Idol. Carrie Duffy
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Название: Idol

Автор: Carrie Duffy

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Зарубежные любовные романы


isbn: 9780007421527


СКАЧАТЬ at Jenna. Most of them had enjoyed a private moment with Jenna’s image locked in their head.

      Zac smiled politely, and added, ‘Seriously, though, it’s a long way off and none of us can say what we’ll be doing after this. We’ve all got crazy schedules. And, of course, it depends on the reaction to the music …’

      ‘But we’d love to do it, though,’ cut in Nick eagerly. His shirt was unbuttoned, showing a smattering of dark blond hair, and he was wearing his trademark sunglasses. ‘It’s just a question – like Zac says – a question of time. But Phoenix are definitely impatient to get out there and tour again, and Jenna’d certainly be a welcome addition.’

      ‘Katia Giacomo, E! News. Why have you made the decision to record in London?’

      ‘What can I say? We’d go anywhere to work with Jenna,’ Nick grinned, as he threw his arm around her, his hand squeezing her shoulder. Jenna’s stomach flip-flopped with excitement. She tried to play it cool, hoping the cameras wouldn’t pick up on it.

      ‘It’s a great city,’ Ryan added. ‘We’re looking forward to spending time here.’

      ‘So you’re planning to relocate?’

      Ryan nodded. ‘I’m renting a house so my family can come over. The kids are young, so I don’t want to be away from them for too long – you miss so many important moments …’ He trailed off, sounding almost wistful. ‘But I don’t want to speak for the other guys.’ He looked over to Zac and Nick, but it was Clive that intercepted.

      ‘I’d prefer not to go into details of where the band are staying – we don’t want to cause a riot,’ he grinned sourly, taking a sip of his water. The heat in the room was getting to him. He was sweating lightly, and he loosened his collar.

      A young guy in a cheap suit held up his hand. ‘Zac, I understand Amber’s working in London at the moment. Will this give you a chance to see each other more?’

      Zac looked at the guy as if he was a moron. His hatred of the press was legendary. ‘Yes,’ he replied shortly.

      There were discreet chuckles from the other reporters. Jenna tried to keep her face neutral at the mention of Amber. She’d met her twice and she didn’t like her.

      Clive quickly interrupted. ‘Come on guys, let’s move it along here. Yes?’ He pointed to a woman in the second row.

      ‘Julia Page, Sky News. How do you think Josh Starr will react to the news that you’re to work with Jenna?’

      Zac glanced nervously at his manager, who nodded almost imperceptibly.

      ‘I don’t really know what Josh would think,’ he began slowly. ‘He’s made his decision, and we wish him all the best.’

      ‘But is there any bitterness there?’ the reporter pressed. ‘Or has it turned out to be a blessing in disguise as you now have the chance to work with Jenna?’

      A flicker of worry crossed Zac’s brow.

      Clive leant forward towards his microphone. ‘Sorry, we’re running really short of time. We’ll just take one last question. Bob, yes?’

      The CNN reporter jumped to his feet as Julia Page sat back in disappointment.

      ‘This is a question for Jenna,’ Bob Williams drawled, a sly grin flashing across his features. ‘You’ve long expressed your admiration for Phoenix – Nick Taylor in particular,’ he added, as the other reporters sniggered.

      Jenna could feel her cheeks burning, remembering how she’d cited Nick as her ideal man in countless interviews.

      ‘I was wondering if you’re still of that opinion, now that you’ve met him?’

      Jenna laughed brightly to hide her embarrassment, her smile lighting up her face. The press were gunning for a sniff of romance between Jenna and Nick – and Jenna was pretty keen on the idea herself.

      ‘I’ve found all the members of Phoenix to be extremely generous, welcoming and phenomenally talented,’ she began carefully. ‘I’m looking forward to forming an exciting and stimulating relationship with them – strictly professional of course,’ she added quickly, looking up coyly from underneath her lashes at a grinning Nick Taylor.


      It was a glorious spring afternoon in the City. Shafts of sunlight filtered between the tall, grey office blocks and reflected off the stark, glass, ultra-modern buildings that had sprung up all over the City in recent years. The harassed-looking workers had shed their jackets and were striding through the streets in shirt-sleeves, their eyes hidden by black Ray-Bans. Parks, squares and even churchyards had been colonized by staff on their lunch break, looking to make the most of the unseasonably good weather. The hot sun was making everyone feel sexy, and Sadie was loving the vibe.

      She was strolling along Bishopsgate with Carla and pretending not to notice the appreciative looks she was getting. Every man that passed checked her out, and Sadie was revelling in the attention. She’d just been to the lunchtime Pilates class that Carla ran at the City Works gym, and was bathed in a post-workout glow. Although she wasn’t wearing a scrap of make-up, her skin was flawless and her cheeks were flushed and healthy. Her supple, toned limbs were evident through the fitted sweat pants and T-shirt she was wearing. She had put on a few pounds over the past couple of weeks and her usually skinny dancer’s figure had rounded out into sexy thighs, her small breasts had swollen a little fuller. The City high-fliers, surrounded by over-groomed women in their staid suits with immaculate hair and make-up, couldn’t keep their eyes off her.

      ‘Here?’ asked Carla, as they scanned the menu outside a smart-looking Italian bistro.

      ‘Good for me,’ Sadie grinned.

      They sat down at an outside table beside a large group of business people. Sadie turned her face up to the sky, feeling the sun beat down on her skin as she loosened her hair band and shook out her dark, glossy hair.

      ‘I’d love a glass of white wine,’ Sadie smiled, as the waiter approached. ‘And a risotto verde.’

      ‘I’ll just have a mineral water and a goat’s-cheese salad … without the goat’s cheese.’ Carla winced in apology at the confused waiter. ‘And with the dressing on the side.’

      Sadie looked at her carefully. ‘You do know you’ve just ordered a glass of water and a plate of lettuce?’

      ‘Yeah …’

      ‘Mmmmmm,’ Sadie smacked her lips together sarcastically. ‘Sounds delicious.’

      ‘I’m having a fat day,’ Carla retorted crossly.

      Sadie stared at her friend – she was a size four and there wasn’t a trace of fat anywhere on her body. Her hip bones jutted out and you could count her ribs when she inhaled. ‘A fat day?’ she repeated.

      ‘You know what Tom’s like,’ Carla shrugged as though that explained everything. Tom was Carla’s boyfriend. He worked in IT, which as far as Sadie could tell meant he spent his time surfing the Internet and downloading porn. ‘He’s really into Asian women – Japanese, Filipino – and you know how skinny they are,’ Carla explained.

      ‘So СКАЧАТЬ