Road To Success. Zhanna
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Название: Road To Success

Автор: Zhanna

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Современная русская литература


isbn: 9785449358691


СКАЧАТЬ to be behind him at this time.

      For the key message of this start, I took the words of Brian Tracey, a world-known business facilitator and to my opinion a great coach in personal development. “The way you consider yourself important is determined by the quality of your life, – he says, – Be not afraid to fail! Strong and self-confident people do not like to fail, but they’re not afraid of it. 95% of how you feel is determined by how you talk to yourself. Think positive! If you’re success – continue. If you fail – learn, become smarter, try again. Never give up! When you fail and you quit, you develop the habit of quitted. But if you fail and you persist, your habit becomes persistent”. That was a good conclusion of the month to step into the following with a commitment: “To Do What You Wanted To Do, but Not What You Think You Have To”. This initiative meant that the actions I took were taken from internal need and interest rather more than dictated by a social obligation. And it was started by a Mandala Dance.

      December 2015


      I was told about this kind of dance on several occasions and the most bizarre is that from various sources of my contacts. Coincidences come always with a purpose. I googled the topic and found it very spiritual. Insightful dance. It talks on sense of woman’s nature. Soft, sensual and flowing, it spreads the energy of tenderness. I did honestly like it. I selected the right music and danced it at home, free to mind, raising magic, nenlightening movements with enchanting beauty. May I to say that it would be an exciting performance if one be taken on a stage.

      Being much fascinated, my curiosity went further to explore. It found an international event gathering people of similar spirit, who love, practice or want to come for yoga, dance or music, in all-one state of mind or even beyond. Bali Spirit Festival had the dates on 29.03—03.04.2016. I even applied as volunteer to join the event management team that might become a memorable experience, so open and inspiring. However, the chance took differently and I didn’t receive any feedback. I took it obediently. No regrets. It was good knowledge even barring me this trip. My yoga classes continued. And that month I received a fantastic substance for the Festival there: an occasion to try even more amazing experience – a first-class training in hammock. They called it AntiGravity, and gave outstanding perception of weightlessness and fine stretching. I really enjoyed and went further.


      Saturation came through the Theatre HD, a global project broadcasting performances in the cinemas of your city. It gained popularity as initiative to acquaint people with international art, which gave them the opportunity to attend world premiers not leaving the home country. “Hamlet. Cumberbatch” was on my wish list, a strong and thrilling play with magic of adorable English. I was hunting its performance through variety of dates and cinemas, and stayed enthralled after its visiting. Similar happened in January with the film “Macbeth”, a true history of Scotland, recorded the grief of times in dauntless courage of warriors. Just issued on the screens, I watched it alone, in pure pleasure of the language, which took my breath and played it in tune to the music. Permeating to the soul of nation. I felt it very native. Mysterious and wordless.


      Were the lectures of one recommended business trainer. A wide-scale meaning “Context” raised a topical question: “Why do people stay inactive for the wishes they have?” He builds his message on analysis of 3 life-leading statements: “I want, I must. It’s needed.” and believes that none of those determines the true sense of whether you do something or not. The choice of your actions is based on definition “important – not important”. If anything gets done by you, it means it’s been important at that particular moment. If not – then the importance is only in theory and will keep you for ages in “wishing”, but not acting. Actually, you do not need any motivation for the things which are important for you, because you will do them in any case. However, actions may be also held by a benefit that hides behind of not doing something. It’s being revealed and described by another coach I was following after, Mr. John DeMartini, a referee for true people’s values and a great speaker. Following that line, I was slowly approaching to my field of harmony when I was doing the things that purely my soul wanted. It was really saturating.

      I remember other impressions of this month. Those were nice chatters with different people, a Christmas market and an ambulance help for one of my friends to whom I came with mustard plasters to treat from sneezing cold she got. I notified some good results in sport.

      My fitness announced the 71st release of Bodyballance program, and I liked it sincerely. It looked like a joy for my body to shift from familiar sets into new movements making the challenge quite habitual: you see – you break, you learn – you train, you succeed – and you enjoy.

      On December 30th, I did a post at Facebook:

      It’s the last training for this year. Ballet. The Dance of Flowers from the Nutcracker. I close my eyes and get seized by a whirl of music… What used to be achieved with an effort, now grows in a faint smile and feeling of the dance. There is still a lot to improve. We seemed to have mastered only a hundredth part of what is rightly to be called a ballet. But it doesn’t really matter. Important is the pleasure you get from all these tiptoes, stretching legs, the heels upturned, and back so straight. It’s physically hard, very true. Especially to part from barre and hold position on the toes. Today I was success to separate up to 3 seconds – I breathe. In conclusion of the class is stretching. My teacher lowered, no, laid me down in a split. My breath tangled in defiance of load for muscles. And only the perfectly set reflection in the mirror inhaled the might to relax and ground the floor. Is beautiful. One finalizing trait – a port de bras and a bow. The hands float in the air like Christmas snowflakes. I thank the world for being so beautiful and write to others!

      “To the coming Christmas, my dears!

      Love and beauty for the New Year!

      Enjoy the life, my friends!

      Love its breath!

      Value its expressions!

      Happiness to all your relatives!

      Happy coming Christmas!”

      And the New Year Eve arrived calm and full-fledged.

      * * *

      January 2016

      Magic of Christmas.

      I felt into affection and was sure it was a gift from my fate, carefully prepared with no preliminary notice and right for my birthday. It struck my confidence of being business-oriented to show colorfully how creative I might be. It gave me a lot of music at this period. And what a beautiful state arose! I felt so sincerely happy that I could never even imagine. My perception of world was dictated by music. I did some occasional writing. Was not considering it seriously, but suddenly it started flowing, easy, simple, with humble vocabulary, but was so notable that I paid more attention to that. The subject deserved investigation. Since childhood I was considered to have mathematical set of mind, and my only poetry was done at school as part of our home task in the English language. I made the literary translation of William Henry Davies poem, Leisure, written by him in 1911, and it was good. The work was recognized as benchmark in the class and I was happy to receive the best grade. That’s it. By now, dopey, there came a whole mine to discover!