The Common Law. Chambers Robert William
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Название: The Common Law

Автор: Chambers Robert William

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ tapping his carefully pinned lilac tie—"inside of me I know that every pleasant experience, every pleasure I offer myself, is going to make me a better painter!"

      "Experience," repeated the other.

      "By all means and every means—experience in pleasure, in idleness, in love, in sorrow—but experience!—always experience, by hook or by crook, and at any cost. That is the main idea, Neville—my main idea—like the luscious agglomeration of juicy green things which that cow is eating; they all go to make good milk. Bah!—that's a stupid simile," he added, reddening.

      Neville laughed. Presently he pointed across the meadows.

      "Is that your sister's place?" asked Querida with enthusiasm, interested and disappointed. "What a charming house!"

      "That is Ashuelyn, my sister's house. Beyond is El Naúar, Cardemon's place…. Here we are."

      The small touring car stopped; the young men descended to a grassy terrace where a few people in white flannels had gathered after breakfast. A slender woman, small of bone and built like an undeveloped girl, came forward, the sun shining on her thick chestnut hair.

      "Hello, Lily," said Neville.

      "Hello, Louis. Thank you for coming, Mr. Querida—it is exceedingly nice of you to come—" She gave him her firm, cool hand, smiled on him with unfeigned approval, turned and presented him to the others—Miss Aulne, Miss Swift, Miss Annan, a Mr. Cameron, and, a moment later, to her husband, Gordon Collis, a good-looking, deeply sun-burned young man whose only passion, except his wife and baby, was Ashuelyn, the home of his father.

      But it was a quiet passion which bored nobody, not even his wife.

      When conversation became general, with Querida as the centre around which it eddied, Neville, who had seated himself on the gray stone parapet near his sister, said in a low voice:

      "Well, how goes it, Lily?"

      "All right," she replied with boyish directness, but in the same low tone. "Mother and father have spent a week with us. You saw them in town?"

      "Of course. I'll run up to Spindrift House to see them as often as I can this summer…. How's the kid?"

      "Fine. Do you want to see him?"

      "Yes, I'd like to."

      His sister caught his hand, jumped up, and led him into the house to the nursery where a normal and in nowise extraordinary specimen of infancy reposed in a cradle, pink with slumber, one thumb inserted in its mouth.

      "Isn't he a wonder," murmured Neville, venturing to release the thumb.

      The young mother bent over, examining her offspring in all the eloquent silence of pride unutterable. After a little while she said: "I've got to feed him. Go back to the others, Louis, and say I'll be down after a while."

      He sauntered back through the comfortable but modest house, glancing absently about him on his way to the terrace, nodding to familiar faces among the servants, stopping to inspect a sketch of his own which he had done long ago and which his sister loved and he hated.

      "Rotten," he murmured—"it has an innocence about it that is actually more offensive than stupidity."

      On the terrace Stephanie Swift came over to him:

      "Do you want a single at tennis, Louis? The others are hot for Bridge—except Gordon Collis—and he is going to dicker with a farmer over some land he wants to buy."

      Neville looked at the others:

      "Do you mean to say that you people are going to sit here all hunched up around a table on a glorious day like this?"

      "We are," said Alexander Cameron, calmly breaking the seal of two fresh, packs. "You artists have nothing to do for a living except to paint pretty models, and when the week end comes you're in fine shape to caper and cut up didoes. But we business men are too tired to go galumphing over the greensward when Saturday arrives. It's a wicker chair and a 'high one,' and peaceful and improving cards for ours."

      Alice Annan laughed and glanced at Querida degrees Cameron's idea was her idea of what her brother Harry was doing for a living; but she wasn't sure that Querida would think it either flattering or humorous.

      But Jose Querida laughed, too, saying: "Quite right, Mr. Cameron. It's only bluff with, us; we never work. Life is one continual comic opera."

      "It's a cinch," murmured Cameron. "Stocks and bonds are exciting, but your business puts it all over us. Nobody would have to drive me to business every morning if there was a pretty model in a cosey studio awaiting me."

      "Sandy, you're rather horrid," said Miss Aulne, watching him sort out the jokers from the new packs and, with a skilful flip, send them scaling out, across the grass, for somebody to pick up.

      Cameron said: "How about this Trilby business, anyway, Miss Annan? You have a brother in it. Is the world of art full of pretty models clad in ballet skirts—when they wear anything? Is it all one mad, joyous melange of high-brow conversation discreetly peppered with low-brow revelry? Yes? No? Inform an art lover, please—as they say in the Times Saturday Review."

      "I don't know," said Miss Annan, laughing. "Harry never has anybody interesting in the studio when he lets me take tea there."

      Rose Aulne said: "I saw some photographs of a very beautiful girl in Sam Ogilvy's studio—a model. What is her name, Alice?—the one Sam and Harry are always raving over?"

      "They call her Valerie, I believe."

      "Yes, that's the one—Valerie West, isn't it? Is it, Louis? You know her, of course."

      Neville nodded coolly.

      "Introduce me," murmured Cameron, spreading a pack for cutting. "Perhaps she'd like to see the Stock Exchange when I'm at my best."

      "Is she such a beauty? Do you know her, too, Mr. Querida?" asked Rose Aulne.

      Querida laughed: "I do. Miss West is a most engaging, most amiable and cultivated girl, and truly very beautiful."

      "Oh! They are sometimes educated?" asked Stephanie, surprised.

      "Sometimes they are even equipped to enter almost any drawing-room in New York. It doesn't always require the very highest equipment to do that," he added, laughing.

      "That sounds like romantic fiction," observed Alice Annan. "You are a poet, Mr. Querida."

      "Oh, it's not often a girl like Valerie West crosses our path. I admit that. Now and then such a comet passes across our sky—or is reported. I never before saw any except this one."

      "If she's as much of a winner as all that," began Cameron with decision,

      "I want to meet her immediately—"

      "Mere brokers are out of it," said Alice…. "Cut, please."

      Rose Aulne said: "If you painters only knew it, your stupid studio teas would be far more interesting if you'd have a girl like this Valerie West to pour for you … and for us to see."

      "Yes," added Alice; "but they're a vain lot. They think we are unsophisticated enough to want to go to their old studios and be perfectly satisfied to look at their precious pictures, СКАЧАТЬ