Law, constant and formula of reason. Matrix. Information. Thoughts aloud. Law of Absurdity. Valery Abdullovich Asadov
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      When has arisen the Universe after 1 second the first stratum Installed was formed. There was an individually-quantitative reason of 6th view. It is the most powerful reason from all existing, except terminating God! It is the holographic virtual computer where nobody has access, except terminating Our Lord. The second stratum is an exterior hard disk, exterior storage, an exterior database where masters and builders have access only. There there are plans of God on the Universe system for masters and builders. The third stratum, there there are masters and builders where there is an operation on making holographic, virtual the Universe. The fourth stratum it for angels (angels have been created much later чам builders) for dialogue with the Son Divine. The fourth, the fifth and the sixth is that, other light where all arrive left with a material world. The seventh is a material world. Masters and builders are divided on two groups. The first builds the Universe at holographic virtual level, exteriorly builders of this division look as very powerful плазменно – energy structures. This site of builders creates the continuous virtual Universe.

      The second group of builders charges this holography with a substance, and builders are in centre of galaxies, in a kern to a galaxy. And exteriorly they look as black holes, but they дуальны as they have properties of white holes. They закачивают from the major Universe (parent) energy, a substance and substance which overwork in the necessary structures necessary for our Universe. Each builder simultaneously builds group of galaxies simultaneously, that is aggregations of galaxies, and it simultaneously is in all these kerns of galaxies. And occurs and to our mother Earth, about the beginning all is created on the holographic plan, and then charged with a substance.

      Fig. 3. About the beginning all is created on the holographic plan, and then charged with a substance.

      And so it goes always continuously and constantly. The first and second race just also there were not material, but holographic.

      There is a film the Matrix and many articles where affirms that we actually are in a matrix, it is true and untrue. Here take itself: you are material and perceived, you can be touched, felt and understood that you exist and are material. But your thoughts are virtual, and you can realise them a different expedient: – to draw, model, write product, verses and your thoughts all who wants, can see, hear and it there will be your incarnate thoughts and ideas. There is even the virtual city on the Internet where it is possible to walk and look. By the way a film “Thirteenth floor”, it is possible to tell very well features a matrix, conventionally certainly, but that that is in this film the interesting.


      God had an idea to create the person, and it has embodied this idea in itself (himself), that is we, it is thoughts, ideas of GOD and we are in thoughts (that is in the Holy Spirit) MISTERS. And in it our world and we simultaneously exist in a reality and virtualities (matrix). And ideas, it is thoughts of activity embodied in programs of our laws, it as games (an action, arcades, ммо, рпг, strategy), that is we have a created world (the founder the programmer) the Lord. Where we can live and operate, but in the certain frameworks erected by the programmer and ideas of game. One game it is good, but it not so is interesting.

      2.3. GOD AND CHESS

      Chess is very interesting, at them the perpetual set of variants of continuation and our world is as chess in which GOD plays. Here there is chess: quantity of variants of the beginning of game the small. But then, the further, the there are more than variants. So the Lord also has arrived: – has simultaneously put many chessboards (that is the Universes).

      Fig. 4. Here there is chess, and game now will begin!

      Also has begun a batch. From the beginning at all Universe development went equally. And than further distinction has gone: – where that in what that – is identical, and where that in what that – a miscellaneous. Where that tritely is more prompt, where that more slowly, at us oxygen, and where that fluorine (instead of oxygen). In a following world crystalline or silicon life where that all as at us, but hardly differs also all it exists simultaneously, as in the next worlds, and parallel. The next installed and parallel Universes, it is different in the structure and properties. From the next Universes penetration into our world, it is not possible. There are parallel Universe and the parallel worlds (the parallel world, let us assume, it for example our solar system cloned nonsinglely and parted from each other on fractions of a second, forks of events) is terrain clearancely different subjects, and they are formed on a miscellaneous causal and to laws. But there are penetrations from the parallel world in our world, where all like as at us, but not absolutely. An example: In the late thirties the last century, employees of People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs have impeded the suspicious citizen. He has been dressed not absolutely usually to those measures, he has been dressed as presently. And it had a certificate of the representative on the occupied band of Russia responsible the NATO. It also had with itself a pack of cigarettes of Kemel. Naturally it have sent in a psychiatric clinic. When in 1980 there were Olympic Games in Moscow. This former worker of People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs, having come home, has put on a table a vodka bottle, and has thrown a pack of cigarettes of Kemel on a table. Has poured a vodka glassful, and at once has drunk. All have been amazed. And he drank, sat and looked at this pack of cigarettes. And then, he has told this story. The NATO already is also cigarettes too. It was penetration from the parallel world. Just the same case was not so long ago in Japan. The person from the parallel world has arrived in Tokyo and has been impeded, when transited passport control, then it has disappeared. And it is a lot of such cases, but not all of them are widely known. There are hit cases in the world, subjects from the parallel world.


      The matrix yields updating of operation of programs by different methods and expedients. More often it occurs together with the Information and under its management.

      1. Programs of different views which follow matrix instructions are created. They are specially created people – programs which are completely identical to the person. Female are perfect and indistinguishable, but without soul, sleep with open eyes. And man’s with брачком, as always, and also without soul.

      2. Representatives of 3 and 4 races who visit dangerous people who should erase their thoughts and idea (such cases are fixed in the history). Because they can bring an irreparable damage to a matrix (type a virus). Sometimes there is a necessity, to erase them completely. And there is sometimes a necessity to clean these objects completely (to be yielded physical liquidation of these objects).

      3. And so-called “awards,” which follow matrix instructions. “An award of Nine” one them them.

      The father of “Lie” too has the groups, for attempts making of changes in the Matrix.

      1. It its personal servants, the former angels and any other evil spirit of a high rank.

      2. СКАЧАТЬ