How to Fall in Love... With Life. Cecelia Ahern
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Название: How to Fall in Love... With Life

Автор: Cecelia Ahern

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9780007559206


СКАЧАТЬ We are still very much in love and Valentine’s since has always been referred to as ‘cherry pie day’.’

      Kylie Sutton

      ‘I was in my late twenties then and life was a whirlwind of long hours at work, incredible parties and the occasional catch up with my flatmates. Then along came a little baby called Rosie. She was my dear friends’ first born and as one of my gifts to the new parents, I made a booklet of vouchers for free Auntie Sophie babysitting sessions which proved very popular. The very first time I was left alone with baby Rosie is when everything changed. I remember her asleep in my arms after I had fed her, her little pinky cheeks, her complete trust and her peaceful breathing. I knew then that this was what life was about, not the fancy parties and the frantic lifestyle, but the beautiful bonds you share with others which will accompany you throughout your laughter and your tears. Because of this innocent and wonderful little being, things were never the same again, life became much richer and it taught me to look at the tiniest of gifts (milk forming clouds in the tea as it’s poured being my everyday favourite) with a joyous and caring heart.’

      Sophie Mayer

      ‘I fell in love with life while I was travelling in Africa. I went on a safari and witnessed a cheetah chasing a baby gazelle. As we know, the cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world, and I’ve often wondered how it could NOT catch any prey it wanted. Certainly the baby gazelle’s fate seemed to be sealed. However the tiny gazelle started running in tight, continuous circles. This prevented the cheetah from achieving any kind of speed or distance, paralyzing its greatest strength. Still the cheetah kept chasing and the gazelle kept running. So around and around they went. The chase lasted a while, until ultimately to everyone’s astonishment, the cheetah gave up and ran away. The baby gazelle survived. This is something I will remember forever because it has taught me about perseverance and determination and never giving up. It is a vintage moment that I will empower others with just to know that it doesn’t matter how small you are you can run with giants!’

      Angie Hoggett

      ‘After going for an eye test, I was transferred to the hospital eye department and diagnosed with a rare, progressive eye condition. I remember sitting in the waiting room, terrified and quite honestly, feeling sorry for myself. I looked up and saw a young boy, no older than 7, walking beside his mum. I noticed how he handled himself laughing and singing like any boy his age. He was not like every other child though, he was fully blind. That moment changed everything for me. My eye condition will get worse but I will never completely lose my sight. Through my condition, I have done work with various blind charities and met some amazing people. From John, a retired lecturer who worked all through his sight loss to Ian, a father of three who woke up one day blind. Having a new group of people in my life and hearing their stories inspired me to go on. I haven’t quit. I attend university, I sat my exams and each day, I smile. I appreciate every little thing in my life and on the hard days, I think back to that little boy in the waiting room. In those few seconds, he made me realise how important and special life is regardless of the obstacles that are thrown at you. I now focus on making sure I jump over every single hurdle in my way!’

      Sarahann Tonner

      ‘When did I fall in love with life? When I fell in love with my boyfriend as a grown up. Second time around we fell into place and life became full of colour and sparkle. Little things make life feel full. Reading newspapers together in bed, holding hands, taking photographs in the snow, walking by the sea. Happiness is everywhere and we are making memories. We are making a family, too. He gains two children and I gain a dog and together we have a future to plan. We are a family and together we can take on life and everything it has to offer. We laugh when life is great and we remember to laugh when it is not so great. A sense of humour that we keep hold of even in dark places takes us through to the next great times. Life knows we love it and this year life loved us back! We travelled to New York City and life showed us how huge, bright, beautifully overwhelming it could be! I fell more in love with my life than ever before. Not just my life but life itself. Something that feels this good is there to be loved and appreciated every minute of every day. Being in love with life is a little excited feeling that comes from inside and tingles down my arms. Life is good.’

      Lisa Dunn

      ‘After driving through the evening from London to North Wales, at the age of 30, I was looking forward to my first camping experience with my then husband to be. We pitched the tent in the inky black of night on snowy ground, I could see nothing. In the morning I awoke to a sheep trying to get its head inside the zip of the tent. I poked my head out and what I saw has stayed with me ever since. Mountains! Magnificent, huge, awesome (in the real sense of the word) mountains. I had been raised and spent my life in London and never ventured far, so I was astounded at this sight where millions of years of the earth rising and twisting had produced this landscape which reduced me to tears. It changed me and provoked something that led me to travel as often as finances would allow in order to soak up as much of this wonderful earth as possible.’

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