William Calhoun and the Black Feather. Book I. Aik Iskandaryan
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СКАЧАТЬ or eat carrion, like all ravens.»

      «So, you’re saying that this isn’t a White Raven feather?»

      «I’m saying that this is a rather dangerous feather, young man!» Mister Wellington said. «Think well before using it. Reckless use of this magic feather and at this young age may lead to serious trouble.»

      «Thank you, I’ll keep that in mind,» William replied politely. «So, may I register it?»

      Instead of answering, Mister Wellington opened a large book that lay on the counter beside him. He brought the feather close to his eyes to see the name written on it and froze. Then he said very quietly:

      «Calhoun…» Mister Wellington’s eyes went slowly up to look at William, then, just as slowly, dropped back to the inscription.

      «What’s surprised you so much?» William asked.

      But Mister Wellington, still silent, bent over the open book and started looking through it quickly.

      The book itself deserved a special mention. Its feathered black cover seemed to be alive, and distant bird cries that were coming from its pages terrified William. Soon, Mister Wellington found the page he needed and pressed the tip of the feather to it. At the same moment, the book slammed shut on its own accord. Mister Wellington barely had time to lift the feather from the page in one quick movement. Then he looked up at William and said strictly:

      «Your feather, young wizard! Under no circumstances it can be registered in this book!»

      «But…» William had no idea what was going on. «Why?»

      «The registration record with the information about your feather…»

      «What’s wrong with it?»

      «…has been in the Feather Tome for a long time, which automatically excludes its second registration!»

      «Whose name is it registered under?»

      Mister Wellington opened the Feather Tome again on the required page, scanned the entries and found the one he needed.

      «The name of the owner disappeared from the pages of the Feather Tome long time ago!» he said strictly.

      «What does this mean?» William started to feel really worried.

      «That he is long dead!»

      At that, William felt completely lost, not knowing what to do now. Meanwhile, Mister Wellington continued:

      «Names disappear from the pages of the Feather Tome only in this case!»

      «You mean,» William asked once more, «I can’t register this feather again?»

      «A magic feather cannot be registered twice, as it cannot serve two owners even if it has been inherited. Thus, allowing you to use it will violate article 64 of the Wizard Constitution stating that illegal use of magic feathers by anyone is persecuted and severely punished by wizhunters. But…» Mister Wellington suddenly fell silent.

      «But what, sir?» William had already said a mental goodbye to studying at the Preparatory Course and to everything that came after it.

      «…considering the fact that you are using it and that it’s been with you for a long time, besides, it recognizes you as its owner, and if we consider the fact that magic feathers don’t serve strangers… and are free to choose a wizard for themselves…»

      «Then what?» This long listing of all the facts and rules William didn’t understand made the waiting completely unbearable for him.

      «Then there’s no law violation in this!» Mister Wellington finished his thought.

      William felt the lump in his throat starting to melt and his hands stop sweating.

      «So I may use it because it is already in the Feather Tome?»

      «That’s right, young Calhoun!»

      «In that case, thank you,» William said sincerely and turned to leave, but at that moment, the old man called out:

      «Mister Calhoun!»

      «Yes?» William turned around.

      «Always keep the feather close to you and give it to no one! Your feather is able of committing any kinds of heroic acts, but at the same time it is capable of truly horrible things.»

      William was overwhelmed with happiness. First of all, he’d registered his magic feather. Secondly, he was up for the unknown study at the Preparatory Course of magic. Perhaps, that was why he didn’t pay due attention to the last words of Mister Wellington and just replied politely:

      «I’ll remember, sir! Good day!» and walked towards the door.

      At the same moment, a shrill eagle cry pierced the room. He turned around in fright and saw that the nest-shaped counter was empty again and the birds that had been sitting quietly on their places were flying around chaotically, filling the room with the noise.

      William hurried to leave the room and shut the door behind himself with relief as he headed to Nymus.

      «Master Calhoun!» he called out happily. «I hope everything is fine?»

      William nodded and Nymus and he left the Feather Nest and started walking along the street filled with wizards and other creatures, unfamiliar to William.

      «Where are we, Nymus?» he asked, looking around this strange street.

      «Feather Street!» Nymus replied. «Mostly, visiting wizards live here.»

      As they were passing one of the numerous shop windows, William read the name «Fancy Wizard’. There were several dozen dummies with robes of different designs, lengths and colours.

      «Did it go well?» Nymus asked again.

      «Yes! Partially!»

      And William told him about his odd misadventures in detail. Nymus listened quietly, but in the end, he said:

      «Do not worry! At least, now you are the owner of a registered feather, which means we can send a letter to the Wizard Education Department and apply for the Preparatory Course! I shall handle it. Master Calhoun has nothing more to worry about.»

      «I’m so grateful to you for everything you’re doing for me, Nymus!»

      «Serving Master Calhoun is my duty!» he responded.

      «Where to now?» William asked briskly.

      «I shall peregrine Master Calhoun to the Blackfriars Lane, then I shall return to the Magic Post Office and start on the letter to the Department. The answer should come by the evening.»

      With that, he took Williams’ hand and they peregrined.

      Chapter six

      The Six O-Clocker

      Several hours had passed before Nymus appeared СКАЧАТЬ