We'll Meet Again. Patricia Burns
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Название: We'll Meet Again

Автор: Patricia Burns

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература


isbn: 9781472099518


СКАЧАТЬ cried. ‘He—he came up here a couple of times and watched your family through the fence. Spying. He likes spying. And then he saw you the other evening, with—with—her, and he went and told my mother. She thought she ought to tell your mother, because Annie Cross is such a common girl, but I said she shouldn’t. I said it wasn’t fair and Jeffrey shouldn’t go round telling tales and I said it wasn’t right that my mum should tell your mum and get you into trouble for being with a little guttersnipe like her. But you know what mothers are. They stick together. She went and came up here and told—’

      Tom was staring at her, trying to see inside her head.

      ‘You’d better not be lying,’ he said.

      ‘I’m not, I’m not! I tried to stop her—honest!’ Beryl squealed.

      Still Tom wasn’t convinced.

      ‘Now you listen to me,’ he said, ‘and you listen carefully. First, Annie Cross is not common or a guttersnipe. She’s a thousand times better than anyone in your family. Second, you tell your brother to keep his nose out of my business, or I’ll have his liver and lights and hang them up to dry. Have you got that?’

      ‘Y-yes,’ Beryl stammered.

      She looked terrified. Shame nibbled at Tom’s anger. He shouldn’t be shouting at a girl like this; it wasn’t right.

      ‘Right, now go and get your other brother and clear off.’

      ‘Y-yes, right—but it wasn’t my fault, Tom. Really it wasn’t. I tried to save you—’

      ‘All right, all right, so it wasn’t you. Just tell your brother.’

      ‘I will, really, I will—’

      He didn’t want to hear any more. He turned away and ran back past Silver Sands and up the sea wall. From there he ran as fast as he could along the top, until he was out of breath. As he ran he looked out across Marsh Edge Farm. Somewhere down there was Annie, and this evening he would see her for the last time. No one—not Beryl, not his mother—was going to spoil that.

      ‘You all right, Mum? Can you manage?’

      Annie hurried to help her mother with the heavy galvanised bucket of water to scrub the kitchen floor.

      ‘Yes, yes, I’m fine,’ Edna assured her.

      But she winced as she lowered herself on to her knees.

      ‘It’s not right. He shouldn’t treat you like that, the bully. That’s what he is, a vicious bully,’ Annie burst out.

      Edna looked frightened. ‘Don’t talk about your father like that, love. A few bruises don’t matter. Men are just like that. It’s their nature. They can’t help it.’

      ‘Not all of them,’ Annie said.

      Tom wasn’t like that, she was sure. And Gwen never came to school with bruises on her.

      ‘He’s a good provider. That’s what matters.’

      Was it? Was that all that a man had to do—provide for his wife and children? Gwen’s dad did that, and he was nice to them all as well. Beastly Beryl’s dad was a much better provider, come to that, with enough money to run a car and send them all to the grammar. Did he beat Mrs Sutton and Beryl and the younger boys? She didn’t think so.

      Annie sighed. ‘Right, Mum,’ she agreed.

      Because it was no good trying to discuss it with her. She’d tried it before, many times, and got nowhere. Her mother simply accepted the beatings as her lot. Sometimes she even claimed to have deserved them, because of her own shortcomings.

      The one good thing about her father’s explosions of temper was that for a few days afterwards he was always calmer and quieter. Annie had no trouble getting away that evening to meet Tom. She put on a shirt with a high collar to hide the bruises on her neck and shoulders and set off for Silver Sands, practising controlling her hurt side so that she did not limp. Last—day—last—day—her feet went as she hurried across the fields. Tomorrow Tom was going home, back to the magic land of Noresley, and she might never see him again. It didn’t bear thinking about, so she pushed it to the back of her mind. Now—she would just think about now, and the next hour or two.

      When she was nearly at the last gate, Tom suddenly appeared from round the side of one of the other chalets. He took hold of her hand and started pulling her along.

      ‘This way,’ he said, ‘where they won’t be able to find us.’

      ‘Who won’t—?’ Annie asked, trying not to flinch as he tugged at her poorly arm.

      ‘My beastly family. They know to look for us over the sea wall. And if we go along the prom that Beryl girl or her ferrety brother might be spying on us.’

      ‘Beryl? What’s Beryl got to do with it?’

      Tom opened the gate to the chalet garden.

      ‘This one’s just right. I had a recce this afternoon. They can’t see us from Silver Sands.’

      He spread a raincoat on the wet grass and sat down in the shelter of a tall patch of willowherb. Annie eased herself down beside him, carefully arranging her bad leg.

      ‘What’s up? What’s this about Beryl?’ she demanded.

      ‘Nothing, according to her, but I’m not so sure. She says her brother saw us on the prom the other evening, and he told his mother, and she told my mother. Then my mother said I wasn’t to see you again.’

      ‘Not see—?’ Annie was appalled. This was a disaster. ‘But why?’

      The next time she saw Beryl and Jeffrey, she was going to give them what for.

      Tom looked uneasy.

      ‘Oh, you know what mothers are like. They get these bees in their bonnets. She went on and on about me being too young.’

      ‘Too young?’ Annie was mystified.

      ‘To—er—to have a—you know—girlfriend,’ Tom said gruffly. He could not meet her eyes for embarrassment.

      Girlfriend? She was his girlfriend? Like people in the pictures? Annie could feel herself going all hot.

      ‘That’s stupid,’ she said.

      ‘Yes.’ Tom looked relieved. ‘Yes, it is, isn’t it? If we want to be friends, then we can. Never mind what they say.’

      ‘That’s right,’ Annie agreed, though her stomach sank with disappointment. Not a girlfriend then, just a friend.

      ‘Not a good day, yesterday, was it?’ Tom said. ‘First my mam trying to put her oar in, then a problem up at your place. What was going on? You looked terrified. I was really worried about you.’

      Years of covering up what went on in her household came into play. Part of her wanted to confide in him, but a larger part was ashamed to reveal what her family was like.

      ‘Oh—nothing. СКАЧАТЬ