The English Tenses. E. O. Khundaeva
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СКАЧАТЬ school?

      Did you want to learn English or French or perhaps (возможно) some other (другой) language (язык)?

      Did she apply for a grant (подавать заявку на грант)?

      Did they find out (выяснять) which types of the projects were eligible (проходной, приемлемый, подходящий)? – They did (Да, выясняли).

      Did you like it there in London (Тебе понравилось в Лондоне)? – Yes, I did. I did (действительно) like it there in London. It is admirable (восхитительный), glorious (прославленный), amazing (поразительный)), isn’t it (не так ли)? – Oh yes, no doubt (несомненно).


      Make up (придумать, составить) the interrogative sentences (вопросительное предложение), namely (а именно; в частности) the general (общий) questions in the Past Simple Tense. Mind (помните), the auxiliary (вспомогательный) verb «did» must be at the beginning of the question.

      Bring to your memory (вспомните) the word-order (порядок слов) in the general questions:

      1. The auxiliary (вспомогательный) verb (глагол).

      2. The subject (подлежащее) of the sentence (предложение).

      3. The main verb (основной глагол).

      4. The object (дополнение).

      5. The adverbial modifier (обстоятельство).

      Memorize (запомнить) the pattern (образец): Do you read books often?

      The special questions

      When did you begin to go to school?

      Where did you live when you began to go to school?

      Which school did you go to?

      How did you get to school (on foot – пешком, by tram, by bus, by trolley-bus, in a car)?

      When did you finish it?

      Which college or university did you enter?

      When did you enter the university or college?

      When did you graduate from the university?

      Where did you work after graduating from the university?

      The alternative questions

      Did you begin (начинать) to attend (посещать) school at 6 or 7?

      Did you live in Ulan-Ude when you began to go to school or did you live in some other place?

      Did you go to school on foot (пешком) or by some kind (вид) of transport?

      Did you learn (учить) English at school or at the college?

      Did you want (хотеть) to learn English or French or perhaps (возможно) some other (другой) tongue (язык)?

      Did she apply for a grant (подавать заявку на грант) or not yet?

      Did they find out (выяснять) which types of projects were eligible (проходной, приемлемый, подходящий) or not yet?

      The tag questions

      You learned English at school, didn’t you?

      You learned it willingly (охотно), didn’t you?

      He learned English since the early childhood (с раннего детства), didn’t he?

      He began to learn the foreign languages at an early age (в раннем возрасте), didn’t he?

      They left for lake Baikal early in the morning (рано утром), didn’t they?

      She went shopping early in the morning, didn’t she?

      He went to the hospital late at night (поздно вечером), didn’t he?

      You didn’t learn English at school, did you?

      You didn’t learn the foreign languages willingly (охотно), did you?

      He didn’t learn English since the early childhood (с раннего детства), did he?

      He didn’t begin to learn the foreign languages at an early age (в раннем возрасте), did he?

      The negative sentences

      You did not go there (туда).

      You did not understand me.

      You did not get (получить) the letter.

      You did not buy (купить) the tickets (билет)?

      You did not get it right (Вы не поняли это правильно).

      You did not learn English at school

      You did not apply for a grant (подавать заявку на грант).

      They did not find out (выяснять) which types of the projects were eligible (проходной, приемлемый, подходящий).

      The intensifying (усилительное) do, does, did

      I do observe all the conditions specified on the application form. Я действительно выполняю все условия, указанные на бланке заявки.

      He does know about that. Он на самом деле знает об этом.

      We did go there. Мы на самом деле ходили туда.

      They did complete the project. Фактически они завершили проект.

      Please, do come. Пожалуйста, обязательно приходите.

      Translate, please