English for sound operators. Английский язык для звукооператоров. Сборник текстов и упражнений по английскому языку. Ирина Ивановна Борисова
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СКАЧАТЬ gradually – постепенно

      • to encode – кодировать, шифровать

      • nascent – рождающийся, в стадии возникновения, появляющийся

      • supplementary – дополнительный, добавочный

      • medium (pl. media) – носитель

      • a variety of – разнообразие

      • integral part – (неотъемлемая) составляющая

      • codec – кодек (компрессор-декомпрессор) данных

      • high definition format – формат с высоким разрешением

      • allocate – размещать, распределять

      • content – содержание

      • clipping – ограничение (сигнала), отсечение

      5. Scan the article and use the words in brackets to complete the statements.

      1) The document «Recommendation for Multichannel Stereophonic Sound System With and Without Accompanying Picture» was issued in 1994 as a result of the… conducted by the ITU.

      2) The 1990s are characterized by development and proliferation of…

      3) In the 1990s, at least three main film digital surround sound encoding formats arrived on the scene: …, Dolby R Digital TM (technically called «AC-3»), and DTS TM.

      4) The DVD, which appeared in the mid – 1990s, provided the mass public with a… bringing surround sound right into their homes.

      5) Today, high definition formats enable the surround sound producer to allocate content without clipping and…

      (digital audio systems, Sony SDDSTM, sonic compromise, research, medium)

      6. Read the article in detail to find the answers to the questions below.

      1) What was the purpose of the ITU research done in the 1990s?

      2) Why may the ITU recommendation not be ideal for many music applications?

      3) What was one of the main characteristics of the 1990s regarding the sound production technologies?

      4) What was the focus in the exploration into surround sound throughout the 1990s?

      5) What event served as a springboard to a newly – born industry called home theater?

      6) What fact may be considered as one of the most important achievements proving that surround sound has finally come of age?

      7. Find the English equivalents of the following words and expressions in the text.

      Отвечающий, ответственный за; проводить научное исследование; главным образом; исходный материал; идеально подходящий; одинаково важные; использование цифрового аудио; по меньшей мере; появились на свет; способность нести закодированный объёмный звук; цифровое телевизионное вещание; их появление; одно из самых значительных достижений.

      Grammar revision: comparative and superlative adjectives

      The comparative form of adjectives is —er or more… The superlative form is —est or the most

      We use —er and —est for one-syllable words (short adjectives).

      High-higher-the highest, cheap-cheaper-the cheapest

      We use more… and the most… for longer adjectives.

      Difficult-more difficult-the most difficult, expensive-more expensive-the most expensive

      Some words are irregular: good-better-the best, bad-worse-the worst, and others.

      8. Use the adjectives given below in the comparative and superlative degrees. Mind the grammar rules. Some of the words are irregular.

      Example: suitable – more suitable – the most suitable

      Important, long, successful, little, high, good, remarkable, far, modern, popular, significant, short, meaningful, advanced.

      Present continuous and present perfect (simple).

      The present continuous is be + verb + ing (am/is/are + verb + ing)

      We use the present continuous tense.

      1) To talk about an action that is happening at the moment of speaking

      Don’t enter the studio. They are recording a song at the moment.

      2) To describe a temporary situation

      The engineers are working at the new audio scheme this month.

      3) To talk about changes occurring around now

      The role of this digital audio arrangement in recording studios all over the world is getting more and more important.

      4) When we are irritated (with always)

      He is always listening to loud music in the evenings.

      5) When we talk about arrangements and plans

      They are trying out the new device tomorrow.

      The present perfect simple is have + past participle.

      We use the present perfect tense.

      1) To talk about actions and states that started in the past and continue up to the present

      He has been a sound engineer for СКАЧАТЬ