The Devil’s Queen. Jeanne Kalogridis
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Название: The Devil’s Queen

Автор: Jeanne Kalogridis

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература


isbn: 9780007283460


СКАЧАТЬ brush and paint allowed her to decorate the finished manuscripts in the scriptorum with dazzling images. And there was Sister Pippa, a handsome young woman with red-gold eyebrows and light green eyes, colorful surprises against the frame of her white wimple and black veil. A blush bloomed upon her cheeks and neck when we were introduced; shyness, I thought, until I caught the look on the face of her constant shadow, the dark-skinned Sister Lisabetta, whose gaze revealed frank hatred.

      That first morning, I sat on a cushion and stared out the large windows at the withered gardens, listening to the cheering crackle of the fire while Niccoletta brought me silk floss, a needle, and scissors. She gave me a handkerchief to practice on and directions on threading the needle and taking the first few stitches. Afterward, the sisters began to whisper to each other from time to time. The sounds comforted me, until I heard Sister Pippa’s pointed question:

      “Ought she to be moving about freely? She is, after all, a prisoner.”

      Lisabetta immediately chimed in. “No one stood guard over her chamber last night. She could easily have slipped away.”

      Sister Niccoletta let the swath of brocade she was embroidering drop to her lap and said, in a hard tone, “She’s a child, one who has been through a horrible time. She certainly doesn’t need you to remind her of it.”

      Pippa’s neck and cheeks went scarlet, and nothing more was said on the matter. I soon learned that her and Lisabetta’s families belonged to the People’s Party, the most radical faction within the new government.

      In the meantime, twice a week, Mother Giustina had me brought to her comfortable cell, where she privately instructed me in matters of noble protocol. She had not forgotten my rank as duchess, nor the fact that I had been destined to rule Florence, and her lessons reminded me that many in the city had not given up hope that the Medici would return to power. She taught me manners at table and the art of conversation, as well as how to address kings and queens and my uncle Pope Clement.

      I attended other classes with Maddalena. Sister Rosalina taught me French, given that the French ambassador paid me regular visits in order to keep King François apprised of my well-being. I was uneasy during my first lesson and did not understand why until Sister Rosalina addressed me as Catherine—Catherine, the name Ruggieri had once unthinkingly called me, the name the bloodied man had called me in my nightmare.

      It was at Le Murate that I began to suffer again from evil dreams. I was perplexed until I remembered that Ser Cosimo had said the talisman would make me recall them.

       Mars dwells in your Twelfth House—the House of Hidden Enemies and Dreams.

      I vowed never to be separated from the talisman again; I credited it, and Ser Cosimo, with the turn in my fortunes.

       Your horoscope holds many terrible challenges, and now is the first. I intend to see you survive it.

      Fate had returned Ficino and the talisman to me. I could not overlook such gifts; I spent my evenings studying De Vita Coelitus Comparanda by lamplight. Further exploration of the bookshelf in my room revealed another present: right next to the aforementioned tone sat an ancient-looking volume titled The Book of Instruction in the Elements of the Art of Astrology, by an Arab named al-Biruni.

      The reading was dry and daunting for one so young, but I felt my survival depended on it. At the age of eight, I memorized the twelve signs of the Zodiac, and the twelve houses, and the seven planets.

      In my nightmares, a man stood calling out my name, then later lay at my feet, his face a bubbling crimson spring.

       Catherine …

      More blood was coming: The Frenchman was calling out to me for aid to stop the approaching slaughter. It was up to me to decipher the danger, and to prevent it. Fate was offering me a chance to redeem myself.

      I passed a content winter. Spring brought more bulletins from Clarice about Pope Clement: he was safely in Viterbo now, and Emperor Charles was apologetic about the horrors his mutinous troops had committed on Rome. Spring also brought newsy letters from Piero: I am so tall now, you would not know me! The air was heavy with fragrance; I, light with optimism. I felt safe, soon to be in control of my world thanks to my astrological studies.

      Then came the eleventh of May, 1528, a year to the day I first heard that Pope Clement had been routed from the Vatican. When Sister Niccoletta came to fetch me for Mass that morning, her smile was forced and tremulous. I smelled an unhappy secret; and when Mother Giustina announced that the French ambassador would meet me in the reception chamber, my foreboding increased.

      I sat in the sunlit room. Ambassador de la Roche was not long in coming. He had shaved his goatee, leaving a clean chin and a razor-thin mustache beneath his formidable nose. He was dressed for spring in a farsetto of pale green brocade and yellow leggings, and when he entered, he bowed low, with a great sweep of an arm.

      “Duchessa,” he said, rising. He did not smile; his tone was somber. “I hope you are well.”

      “Very well, Ambassador,” I said. “And you?”

      “Quite so, quite so, thank you.” He dabbed his nose with the kerchief. “Your health has been good, then? And how go your studies?”

      “My health has been fine. And I very much enjoy my studies. I have excellent teachers.”

      “Ah,” he said, nodding. “All good then.” He paused.

      “Please,” I said, suddenly hoarse with fear. “You have come to tell me something. Just say it.”

      “Ah, dear Duchessa. I am so sorry.” His tone held pity as he produced a letter from the pocket at his belt. “Dreadful news has come. Clarice de’ Medici Strozzi has died.”

      The words were too absurd to make sense of at first; I could not speak or cry. I could only stare at the Frenchman in his ridiculously cheerful colors.

      “Duchessa, I am sorry. You are too young to have endured so many blows. Here.” He thrust the letter at me.

       May 4, 1528

       Dear Caterina,

       I am sorry to inform you that my wife, Clarice Strozzi, died yesterday. She suffered the last week with fever, but insisted on leaving her bed to entertain a visitor from Rome.

       The night before she died, she sat at her desk writing letters to those persons most able to help her cause; morning found her still at her desk, so ill that she could not rise. We helped her to her bed and summoned the physician, but by then she realized she was dying.

       Even in her suffering she did not forget you. She instructed me to write this letter, and tell you that your fortunes shall soon improve.

       Look to Ambassador de la Roche from this time forth. He shall see that you are cared for and protected, as King François remains your faithful ally.

       I am bereft.

       Your uncle,

       Filippo Strozzi

      Like Uncle Filippo, I was disconsolate. I buried my face in Sister Niccoletta’s lap while she wrapped СКАЧАТЬ