The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction. Volume 19, No. 544, April 28, 1832. Various
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СКАЧАТЬ it, tickle it, lustily.

      Let us be seen on Hygale Greene,

      To dance for the honour of Holloway,

      Since we are come hither, let's spare for no leather,

      To dance for the honour of Holloway.

      Ed. Well said, my boys, I must have my lord's livery; what is't, a maypole? troth, 'twere a good body for a courtier's impreza, if it had but this life—Frustra storescit. Hold, cousin, hold.

      (He gives the fool money.)

      Fool. Thanks, cousin, when the lord my father's audit comes, we'll repay you again, your benevolence too, sir.

      Mam. What! a lord's son become a beggar!

      Fool. Why not, when beggars are become lord's sons. Come, 'tis but a trifle.

      Mam. Oh, sir, many a small make a great.

      Fool. No, sir, a few great make a many small. Come, my lords, poor and needy hath no law.

      Ed. Nor necessity no right. Drum, down with them into the cellar. Rest content, rest content, one bout more, and then away.

      Fool. Spoke like a true heart; I kiss thy foot, sweet knight.

      (The Morrice sing and dance, and exeunt.)




      We detach the following scene from one of Mr. Horace Smith's Tales of the Early Ages. The date is the fifth century, about twenty years after the final withdrawing of the Romans from Britain. The actors are Hengist, the Saxon chief, Guinessa, his daughter, betrothed to Oscar, a young prince, and Gryffhod, a Briton of some distinction, and proprietor of Caer-Broc, a villa on the Kentish coast, where the parties are sojourning. The incident embodies the superstition of sitting in the Druid's Chair, similar in its portentous moment to sitting in St. Michael's Chair, in Cornwall. It is told with considerable force and picturesque beauty.

      "In the morning, Hengist informed his daughter, to her no small dismay, that he meant to take her to Canterbury for the purpose of introducing her to her uncle Horsa, desiring her to make preparations for her immediate departure. 'But before I leave Caer-Broc,' said the Saxon, 'I would fain mount that lofty cliff up which I climbed fifteen years ago, in order that I might discover, if possible, upon what coast the storm had cast me. It commands, as I recollect, an extensive inland view, and I would show my fellow-soldiers the beauty of the country into which I have led them.'

      "'It must have been the Druid's Chair, for that is the loftiest headland upon our coast.'

      "'The higher the better, my child, for so shall we gain the wider prospect. The morning is at present, clear, and I would climb the cliff before those clouds which I see gathering in the west, shall be blown hither to intercept our prospect.' So saying, he invited his comrades, as well as Oscar, to accompany him; while Gryffhod, on learning his purpose, joined his party with Leoline and others of his men, in order that they might render assistance, should any such be required, in climbing the broken and somewhat perilous ascent to the dizzy summit of the cliff. Ropes were provided in case of accident, as persons had more than once slipped from the narrow ledge, and fallen upon lower fragments of the cliff, whence they could be only extricated by hauling them up.

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      See Mirror, vol. xiii. p. 33.


      A graphic Account of the Colosseum, from the apt pen of Mr. Britton, the architect.



See Mirror, vol. xiii. p. 33.


A graphic Account of the Colosseum, from the apt pen of Mr. Britton, the architect.


See Mirror, vol. xiii. p. 97.