The J. R. R. Tolkien Companion and Guide: Volume 1: Chronology. Christina Scull
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Название: The J. R. R. Tolkien Companion and Guide: Volume 1: Chronology

Автор: Christina Scull

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Критика


isbn: 9780008273477


СКАЧАТЬ Tolkien is listed in the Oxford University Gazette as a Moderator in Literis Graecis et Latinis (Pass School) from the first day of Michaelmas Term 1930 to the first day of Michaelmas Term 1931.

      27 April 1930 Trinity Full Term begins. Tolkien’s scheduled lectures for this term are: Finn and Hengest: The Problem of the Episode in Beowulf and the Fragment (i.e. the ‘Finnesburg Fragment’; see *Finn and Hengest) on Tuesdays at 11.00 a.m. in the Examination Schools, beginning 29 April; the Germanic Numerals on Tuesdays at 12.00 noon in the Examination Schools, beginning 29 April; and Deor’s Lament, Waldere, and Runic Poem on Thursdays at 11.00 a.m. in the Examination Schools, beginning 1 May.

      30 April 1930 Tolkien attends a Pembroke College meeting.

      9 May 1930 Tolkien attends a General Board meeting.

      16 May 1930 Tolkien attends an English Faculty Board meeting. The committee (including Tolkien) appointed at the last meeting submits proposed revised regulations for the Final Honour School, regarding examination papers to be taken. The Applications Committee has appointed Tolkien and C.L. Wrenn examiners for the B.Litt. thesis of Evan Clifford Llewellyn of Jesus College, The Influence of Middle Dutch and Middle Low German on English Speech.

      23 May 1930 Tolkien attends a General Board meeting. The Board appoints C.L. Wrenn as University Lecturer in English Philology for one year from 1 October 1930, and Dorothy Everett as University Lecturer in Middle English for five years. Wrenn is to deliver intercollegiate lectures and carry on advanced study or research, which will relieve Tolkien of some of his academic burden. He and his wife Agnes will become friends of Tolkien and Edith.

      29 May 1930 An article by Tolkien, The Oxford English School, is published in the Oxford Magazine for 29 May.

      c. 8 June 1930 (Whitsunday) Tolkien’s eldest son, John, is confirmed and takes the additional name Joseph.

      11 June 1930 Tolkien attends a Pembroke College meeting.

      12 June 1930 English Final Honour School Examinations begin.

      17 June 1930 Tolkien chairs an English Faculty Library Committee meeting at 2.15 p.m. in the Library. It is decided in future to have only one meeting per term on the Thursday of the fourth week of term.

      20 June 1930 At an English Faculty Board meeting, in Tolkien’s absence, C.T. Onions replaces him on the Committee for the Nomination of Public examiners in the Honour School of English Language and Literature. The Applications Committee has appointed Tolkien and Onions examiners of the B.Litt. thesis of L.E. Jones of Lady Margaret Hall, An Edition of British Museum MS Harley 2372.

      25 June 1930 Encaenia.

      21 June 1930 Trinity Full Term ends.

      16 July 1930 Tolkien and C.L. Wrenn examine E.C. Llewellyn of Jesus College viva voce on his B.Litt. thesis, The Influence of Middle Dutch and Middle Low German on English Speech, at 11.00 a.m. in the Examination Schools.

      18 July 1930 Tolkien and Wrenn sign their report (written out by Tolkien) on the examination of E.C. Llewellyn.

      29 July 1930 Tolkien attends an extraordinary meeting of the English Faculty Library Committee in the Board Room of the Clarendon Building to elect an Assistant Librarian. He also chairs a special meeting of the English Faculty Board at 12.15 p.m.

      2–9 August 1930 The Universal Congress of Esperanto is held in Oxford; Tolkien will later refer to it in A Secret Vice. In connection with this, a sermon is preached in Esperanto to the Catholic delegates in the Dominican church at Blackfriars by Father Gaffney, O.P. See note.

      Summer 1930 In later years Tolkien will distinctly recall having written the first words of The Hobbit (‘In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit’) while in the midst of marking School Certificate examination papers in his study at 20 Northmoor Road, thus not before summer 1930. But cases can also be made for an earlier origin; see article on *The Hobbit in Reader’s Guide. – During summer 1930 Tolkien and his sons dig up the tennis court at 20 Northmoor Road to make a vegetable garden.

      September–October 1930 Tolkien continues to write the Lay of Leithian. He writes a fifth plot outline, which takes up the story around line 3117. He notes the following dates on the manuscript: lines 3076–84 (Canto X), September 1930; line 3220 (Canto X), 25 September; line 3267 (Canto XI), 26 September; line 3478 (Canto XI), 27 September; line 3650 (Canto XII), 28 September; line 3790 (Canto XII), 30 September; line 3840 (Canto XIII), 1 October. Possibly at this time he continues as far as line 3860, where a typescript copy ends (before continuing in manuscript to the end of Canto XIII).

      September 1930 Kenneth Sisam writes to Tolkien, asking if he would be interested in cooperating in an edition of the Ancrene Riwle.

      23 September 1930 Tolkien completes a fair copy manuscript of his poem The Lay of Aotrou and Itroun, following a good but incomplete manuscript of some earlier date.

      29 September 1930 John Suffield, Tolkien’s maternal grandfather, dies.

      12 October 1930 Michaelmas Full Term begins. Tolkien’s scheduled lectures for this term are: Elene on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11.00 a.m. in the Examination Schools, beginning 14 October; and Old English Minor Poems (including The Wanderer, The Seafarer, The Dream of the Rood, and The Battle of Maldon) on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12.00 noon in the Examination Schools, beginning 14 October.

      24 October 1930 Tolkien attends a General Board meeting. He is elected to the Standing Committee on Responsions, Holy Scripture, and Pass Moderations.

      25 October 1930 Tolkien and C.T. Onions examine L.E. Jones of Lady Margaret Hall viva voce on her B.Litt. thesis, An Edition of British Museum MS Harley 2372, at 11.00 a.m. in the Examination Schools.

      31 October 1930 Onions and Tolkien sign their report of the examination of L.E. Jones. They recommend that she resubmit her work after revision. – Tolkien attends an English Faculty Board meeting. He is elected to the Applications Committee with C.T. Onions. He is appointed to a committee ‘to consider the number and emoluments of the Readers’ (Oxford University Archives FA 4/5/1/1). Probably at this meeting the printed proposed revised regulations for the Final Honour School are presented; these include a note that they are to be circulated to the faculty, and that comments should be sent to Tolkien no later than 22 November 1930. The Applications Committee has appointed Tolkien the supervisor of E.V. Williams of Jesus College, a probationer B.Litt. student who wishes to work on a Middle English subject.

      5 November 1930 Tolkien attends a Pembroke College meeting.

      14 November 1930 Tolkien attends a General Board meeting.

      21 November 1930 Tolkien replies at last to Kenneth Sisam’s letter of September 1930. He would like to cooperate in an edition of the Ancrene Riwle, and already has rotographs of one of its most important manuscripts (Corpus Christi College, Cambridge MS 402). He believes that he could produce a plain text, with a limited glossary, in a short time, once he completed work on the Clarendon Chaucer; but a full text, with a complete glossary and grammar, would better serve the study of Middle English. He СКАЧАТЬ