine, then. Oh, I’ll need to call at the flat to get my racquet and kit.’

      ‘I’ve got mine in the car, but I’ll follow you home and we can go together. OK?’

      ‘All right, yes. Thanks.’

      ‘It seems strange to be going off duty with the enquiry at this stage, though. No money for overtime. Can you believe it?’

      ‘They think they’ve got it sewn up, once Lee Sherratt’s in custody.’

      ‘That’s what I think, too. They’re relying totally on forensic evidence. It seems to be some sort of holy grail these days.’

      ‘Forensics don’t lie, Ben. Only people lie.’

      ‘And it costs too much to keep a manpower-intensive enquiry going for days and weeks on end. I know, I’ve heard all that.’

      ‘It’s true. We have to live in the real world.’

      ‘It worries me that the only suggestion of any motivation for Lee Sherratt is what the girl’s father says about him. That’s not enough, surely.’

      ‘Enough for Mr Tailby to build a case on, providing the forensics back him up.’

      Cooper shook his head. ‘It doesn’t feel right.’

      ‘Feel right? That again.’

      ‘OK, point taken.’

      ‘Feelings don’t come into it.’

      ‘At one time,’ said Cooper, ‘it was money that didn’t come into it.’

      ‘That sounds to me like your famous father speaking.’ She saw Cooper flush, and knew she was right. ‘A proper Dixon of Dock Green, isn’t he, your dad? Why don’t you explain to him one day that it’s not the 1950s any more? Things have moved on in the last fifty years. If he walked down the street in his uniform in a lot of places in this country today, he’d get his head kicked in before he could say, “Evening all”.’

      Cooper went completely rigid, and his face suffused with blood. He breathed deeply two or three times before he managed to get himself under control. His hands were shaking as he pushed the papers he was holding into a file.

      ‘I’ll see you down in the car park,’ he said, in a voice thick with emotion.