A History of North American Birds, Land Birds. Volume 1. Robert Ridgway
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Название: A History of North American Birds, Land Birds. Volume 1

Автор: Robert Ridgway

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Биология




СКАЧАТЬ bill and feet of this species are lead-color. The third, fourth, and fifth quills are longest; the third and eighth about equal; the second is shorter than the shortest primaries. The lateral tail-feathers are a little shorter than the others.

      A specimen from Fort Thorn has the crest longer than in other specimens before me, measuring 1.35 inches from base of bill to its tip. This may be a characteristic of the male, the sexes being otherwise alike.

      Habits. The Gray Titmouse belongs essentially to the Pacific coast, coming eastward only as far as the banks of the Rio Grande in Texas. It was first discovered and described by Dr. Gambel, in his Birds of California. It has since been met with not only throughout California, but also in all the southern portions of the Rocky Mountains, in New Mexico, and from Mimbres to the Rio Grande.

      Dr. Woodhouse met with this species in the San Francisco Mountains, near the Little Colorado River, New Mexico. He found it very abundant, feeding among the tall pines in company with the Sitta pygmæa, S. aculeata, and Parus montanus.

      Dr. Gambel first noticed this species near Monterey on the 20th of November. It was flitting actively about among the evergreen oaks of that vicinity in company with large flocks of several kindred species. They were all in restless activity, searching every branch for insects. As well as he could distinguish its notes among those of the busy throng in the midst of which he observed it, they appeared to resemble very closely those of the common P. atricapillus. Upon his following it up, it would utter a loud scolding outcry, erect its high and pointed crest, and appear as angry as possible at the intrusion. He found it very common, frequenting tall bushes in small flocks, searching branches of low trees, uttering weak and slender cries, resembling the syllables tsēē dāy-dāy.

      Dr. Heermann found it one of the most common of the birds of California, where it is resident throughout the year. He describes their notes as possessing an almost endless variety, so much so that he was repeatedly prompted to follow it as a new species. He met with a nest of this bird in a deserted woodpecker’s hole, which contained young.

      Dr. Cooper has met with this species in February near San Diego, but not on the Colorado. They seem to prefer the evergreen-oak groves toward the middle of the State, but are not found in the higher Sierra Nevada. They are residents throughout the year in the evergreen oaks near San Francisco. He adds that they are seen in small parties, scattered about the trees, and calling to each other with a variety of sweet and loud notes, some of which are said to equal those of our best singers. It also has certain powers of imitation like the Eastern crested species and the same cry of pēto-pēto.

      It feeds on acorns as well as insects, and often goes to the ground in search of them. It cracks the acorns with its bill, and hammers at bark and decayed wood with the industry of a woodpecker.

      Mr. Ridgway met with this species among the pines of the eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada, but nowhere in abundance. Among the cedars it was almost the only bird seen. He describes its manners as greatly resembling those of the other species. Its notes, though differing from those of the Eastern L. bicolor, being weaker and less distinct, retain its vehement and characteristic manner of utterance.


      Lophophanes wollweberi, Bon. C. R. XXXI, Sept. 1850, 478.—Westermann, Bijdr. Dierkunde, III, 1851, 15, plate.—Baird, Birds N. Am. 1858, 386, pl. liii, fig. 1; Review, 79.—Sclater, P. Z. S. 1858, 299 (Oaxaca, high lands).—Ib. Catal. 1861, 14, No. 89.—Cooper, Birds Cal. 1, 43. Parus annexus, Cassin, Pr. A. N. Sc. V, Oct. 1850, 103, pl. i. Lophophanes galeatus, Cabanis, Mus. Hein. 1850, 1851, 90.

      Sp. Char. Central portion of crest ash, encircled by black, commencing as a frontal band, and passing over the eye. Chin, throat, and a line from behind the eye and curving round the auriculars to the throat (bordered behind by white), as also some occipital feathers, black. A white line from above the eye margining the crest, with the cheeks below the eye and under parts generally white. A black half-collar on the nape. Upper parts of body ashy. Length, about 4.50; wing, 2.50.

      Hab. Southern Rocky Mountains of United States, and along table-lands through Mexico, to Oaxaca (high regions, Sclater). Orizaba (Alpine regions, Sum.).

      Habits. Wollweber’s Titmouse, so far as its distribution is known, is a bird of Western Texas, the high table-lands of Mexico, and of the whole of New Mexico. It was described by Bonaparte and by Cassin nearly simultaneously, in 1850. It bears a very close resemblance to the Lophophanes cristatus of Europe.

      Although comparatively nothing is known in reference to the specific habits of this species, they may be very readily inferred from those of the other members of this genus, whose characteristics are all so well marked and so uniform. Dr. Kennerly is the only one of our naturalists who has mentioned meeting the species in its living form. In his Report upon the Birds of Lieutenant Whipple’s Survey he states that he found it in the thick bushes along the Pueblo Creek. Wherever noticed it was constantly in motion, hopping from twig to twig in search of its food. He also found it among the pines of the Aztec Mountains. No mention is made of its nest or eggs, and its nidification remains to be ascertained.

Genus PARUS, Linnæus

      Parus, Linnæus, Syst. Nat. 1735. (Type, P. major.)

      Gen. Char. Head not crested. Body and head full. Tail moderately long, and slightly rounded. Bill conical, not very stout; the upper and under outlines very gently and slightly convex. Tarsus but little longer than middle toe. Head and neck generally black or brown, with sides white. Nest in holes. Eggs white, sprinkled with red.

      In the group, as defined above, are embraced several genera of modern systematists. The true black-capped American Titmice belong to the section Pœcile of Kaup, and exhibit but three well-marked forms; one, P. montanus, with a white stripe over the eye; one, atricapillus, without it, with black head; and one, hudsonicus, also without it, and with brown head. The species may be arranged as follows:—

1. Head and neck, above and beneath, black; their sides white

      A. A broad white stripe above the eye, meeting across forehead.

      1. P. montanus. Edges of wing-coverts, secondaries, and tail scarcely paler than general tint above. Beneath ashy-whitish, medially. Wing, 2.85; tail, 2.50; bill (along culmen), .50; tarsus, .69; middle toe, .43; wing-formula, 4 = 5, 3 = 6, 7, 2; graduation of tail, .18. Hab. Mountain regions of Middle and Western United States.

      B. No white stripe above the eye.

      a. Tail as long as, or longer than, wing. conspicuous white edgings to wing-coverts, secondaries, and tail-feathers.

      2. P. atricapillus.

      Dorsal region yellowish-cinereous, wings and tail purer ash; sides light ochraceous. White edgings of tail-feathers not margining their ends. Wing, 2.60; tail, 2.60; bill, .40; tarsus, .62; middle toe, .36; wing-formula, 4, 5, 6, 3, 7, 8, 2 = 9; graduation of tail, .30. (12,851 ♂: Brooklyn, N. Y.) Hab. Eastern Province of North America, north of about 39° … var. atricapillus.

      Dorsal region and sides with scarcely a perceptible yellowish tinge; white edgings of tail-feathers passing around their ends. Beneath whitish. Wing, 2.75; tail, 2.80; culmen, .35; tarsus, .65; middle toe, .40; wing-formula, 5, 4 = 6, 3 = 7, 8, 2 = 9; graduation of tail, .50. (3704 ♂? Salt Lake City, Utah.) Hab. Region of Missouri River and Rocky Mountains … var. septentrionalis.

      Colors as in atricapillus, but much darker. Beneath more ochraceous. Wing, 2.40; tail, 2.50; culmen, .40; tarsus, .60; middle СКАЧАТЬ