Your Personal Horoscope 2015: Month-by-month forecasts for every sign. Joseph Polansky
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Название: Your Personal Horoscope 2015: Month-by-month forecasts for every sign

Автор: Joseph Polansky

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9780007544196


СКАЧАТЬ useful (the chart shows the specific reflexes), as will regular visits to a chiropractor or osteopath. The vertebrae need to be kept in the right alignment. Yoga, Pilates, the Alexander Technique and Feldenkrais are excellent therapies for the spine and posture. Give the knees more support when you exercise. If you’re out in the sun remember to use a good sun screen. Regular visits to the dentist might also be a good idea.

      Pluto, the planet that rules surgery, is your health planet so you have a natural tendency to surgery; you tend to see it as a quick fix. In the past two years (and for part of this year) Saturn has been in your 6th house of health, which reinforces this tendency. Keep in mind though that this also indicates that detox regimes are good for you.

      When I look at your Horoscope on an overall level, I see a lack of the air element in the chart. There will be periods in the year where there is more air than usual (January 20 to February 18, May 21 to June 20 and September 23 to October 23) but this element is weak on an overall level. Make sure you are getting enough air. Watch your breathing and try to breathe deeply as often as possible. Regular breathing exercises will be beneficial.

      Home and Family

      Your 4th house of home and family becomes powerful – in a happy way – from August 11 onwards when Jupiter moves there. It will be strong next year as well. If you’ve been planning a move – and many of you have – this is the year (and early next year too) to do it. If you’ve been planning to buy a second or third home, or to buy that timeshare, the year ahead looks very good.

      Jupiter in the 4th house doesn’t always bring ‘literal’ moves. Sometimes people renovate or enlarge the existing home, or install expensive items in the home. The whole effect is ‘as if’ a move had happened. The current home is larger and happier than before.

      The family unit also expands under this transit. Generally this happens through births or marriages (and Gemini women of childbearing age become much more fertile from August 11 onwards), but I have seen where it happens through meeting people who are ‘like’ family to you – people who play this kind of role in your life. Family support will be good this year. A parent or parent figure is prospering and is more generous towards you. The net worth of the family as a whole is increased.

      The 4th house rules other things besides home and family. It rules the subconscious mind and our ‘habitual’ moods, feelings and emotional reactions – the subjects that psychologists study. So this is a year for making important psychological breakthroughs, for understanding the origins of these things. Once the origins of emotional reactions are understood they can be changed to more positive ones.

      Jupiter is your love planet. His transit through your 4th house gives us other messages too. There will be a lot more entertaining from home and much more socializing with family members this year. This transit also shows that you are beautifying the home, buying objet d’art and redecorating. You might not necessarily buy the trinkets – they can come to you as gifts – But by the end of the year your home will be more beautiful. This all looks happy. Redecoration projects will go well from August 11 onwards, but especially between October 8 and November 8. Construction projects or major repairs go well from September 25 to November 8.

      A parent or parent figure is prospering, as we have mentioned, but he or she also seems to be travelling more this year. They will need to watch their weight, especially from August 11 onwards. However, a move is not advisable this year.

      Siblings and sibling figures are also prospering. Marriage is seen in the chart (this could have happened last year too.) A move this year is not advisable for them either. Children and children figures are having a spiritual kind of year – a year of interior growth. Looks like renovations are going on in their homes or rooms.

      Finance and Career

      As we have mentioned, you have just come through a two-year cycle of prosperity. Financial goals should have been attained – and if they have not been completely attained, much progress has been made towards reaching them. Money is not a big issue this year. The money house is basically empty; only short-term planets will move through there – briefly – in the year ahead.

      However, in spite of the empty money house, I’m still seeing prosperity. Jupiter is in your 3rd house of communication until August 11. Many Geminis (a disproportionate percentage) are involved in communication fields – journalism, teaching, writing, sales, marketing and PR – and this is a great year for these activities. There is success and good fortune here.

      The Horoscope is also signalling a new car and new, high-end communication equipment. This could have materialized last year, but if not, this will happen in the year ahead.

      Jupiter moving into your 4th house in August shows good family support, as we have mentioned, but also good fortune in the purchase or sale of a home.

      One of the problems with an empty money house is lack of attention. In most cases, this is a good sign – you don’t pay too much attention because there’s no need to. Your finances are OK and there’s no need to make dramatic changes or concentrate too hard on them. However, if you are facing financial challenges, not enough attention being paid could be the root cause of them. In this case you will have to force yourself to pay more attention – even when you don’t feel like it.

      The past two years have not only been good financially but careerwise as well. Many of you have had promotions, or have received honours and recognition. Your professional achievements have been appreciated. This year we don’t see anything special careerwise, but nor do we see any disasters.

      Ever since Neptune moved into your career house in 2012 you’ve been idealistic in career matters. This is a long-term trend which will continue for many more years. If you’re following a worldly, mundane kind of career, you can enhance it by getting involved in charities and altruistic causes – causes that you believe in. These things are good in their own right, but in your case they will lead to connections that will enhance your career and public standing. In fact, in most cases, you are better known for your charitable and spiritual achievements than for your professional ones.

      The other message we get from this position is the importance of intuition in career decisions. The intuition is basically excellent and needs to be trusted. In the short term intuition can lead to moves that seem strange and illogical. With hindsight, however, they are seen as highly logical and rational. There is really no conflict between logic and intuition. Intuition merely sees data not seen by the material, prosaic mind.

      Our regular readers undoubtedly know that your financial planet is the Moon, Gemini, the fastest of all the planets. In any given month the Moon will move through all the signs and houses of your Horoscope. Thus money can come to you in a variety of ways and through a variety of people. It all depends on where the Moon is on any given day (and the aspects she receives). These show the short-term financial trends which are best dealt with in the monthly reports.

      Love and Social Life

      The social life has been active and happy for the past few years. You’ve made many new friends and have entered serious love relationships. Now it is time to consolidate, to separate the wheat from the chaff, the fruit from the peel.

      Saturn is mostly in your 7th house this year (he will be absent for only three months, approximately, from June 15 to September 18), and will remain there for two more years. This means your love relationships and friendships will get tested. These testings are usually not pleasant but they serve a good purpose. Good relationships will survive and get even better. So-so relationships will most likely dissolve. And it is good that СКАЧАТЬ