The Colloquies of Erasmus, Volume I. Erasmus Desiderius
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Название: The Colloquies of Erasmus, Volume I

Автор: Erasmus Desiderius

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ as a Letter. I han't had the least Bit of a Letter. No Body has sent me any Letter. There is not the least Word come from any Body. I have received no more Letters for this long Time, than what you see in my Eye. Indeed I had rather have Money than Letters. I had rather receive Money than Letters. I don't matter Letters, so the Money does but come. I had rather be paid, than be written to.

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      Gallus: meaning also a Cock.


      Immunis instead of immune agreeing with Londinum.


      Edict of the Emperor Charles V.: 1523.


      Publius Syrus (B.C. 4


Gallus: meaning also a Cock.


Immunis instead of immune agreeing with Londinum.


Edict of the Emperor Charles V.: 1523.


Publius Syrus (B.C. 45), a writer of mimes, or familiar prose dramas. A collection of apophthegms from his works is said to have been used as a school-book in Jerome's days.


Lit.: One stained or smeared: an epithet of Bacchus (Dionysos) in Sicily, "smeared with wine-lees." ([Greek: moryssô].)